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VS Code API is a set of JavaScript APIs that you can invoke in your Visual Studio Code extension. This page lists all VS Code APIs available to extension authors.

API namespaces and classes

This listing is compiled from the vscode.d.ts file from the VS Code repository.


Namespace for authentication.


onDidChangeSessions: Event<AuthenticationSessionsChangeEvent>

An event which fires when the authentication sessions of an authentication provider have been added, removed, or changed.


getSession(providerId: string, scopes: string[], options: AuthenticationGetSessionOptions & {createIfNone: true}): Thenable<AuthenticationSession>

Get an authentication session matching the desired scopes. Rejects if a provider with providerId is not registered, or if the user does not consent to sharing authentication information with the extension. If there are multiple sessions with the same scopes, the user will be shown a quickpick to select which account they would like to use.

Currently, there are only two authentication providers that are contributed from built in extensions to VS Code that implement GitHub and Microsoft authentication: their providerId's are 'github' and 'microsoft'.

providerId: string

The id of the provider to use

scopes: string[]

A list of scopes representing the permissions requested. These are dependent on the authentication provider

options: AuthenticationGetSessionOptions & {createIfNone: true}

A thenable that resolves to an authentication session

getSession(providerId: string, scopes: string[], options?: AuthenticationGetSessionOptions): Thenable<AuthenticationSession | undefined>

Get an authentication session matching the desired scopes. Rejects if a provider with providerId is not registered, or if the user does not consent to sharing authentication information with the extension. If there are multiple sessions with the same scopes, the user will be shown a quickpick to select which account they would like to use.

Currently, there are only two authentication providers that are contributed from built in extensions to VS Code that implement GitHub and Microsoft authentication: their providerId's are 'github' and 'microsoft'.

providerId: string

The id of the provider to use

scopes: string[]

A list of scopes representing the permissions requested. These are dependent on the authentication provider

options?: AuthenticationGetSessionOptions
Thenable<AuthenticationSession | undefined>

A thenable that resolves to an authentication session if available, or undefined if there are no sessions


Namespace for dealing with commands. In short, a command is a function with a unique identifier. The function is sometimes also called command handler.

Commands can be added to the editor using the registerCommand and registerTextEditorCommand functions. Commands can be executed manually or from a UI gesture. Those are:

  • palette - Use the commands-section in package.json to make a command show in the command palette.
  • keybinding - Use the keybindings-section in package.json to enable keybindings for your extension.

Commands from other extensions and from the editor itself are accessible to an extension. However, when invoking an editor command not all argument types are supported.

This is a sample that registers a command handler and adds an entry for that command to the palette. First register a command handler with the identifier extension.sayHello.

commands.registerCommand('extension.sayHello', () => {
    window.showInformationMessage('Hello World!');

Second, bind the command identifier to a title under which it will show in the palette (package.json).

    "contributes": {
        "commands": [{
            "command": "extension.sayHello",
            "title": "Hello World"


executeCommand<T>(command: string, any[]): Thenable<T | undefined>

Executes the command denoted by the given command identifier.

  • Note 1: When executing an editor command not all types are allowed to be passed as arguments. Allowed are the primitive types string, boolean, number, undefined, and null, as well as Position, Range, Uri and Location.
  • Note 2: There are no restrictions when executing commands that have been contributed by extensions.
command: string

Identifier of the command to execute. any[]

Parameters passed to the command function.

Thenable<T | undefined>

A thenable that resolves to the returned value of the given command. undefined when the command handler function doesn't return anything.

getCommands(filterInternal?: boolean): Thenable<string[]>

Retrieve the list of all available commands. Commands starting with an underscore are treated as internal commands.

filterInternal?: boolean

Set true to not see internal commands (starting with an underscore)


Thenable that resolves to a list of command ids.

registerCommand(command: string, callback: (args: any[]) => any, thisArg?: any): Disposable

Registers a command that can be invoked via a keyboard shortcut, a menu item, an action, or directly.

Registering a command with an existing command identifier twice will cause an error.

command: string

A unique identifier for the command.

callback: (args: any[]) => any

A command handler function.

thisArg?: any

The this context used when invoking the handler function.


Disposable which unregisters this command on disposal.

registerTextEditorCommand(command: string, callback: (textEditor: TextEditor, edit: TextEditorEdit, args: any[]) => void, thisArg?: any): Disposable

Registers a text editor command that can be invoked via a keyboard shortcut, a menu item, an action, or directly.

Text editor commands are different from ordinary commands as they only execute when there is an active editor when the command is called. Also, the command handler of an editor command has access to the active editor and to an edit-builder. Note that the edit-builder is only valid while the callback executes.

command: string

A unique identifier for the command.

callback: (textEditor: TextEditor, edit: TextEditorEdit, args: any[]) => void

A command handler function with access to an editor and an edit.

thisArg?: any

The this context used when invoking the handler function.


Disposable which unregisters this command on disposal.



createCommentController(id: string, label: string): CommentController

Creates a new comment controller instance.

id: string

An id for the comment controller.

label: string

A human-readable string for the comment controller.


An instance of comment controller.


Namespace for debug functionality.


activeDebugConsole: DebugConsole

The currently active debug console. If no debug session is active, output sent to the debug console is not shown.

activeDebugSession: DebugSession | undefined

The currently active debug session or undefined. The active debug session is the one represented by the debug action floating window or the one currently shown in the dropdown menu of the debug action floating window. If no debug session is active, the value is undefined.

breakpoints: Breakpoint[]

List of breakpoints.


onDidChangeActiveDebugSession: Event<DebugSession | undefined>

An event which fires when the active debug session has changed. Note that the event also fires when the active debug session changes to undefined.

onDidChangeBreakpoints: Event<BreakpointsChangeEvent>

An event that is emitted when the set of breakpoints is added, removed, or changed.

onDidReceiveDebugSessionCustomEvent: Event<DebugSessionCustomEvent>

An event which fires when a custom DAP event is received from the debug session.

onDidStartDebugSession: Event<DebugSession>

An event which fires when a new debug session has been started.

onDidTerminateDebugSession: Event<DebugSession>

An event which fires when a debug session has terminated.


addBreakpoints(breakpoints: Breakpoint[]): void

Add breakpoints.

breakpoints: Breakpoint[]

The breakpoints to add.


asDebugSourceUri(source: DebugProtocolSource, session?: DebugSession): Uri

Converts a "Source" descriptor object received via the Debug Adapter Protocol into a Uri that can be used to load its contents. If the source descriptor is based on a path, a file Uri is returned. If the source descriptor uses a reference number, a specific debug Uri (scheme 'debug') is constructed that requires a corresponding VS Code ContentProvider and a running debug session

If the "Source" descriptor has insufficient information for creating the Uri, an error is thrown.

source: DebugProtocolSource

An object conforming to the Source type defined in the Debug Adapter Protocol.

session?: DebugSession

An optional debug session that will be used when the source descriptor uses a reference number to load the contents from an active debug session.


A uri that can be used to load the contents of the source.

registerDebugAdapterDescriptorFactory(debugType: string, factory: DebugAdapterDescriptorFactory): Disposable

Register a debug adapter descriptor factory for a specific debug type. An extension is only allowed to register a DebugAdapterDescriptorFactory for the debug type(s) defined by the extension. Otherwise an error is thrown. Registering more than one DebugAdapterDescriptorFactory for a debug type results in an error.

debugType: string

The debug type for which the factory is registered.

factory: DebugAdapterDescriptorFactory

A disposable that unregisters this factory when being disposed.

registerDebugAdapterTrackerFactory(debugType: string, factory: DebugAdapterTrackerFactory): Disposable

Register a debug adapter tracker factory for the given debug type.

debugType: string

The debug type for which the factory is registered or '*' for matching all debug types.

factory: DebugAdapterTrackerFactory

A disposable that unregisters this factory when being disposed.

registerDebugConfigurationProvider(debugType: string, provider: DebugConfigurationProvider, triggerKind?: DebugConfigurationProviderTriggerKind): Disposable

Register a debug configuration provider for a specific debug type. The optional triggerKind can be used to specify when the provideDebugConfigurations method of the provider is triggered. Currently two trigger kinds are possible: with the value Initial (or if no trigger kind argument is given) the provideDebugConfigurations method is used to provide the initial debug configurations to be copied into a newly created launch.json. With the trigger kind Dynamic the provideDebugConfigurations method is used to dynamically determine debug configurations to be presented to the user (in addition to the static configurations from the launch.json). Please note that the triggerKind argument only applies to the provideDebugConfigurations method: so the resolveDebugConfiguration methods are not affected at all. Registering a single provider with resolve methods for different trigger kinds, results in the same resolve methods called multiple times. More than one provider can be registered for the same type.

debugType: string
provider: DebugConfigurationProvider
triggerKind?: DebugConfigurationProviderTriggerKind

The trigger for which the 'provideDebugConfiguration' method of the provider is registered. If triggerKind is missing, the value DebugConfigurationProviderTriggerKind.Initial is assumed.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

removeBreakpoints(breakpoints: Breakpoint[]): void

Remove breakpoints.

breakpoints: Breakpoint[]

The breakpoints to remove.


startDebugging(folder: WorkspaceFolder | undefined, nameOrConfiguration: string | DebugConfiguration, parentSessionOrOptions?: DebugSession | DebugSessionOptions): Thenable<boolean>

Start debugging by using either a named launch or named compound configuration, or by directly passing a DebugConfiguration. The named configurations are looked up in '.vscode/launch.json' found in the given folder. Before debugging starts, all unsaved files are saved and the launch configurations are brought up-to-date. Folder specific variables used in the configuration (e.g. '${workspaceFolder}') are resolved against the given folder.

folder: WorkspaceFolder | undefined

The workspace folder for looking up named configurations and resolving variables or undefined for a non-folder setup.

nameOrConfiguration: string | DebugConfiguration

Either the name of a debug or compound configuration or a DebugConfiguration object.

parentSessionOrOptions?: DebugSession | DebugSessionOptions

Debug session options. When passed a parent debug session, assumes options with just this parent session.


A thenable that resolves when debugging could be successfully started.

stopDebugging(session?: DebugSession): Thenable<void>

Stop the given debug session or stop all debug sessions if session is omitted.

session?: DebugSession

The debug session to stop; if omitted all sessions are stopped.



Namespace describing the environment the editor runs in.


appName: string

The application name of the editor, like 'VS Code'.

appRoot: string

The application root folder from which the editor is running.

Note that the value is the empty string when running in an environment that has no representation of an application root folder.

clipboard: Clipboard

The system clipboard.

language: string

Represents the preferred user-language, like de-CH, fr, or en-US.

machineId: string

A unique identifier for the computer.

remoteName: string | undefined

The name of a remote. Defined by extensions, popular samples are wsl for the Windows Subsystem for Linux or ssh-remote for remotes using a secure shell.

Note that the value is undefined when there is no remote extension host but that the value is defined in all extension hosts (local and remote) in case a remote extension host exists. Use Extension#extensionKind to know if a specific extension runs remote or not.

sessionId: string

A unique identifier for the current session. Changes each time the editor is started.

shell: string

The detected default shell for the extension host, this is overridden by the setting for the extension host's platform. Note that in environments that do not support a shell the value is the empty string.

uiKind: UIKind

The UI kind property indicates from which UI extensions are accessed from. For example, extensions could be accessed from a desktop application or a web browser.

uriScheme: string

The custom uri scheme the editor registers to in the operating system.


asExternalUri(target: Uri): Thenable<Uri>

Resolves a uri to form that is accessible externally. Currently only supports https:, http: and vscode.env.uriScheme uris.

http: or https: scheme

Resolves an external uri, such as a http: or https: link, from where the extension is running to a uri to the same resource on the client machine.

This is a no-op if the extension is running on the client machine.

If the extension is running remotely, this function automatically establishes a port forwarding tunnel from the local machine to target on the remote and returns a local uri to the tunnel. The lifetime of the port forwarding tunnel is managed by VS Code and the tunnel can be closed by the user.

Note that uris passed through openExternal are automatically resolved and you should not call asExternalUri on them.


Creates a uri that - if opened in a browser (e.g. via openExternal) - will result in a registered UriHandler to trigger.

Extensions should not make any assumptions about the resulting uri and should not alter it in anyway. Rather, extensions can e.g. use this uri in an authentication flow, by adding the uri as callback query argument to the server to authenticate to.

Note that if the server decides to add additional query parameters to the uri (e.g. a token or secret), it will appear in the uri that is passed to the UriHandler.

Example of an authentication flow:

  handleUri(uri: vscode.Uri): vscode.ProviderResult<void> {
    if (uri.path === '/did-authenticate') {

const callableUri = await vscode.env.asExternalUri(vscode.Uri.parse(`${vscode.env.uriScheme}://my.extension/did-authenticate`));
await vscode.env.openExternal(callableUri);

Note that extensions should not cache the result of asExternalUri as the resolved uri may become invalid due to a system or user action — for example, in remote cases, a user may close a port forwarding tunnel that was opened by asExternalUri.

target: Uri

A uri that can be used on the client machine.

openExternal(target: Uri): Thenable<boolean>

Opens a link externally using the default application. Depending on the used scheme this can be:

  • a browser (http:, https:)
  • a mail client (mailto:)
  • VSCode itself (vscode: from vscode.env.uriScheme)

Note that showTextDocument is the right way to open a text document inside the editor, not this function.

target: Uri

The uri that should be opened.


A promise indicating if open was successful.


Namespace for dealing with installed extensions. Extensions are represented by an extension-interface which enables reflection on them.

Extension writers can provide APIs to other extensions by returning their API public surface from the activate-call.

export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
    let api = {
        sum(a, b) {
            return a + b;
        mul(a, b) {
            return a * b;
    // 'export' public api-surface
    return api;

When depending on the API of another extension add an extensionDependencies-entry to package.json, and use the getExtension-function and the exports-property, like below:

let mathExt = extensions.getExtension('genius.math');
let importedApi = mathExt.exports;

console.log(importedApi.mul(42, 1));


all: ReadonlyArray<Extension<any>>

All extensions currently known to the system.


onDidChange: Event<void>

An event which fires when extensions.all changes. This can happen when extensions are installed, uninstalled, enabled or disabled.


getExtension(extensionId: string): Extension<any> | undefined

Get an extension by its full identifier in the form of:

extensionId: string

An extension identifier.

Extension<any> | undefined

An extension or undefined.

getExtension<T>(extensionId: string): Extension<T> | undefined

Get an extension by its full identifier in the form of:

extensionId: string

An extension identifier.

Extension<T> | undefined

An extension or undefined.


Namespace for participating in language-specific editor features, like IntelliSense, code actions, diagnostics etc.

Many programming languages exist and there is huge variety in syntaxes, semantics, and paradigms. Despite that, features like automatic word-completion, code navigation, or code checking have become popular across different tools for different programming languages.

The editor provides an API that makes it simple to provide such common features by having all UI and actions already in place and by allowing you to participate by providing data only. For instance, to contribute a hover all you have to do is provide a function that can be called with a TextDocument and a Position returning hover info. The rest, like tracking the mouse, positioning the hover, keeping the hover stable etc. is taken care of by the editor.

languages.registerHoverProvider('javascript', {
    provideHover(document, position, token) {
        return new Hover('I am a hover!');

Registration is done using a document selector which is either a language ID, like javascript or a more complex filter like { language: 'typescript', scheme: 'file' }. Matching a document against such a selector will result in a score that is used to determine if and how a provider shall be used. When scores are equal the provider that came last wins. For features that allow full arity, like hover, the score is only checked to be >0, for other features, like IntelliSense the score is used for determining the order in which providers are asked to participate.


onDidChangeDiagnostics: Event<DiagnosticChangeEvent>

An event which fires when the global set of diagnostics changes. This is newly added and removed diagnostics.


createDiagnosticCollection(name?: string): DiagnosticCollection

Create a diagnostics collection.

name?: string

The name of the collection.


A new diagnostic collection.

getDiagnostics(resource: Uri): Diagnostic[]

Get all diagnostics for a given resource.

resource: Uri

A resource


An array of diagnostics objects or an empty array.

getDiagnostics(): [Uri, Diagnostic[]][]

Get all diagnostics.

[Uri, Diagnostic[]][]

An array of uri-diagnostics tuples or an empty array.

getLanguages(): Thenable<string[]>

Return the identifiers of all known languages.


Promise resolving to an array of identifier strings.

match(selector: DocumentSelector, document: TextDocument): number

Compute the match between a document selector and a document. Values greater than zero mean the selector matches the document.

A match is computed according to these rules:

  1. When DocumentSelector is an array, compute the match for each contained DocumentFilter or language identifier and take the maximum value.
  2. A string will be desugared to become the language-part of a DocumentFilter, so "fooLang" is like { language: "fooLang" }.
  3. A DocumentFilter will be matched against the document by comparing its parts with the document. The following rules apply:
    1. When the DocumentFilter is empty ({}) the result is 0
    2. When scheme, language, or pattern are defined but one doesn’t match, the result is 0
    3. Matching against * gives a score of 5, matching via equality or via a glob-pattern gives a score of 10
    4. The result is the maximum value of each match


// default document from disk (file-scheme)
doc.uri; //'file:///my/file.js'
doc.languageId; // 'javascript'
match('javascript', doc); // 10;
match({language: 'javascript'}, doc); // 10;
match({language: 'javascript', scheme: 'file'}, doc); // 10;
match('*', doc); // 5
match('fooLang', doc); // 0
match(['fooLang', '*'], doc); // 5

// virtual document, e.g. from git-index
doc.uri; // 'git:/my/file.js'
doc.languageId; // 'javascript'
match('javascript', doc); // 10;
match({language: 'javascript', scheme: 'git'}, doc); // 10;
match('*', doc); // 5
selector: DocumentSelector

A document selector.

document: TextDocument

A text document.


A number >0 when the selector matches and 0 when the selector does not match.

registerCallHierarchyProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: CallHierarchyProvider): Disposable

Register a call hierarchy provider.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: CallHierarchyProvider

A call hierarchy provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerCodeActionsProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: CodeActionProvider, metadata?: CodeActionProviderMetadata): Disposable

Register a code action provider.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are asked in parallel and the results are merged. A failing provider (rejected promise or exception) will not cause a failure of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: CodeActionProvider

A code action provider.

metadata?: CodeActionProviderMetadata

Metadata about the kind of code actions the provider provides.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerCodeLensProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: CodeLensProvider): Disposable

Register a code lens provider.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are asked in parallel and the results are merged. A failing provider (rejected promise or exception) will not cause a failure of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: CodeLensProvider

A code lens provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerColorProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: DocumentColorProvider): Disposable

Register a color provider.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are asked in parallel and the results are merged. A failing provider (rejected promise or exception) will not cause a failure of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: DocumentColorProvider

A color provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerCompletionItemProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: CompletionItemProvider, ...triggerCharacters: string[]): Disposable

Register a completion provider.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are sorted by their score and groups of equal score are sequentially asked for completion items. The process stops when one or many providers of a group return a result. A failing provider (rejected promise or exception) will not fail the whole operation.

A completion item provider can be associated with a set of triggerCharacters. When trigger characters are being typed, completions are requested but only from providers that registered the typed character. Because of that trigger characters should be different than word characters, a common trigger character is . to trigger member completions.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: CompletionItemProvider

A completion provider.

...triggerCharacters: string[]

Trigger completion when the user types one of the characters.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerDeclarationProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: DeclarationProvider): Disposable

Register a declaration provider.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are asked in parallel and the results are merged. A failing provider (rejected promise or exception) will not cause a failure of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: DeclarationProvider

A declaration provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerDefinitionProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: DefinitionProvider): Disposable

Register a definition provider.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are asked in parallel and the results are merged. A failing provider (rejected promise or exception) will not cause a failure of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: DefinitionProvider

A definition provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerDocumentFormattingEditProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: DocumentFormattingEditProvider): Disposable

Register a formatting provider for a document.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are sorted by their score and the best-matching provider is used. Failure of the selected provider will cause a failure of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: DocumentFormattingEditProvider

A document formatting edit provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerDocumentHighlightProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: DocumentHighlightProvider): Disposable

Register a document highlight provider.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are sorted by their score and groups sequentially asked for document highlights. The process stops when a provider returns a non-falsy or non-failure result.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: DocumentHighlightProvider

A document highlight provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerDocumentLinkProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: DocumentLinkProvider): Disposable

Register a document link provider.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are asked in parallel and the results are merged. A failing provider (rejected promise or exception) will not cause a failure of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: DocumentLinkProvider

A document link provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerDocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: DocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider): Disposable

Register a formatting provider for a document range.

Note: A document range provider is also a document formatter which means there is no need to register a document formatter when also registering a range provider.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are sorted by their score and the best-matching provider is used. Failure of the selected provider will cause a failure of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: DocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider

A document range formatting edit provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerDocumentRangeSemanticTokensProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: DocumentRangeSemanticTokensProvider, legend: SemanticTokensLegend): Disposable

Register a semantic tokens provider for a document range.

Note: If a document has both a DocumentSemanticTokensProvider and a DocumentRangeSemanticTokensProvider, the range provider will be invoked only initially, for the time in which the full document provider takes to resolve the first request. Once the full document provider resolves the first request, the semantic tokens provided via the range provider will be discarded and from that point forward, only the document provider will be used.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are sorted by their score and the best-matching provider is used. Failure of the selected provider will cause a failure of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: DocumentRangeSemanticTokensProvider

A document range semantic tokens provider.

legend: SemanticTokensLegend

A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerDocumentSemanticTokensProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: DocumentSemanticTokensProvider, legend: SemanticTokensLegend): Disposable

Register a semantic tokens provider for a whole document.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are sorted by their score and the best-matching provider is used. Failure of the selected provider will cause a failure of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: DocumentSemanticTokensProvider

A document semantic tokens provider.

legend: SemanticTokensLegend

A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerDocumentSymbolProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: DocumentSymbolProvider, metaData?: DocumentSymbolProviderMetadata): Disposable

Register a document symbol provider.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are asked in parallel and the results are merged. A failing provider (rejected promise or exception) will not cause a failure of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: DocumentSymbolProvider

A document symbol provider.

metaData?: DocumentSymbolProviderMetadata

metadata about the provider


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerEvaluatableExpressionProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: EvaluatableExpressionProvider): Disposable

Register a provider that locates evaluatable expressions in text documents. VS Code will evaluate the expression in the active debug session and will show the result in the debug hover.

If multiple providers are registered for a language an arbitrary provider will be used.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: EvaluatableExpressionProvider

An evaluatable expression provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerFoldingRangeProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: FoldingRangeProvider): Disposable

Register a folding range provider.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are asked in parallel and the results are merged. If multiple folding ranges start at the same position, only the range of the first registered provider is used. If a folding range overlaps with an other range that has a smaller position, it is also ignored.

A failing provider (rejected promise or exception) will not cause a failure of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: FoldingRangeProvider

A folding range provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerHoverProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: HoverProvider): Disposable

Register a hover provider.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are asked in parallel and the results are merged. A failing provider (rejected promise or exception) will not cause a failure of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: HoverProvider

A hover provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerImplementationProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: ImplementationProvider): Disposable

Register an implementation provider.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are asked in parallel and the results are merged. A failing provider (rejected promise or exception) will not cause a failure of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: ImplementationProvider

An implementation provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerOnTypeFormattingEditProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: OnTypeFormattingEditProvider, firstTriggerCharacter: string, ...moreTriggerCharacter: string[]): Disposable

Register a formatting provider that works on type. The provider is active when the user enables the setting editor.formatOnType.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are sorted by their score and the best-matching provider is used. Failure of the selected provider will cause a failure of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: OnTypeFormattingEditProvider

An on type formatting edit provider.

firstTriggerCharacter: string

A character on which formatting should be triggered, like }.

...moreTriggerCharacter: string[]

More trigger characters.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerReferenceProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: ReferenceProvider): Disposable

Register a reference provider.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are asked in parallel and the results are merged. A failing provider (rejected promise or exception) will not cause a failure of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: ReferenceProvider

A reference provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerRenameProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: RenameProvider): Disposable

Register a rename provider.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are sorted by their score and asked in sequence. The first provider producing a result defines the result of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: RenameProvider

A rename provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerSelectionRangeProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: SelectionRangeProvider): Disposable

Register a selection range provider.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are asked in parallel and the results are merged. A failing provider (rejected promise or exception) will not cause a failure of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: SelectionRangeProvider

A selection range provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerSignatureHelpProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: SignatureHelpProvider, ...triggerCharacters: string[]): Disposable

Register a signature help provider.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are sorted by their score and called sequentially until a provider returns a valid result.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: SignatureHelpProvider

A signature help provider.

...triggerCharacters: string[]

Trigger signature help when the user types one of the characters, like , or (.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerSignatureHelpProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: SignatureHelpProvider, metadata: SignatureHelpProviderMetadata): Disposable

selector: DocumentSelector
provider: SignatureHelpProvider
metadata: SignatureHelpProviderMetadata

registerTypeDefinitionProvider(selector: DocumentSelector, provider: TypeDefinitionProvider): Disposable

Register a type definition provider.

Multiple providers can be registered for a language. In that case providers are asked in parallel and the results are merged. A failing provider (rejected promise or exception) will not cause a failure of the whole operation.

selector: DocumentSelector

A selector that defines the documents this provider is applicable to.

provider: TypeDefinitionProvider

A type definition provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerWorkspaceSymbolProvider(provider: WorkspaceSymbolProvider): Disposable

Register a workspace symbol provider.

Multiple providers can be registered. In that case providers are asked in parallel and the results are merged. A failing provider (rejected promise or exception) will not cause a failure of the whole operation.

provider: WorkspaceSymbolProvider

A workspace symbol provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

setLanguageConfiguration(language: string, configuration: LanguageConfiguration): Disposable

Set a language configuration for a language.

language: string

A language identifier like typescript.

configuration: LanguageConfiguration

Language configuration.


A disposable that unsets this configuration.

setTextDocumentLanguage(document: TextDocument, languageId: string): Thenable<TextDocument>

Set (and change) the language that is associated with the given document.

Note that calling this function will trigger the onDidCloseTextDocument event followed by the onDidOpenTextDocument event.

document: TextDocument

The document which language is to be changed

languageId: string

The new language identifier.


A thenable that resolves with the updated document.



inputBox: SourceControlInputBox

The input box for the last source control created by the extension.

  • deprecated - Use SourceControl.inputBox instead


createSourceControl(id: string, label: string, rootUri?: Uri): SourceControl

Creates a new source control instance.

id: string

An id for the source control. Something short, e.g.: git.

label: string

A human-readable string for the source control. E.g.: Git.

rootUri?: Uri

An optional Uri of the root of the source control. E.g.: Uri.parse(workspaceRoot).


An instance of source control.


Namespace for tasks functionality.


taskExecutions: ReadonlyArray<TaskExecution>

The currently active task executions or an empty array.


onDidEndTask: Event<TaskEndEvent>

Fires when a task ends.

onDidEndTaskProcess: Event<TaskProcessEndEvent>

Fires when the underlying process has ended. This event will not fire for tasks that don't execute an underlying process.

onDidStartTask: Event<TaskStartEvent>

Fires when a task starts.

onDidStartTaskProcess: Event<TaskProcessStartEvent>

Fires when the underlying process has been started. This event will not fire for tasks that don't execute an underlying process.


executeTask(task: Task): Thenable<TaskExecution>

Executes a task that is managed by VS Code. The returned task execution can be used to terminate the task.

  • throws - When running a ShellExecution or a ProcessExecution task in an environment where a new process cannot be started. In such an environment, only CustomExecution tasks can be run.
task: Task

the task to execute


fetchTasks(filter?: TaskFilter): Thenable<Task[]>

Fetches all tasks available in the systems. This includes tasks from tasks.json files as well as tasks from task providers contributed through extensions.

filter?: TaskFilter

Optional filter to select tasks of a certain type or version.


registerTaskProvider(type: string, provider: TaskProvider): Disposable

Register a task provider.

type: string

The task kind type this provider is registered for.

provider: TaskProvider

A task provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.


Namespace for dealing with the current window of the editor. That is visible and active editors, as well as, UI elements to show messages, selections, and asking for user input.


activeColorTheme: ColorTheme

The currently active color theme as configured in the settings. The active theme can be changed via the workbench.colorTheme setting.

activeTerminal: Terminal | undefined

The currently active terminal or undefined. The active terminal is the one that currently has focus or most recently had focus.

activeTextEditor: TextEditor | undefined

The currently active editor or undefined. The active editor is the one that currently has focus or, when none has focus, the one that has changed input most recently.

state: WindowState

Represents the current window's state.

terminals: ReadonlyArray<Terminal>

The currently opened terminals or an empty array.

visibleTextEditors: TextEditor[]

The currently visible editors or an empty array.


onDidChangeActiveColorTheme: Event<ColorTheme>

An event which fires when the active color theme is changed or has changes.

onDidChangeActiveTerminal: Event<Terminal | undefined>

An event which fires when the active terminal has changed. Note that the event also fires when the active terminal changes to undefined.

onDidChangeActiveTextEditor: Event<TextEditor | undefined>

An event which fires when the active editor has changed. Note that the event also fires when the active editor changes to undefined.

onDidChangeTextEditorOptions: Event<TextEditorOptionsChangeEvent>

An event which fires when the options of an editor have changed.

onDidChangeTextEditorSelection: Event<TextEditorSelectionChangeEvent>

An event which fires when the selection in an editor has changed.

onDidChangeTextEditorViewColumn: Event<TextEditorViewColumnChangeEvent>

An event which fires when the view column of an editor has changed.

onDidChangeTextEditorVisibleRanges: Event<TextEditorVisibleRangesChangeEvent>

An event which fires when the visible ranges of an editor has changed.

onDidChangeVisibleTextEditors: Event<TextEditor[]>

An event which fires when the array of visible editors has changed.

onDidChangeWindowState: Event<WindowState>

An event which fires when the focus state of the current window changes. The value of the event represents whether the window is focused.

onDidCloseTerminal: Event<Terminal>

An event which fires when a terminal is disposed.

onDidOpenTerminal: Event<Terminal>

An event which fires when a terminal has been created, either through the createTerminal API or commands.


createInputBox(): InputBox

Creates a InputBox to let the user enter some text input.

Note that in many cases the more convenient window.showInputBox is easier to use. window.createInputBox should be used when window.showInputBox does not offer the required flexibility.


A new InputBox.

createOutputChannel(name: string): OutputChannel

Creates a new output channel with the given name.

name: string

Human-readable string which will be used to represent the channel in the UI.


createQuickPick<T extends QuickPickItem>(): QuickPick<T>

Creates a QuickPick to let the user pick an item from a list of items of type T.

Note that in many cases the more convenient window.showQuickPick is easier to use. window.createQuickPick should be used when window.showQuickPick does not offer the required flexibility.


A new QuickPick.

createStatusBarItem(alignment?: StatusBarAlignment, priority?: number): StatusBarItem

Creates a status bar item.

alignment?: StatusBarAlignment

The alignment of the item.

priority?: number

The priority of the item. Higher values mean the item should be shown more to the left.


A new status bar item.

createTerminal(name?: string, shellPath?: string, shellArgs?: string[] | string): Terminal

Creates a Terminal with a backing shell process. The cwd of the terminal will be the workspace directory if it exists.

  • throws - When running in an environment where a new process cannot be started.
name?: string

Optional human-readable string which will be used to represent the terminal in the UI.

shellPath?: string

Optional path to a custom shell executable to be used in the terminal.

shellArgs?: string[] | string

Optional args for the custom shell executable. A string can be used on Windows only which allows specifying shell args in command-line format.


A new Terminal.

createTerminal(options: TerminalOptions): Terminal

Creates a Terminal with a backing shell process.

  • throws - When running in an environment where a new process cannot be started.
options: TerminalOptions

A TerminalOptions object describing the characteristics of the new terminal.


A new Terminal.

createTerminal(options: ExtensionTerminalOptions): Terminal

Creates a Terminal where an extension controls its input and output.

options: ExtensionTerminalOptions

An ExtensionTerminalOptions object describing the characteristics of the new terminal.


A new Terminal.

createTextEditorDecorationType(options: DecorationRenderOptions): TextEditorDecorationType

Create a TextEditorDecorationType that can be used to add decorations to text editors.

options: DecorationRenderOptions

Rendering options for the decoration type.


A new decoration type instance.

createTreeView<T>(viewId: string, options: TreeViewOptions<T>): TreeView<T>

Create a TreeView for the view contributed using the extension point views.

viewId: string

Id of the view contributed using the extension point views.

options: TreeViewOptions<T>

Options for creating the TreeView


createWebviewPanel(viewType: string, title: string, showOptions: ViewColumn | {preserveFocus: boolean, viewColumn: ViewColumn}, options?: WebviewPanelOptions & WebviewOptions): WebviewPanel

Create and show a new webview panel.

viewType: string

Identifies the type of the webview panel.

title: string

Title of the panel.

showOptions: ViewColumn | {preserveFocus: boolean, viewColumn: ViewColumn}

Where to show the webview in the editor. If preserveFocus is set, the new webview will not take focus.

options?: WebviewPanelOptions & WebviewOptions

Settings for the new panel.


New webview panel.

registerCustomEditorProvider(viewType: string, provider: CustomTextEditorProvider | CustomReadonlyEditorProvider | CustomEditorProvider, options?: {supportsMultipleEditorsPerDocument: boolean, webviewOptions: WebviewPanelOptions}): Disposable

Register a provider for custom editors for the viewType contributed by the customEditors extension point.

When a custom editor is opened, VS Code fires an onCustomEditor:viewType activation event. Your extension must register a CustomTextEditorProvider, CustomReadonlyEditorProvider, CustomEditorProviderfor viewType as part of activation.

viewType: string

Unique identifier for the custom editor provider. This should match the viewType from the customEditors contribution point.

provider: CustomTextEditorProvider | CustomReadonlyEditorProvider | CustomEditorProvider

Provider that resolves custom editors.

options?: {supportsMultipleEditorsPerDocument: boolean, webviewOptions: WebviewPanelOptions}

Options for the provider.


Disposable that unregisters the provider.

registerTerminalLinkProvider(provider: TerminalLinkProvider): Disposable

Register provider that enables the detection and handling of links within the terminal.

provider: TerminalLinkProvider

The provider that provides the terminal links.


Disposable that unregisters the provider.

registerTreeDataProvider<T>(viewId: string, treeDataProvider: TreeDataProvider<T>): Disposable

Register a TreeDataProvider for the view contributed using the extension point views. This will allow you to contribute data to the TreeView and update if the data changes.

Note: To get access to the TreeView and perform operations on it, use createTreeView.

viewId: string

Id of the view contributed using the extension point views.

treeDataProvider: TreeDataProvider<T>

A TreeDataProvider that provides tree data for the view


registerUriHandler(handler: UriHandler): Disposable

Registers a uri handler capable of handling system-wide uris. In case there are multiple windows open, the topmost window will handle the uri. A uri handler is scoped to the extension it is contributed from; it will only be able to handle uris which are directed to the extension itself. A uri must respect the following rules:

  • The uri-scheme must be vscode.env.uriScheme;
  • The uri-authority must be the extension id (e.g. my.extension);
  • The uri-path, -query and -fragment parts are arbitrary.

For example, if the my.extension extension registers a uri handler, it will only be allowed to handle uris with the prefix product-name://my.extension.

An extension can only register a single uri handler in its entire activation lifetime.

  • Note: There is an activation event onUri that fires when a uri directed for the current extension is about to be handled.
handler: UriHandler

The uri handler to register for this extension.


registerWebviewPanelSerializer(viewType: string, serializer: WebviewPanelSerializer): Disposable

Registers a webview panel serializer.

Extensions that support reviving should have an "onWebviewPanel:viewType" activation event and make sure that registerWebviewPanelSerializer is called during activation.

Only a single serializer may be registered at a time for a given viewType.

viewType: string

Type of the webview panel that can be serialized.

serializer: WebviewPanelSerializer

Webview serializer.


registerWebviewViewProvider(viewId: string, provider: WebviewViewProvider, options?: {webviewOptions: {retainContextWhenHidden: boolean}}): Disposable

Register a new provider for webview views.

viewId: string

Unique id of the view. This should match the id from the views contribution in the package.json.

provider: WebviewViewProvider

Provider for the webview views.

options?: {webviewOptions: {retainContextWhenHidden: boolean}}

Disposable that unregisters the provider.

setStatusBarMessage(text: string, hideAfterTimeout: number): Disposable

Set a message to the status bar. This is a short hand for the more powerful status bar items.

text: string

The message to show, supports icon substitution as in status bar items.

hideAfterTimeout: number

Timeout in milliseconds after which the message will be disposed.


A disposable which hides the status bar message.

setStatusBarMessage(text: string, hideWhenDone: Thenable<any>): Disposable

Set a message to the status bar. This is a short hand for the more powerful status bar items.

text: string

The message to show, supports icon substitution as in status bar items.

hideWhenDone: Thenable<any>

Thenable on which completion (resolve or reject) the message will be disposed.


A disposable which hides the status bar message.

setStatusBarMessage(text: string): Disposable

Set a message to the status bar. This is a short hand for the more powerful status bar items.

Note that status bar messages stack and that they must be disposed when no longer used.

text: string

The message to show, supports icon substitution as in status bar items.


A disposable which hides the status bar message.

showErrorMessage(message: string, ...items: string[]): Thenable<string | undefined>

Show an error message.

message: string

The message to show.

...items: string[]

A set of items that will be rendered as actions in the message.

Thenable<string | undefined>

A thenable that resolves to the selected item or undefined when being dismissed.

showErrorMessage(message: string, options: MessageOptions, ...items: string[]): Thenable<string | undefined>

Show an error message.

message: string

The message to show.

options: MessageOptions

Configures the behaviour of the message.

...items: string[]

A set of items that will be rendered as actions in the message.

Thenable<string | undefined>

A thenable that resolves to the selected item or undefined when being dismissed.

showErrorMessage<T extends MessageItem>(message: string, ...items: T[]): Thenable<T | undefined>

Show an error message.

message: string

The message to show.

...items: T[]

A set of items that will be rendered as actions in the message.

Thenable<T | undefined>

A thenable that resolves to the selected item or undefined when being dismissed.

showErrorMessage<T extends MessageItem>(message: string, options: MessageOptions, ...items: T[]): Thenable<T | undefined>

Show an error message.

message: string

The message to show.

options: MessageOptions

Configures the behaviour of the message.

...items: T[]

A set of items that will be rendered as actions in the message.

Thenable<T | undefined>

A thenable that resolves to the selected item or undefined when being dismissed.

showInformationMessage(message: string, ...items: string[]): Thenable<string | undefined>

Show an information message to users. Optionally provide an array of items which will be presented as clickable buttons.

message: string

The message to show.

...items: string[]

A set of items that will be rendered as actions in the message.

Thenable<string | undefined>

A thenable that resolves to the selected item or undefined when being dismissed.

showInformationMessage(message: string, options: MessageOptions, ...items: string[]): Thenable<string | undefined>

Show an information message to users. Optionally provide an array of items which will be presented as clickable buttons.

message: string

The message to show.

options: MessageOptions

Configures the behaviour of the message.

...items: string[]

A set of items that will be rendered as actions in the message.

Thenable<string | undefined>

A thenable that resolves to the selected item or undefined when being dismissed.

showInformationMessage<T extends MessageItem>(message: string, ...items: T[]): Thenable<T | undefined>

Show an information message.

message: string

The message to show.

...items: T[]

A set of items that will be rendered as actions in the message.

Thenable<T | undefined>

A thenable that resolves to the selected item or undefined when being dismissed.

showInformationMessage<T extends MessageItem>(message: string, options: MessageOptions, ...items: T[]): Thenable<T | undefined>

Show an information message.

message: string

The message to show.

options: MessageOptions

Configures the behaviour of the message.

...items: T[]

A set of items that will be rendered as actions in the message.

Thenable<T | undefined>

A thenable that resolves to the selected item or undefined when being dismissed.

showInputBox(options?: InputBoxOptions, token?: CancellationToken): Thenable<string | undefined>

Opens an input box to ask the user for input.

The returned value will be undefined if the input box was canceled (e.g. pressing ESC). Otherwise the returned value will be the string typed by the user or an empty string if the user did not type anything but dismissed the input box with OK.

options?: InputBoxOptions

Configures the behavior of the input box.

token?: CancellationToken

A token that can be used to signal cancellation.

Thenable<string | undefined>

A promise that resolves to a string the user provided or to undefined in case of dismissal.

showOpenDialog(options?: OpenDialogOptions): Thenable<Uri[] | undefined>

Shows a file open dialog to the user which allows to select a file for opening-purposes.

options?: OpenDialogOptions

Options that control the dialog.

Thenable<Uri[] | undefined>

A promise that resolves to the selected resources or undefined.

showQuickPick(items: string[] | Thenable<string[]>, options: QuickPickOptions & {canPickMany: true}, token?: CancellationToken): Thenable<string[] | undefined>

Shows a selection list allowing multiple selections.

items: string[] | Thenable<string[]>

An array of strings, or a promise that resolves to an array of strings.

options: QuickPickOptions & {canPickMany: true}

Configures the behavior of the selection list.

token?: CancellationToken

A token that can be used to signal cancellation.

Thenable<string[] | undefined>

A promise that resolves to the selected items or undefined.

showQuickPick(items: string[] | Thenable<string[]>, options?: QuickPickOptions, token?: CancellationToken): Thenable<string | undefined>

Shows a selection list.

items: string[] | Thenable<string[]>

An array of strings, or a promise that resolves to an array of strings.

options?: QuickPickOptions

Configures the behavior of the selection list.

token?: CancellationToken

A token that can be used to signal cancellation.

Thenable<string | undefined>

A promise that resolves to the selection or undefined.

showQuickPick<T extends QuickPickItem>(items: T[] | Thenable<T[]>, options: QuickPickOptions & {canPickMany: true}, token?: CancellationToken): Thenable<T[] | undefined>

Shows a selection list allowing multiple selections.

items: T[] | Thenable<T[]>

An array of items, or a promise that resolves to an array of items.

options: QuickPickOptions & {canPickMany: true}

Configures the behavior of the selection list.

token?: CancellationToken

A token that can be used to signal cancellation.

Thenable<T[] | undefined>

A promise that resolves to the selected items or undefined.

showQuickPick<T extends QuickPickItem>(items: T[] | Thenable<T[]>, options?: QuickPickOptions, token?: CancellationToken): Thenable<T | undefined>

Shows a selection list.

items: T[] | Thenable<T[]>

An array of items, or a promise that resolves to an array of items.

options?: QuickPickOptions

Configures the behavior of the selection list.

token?: CancellationToken

A token that can be used to signal cancellation.

Thenable<T | undefined>

A promise that resolves to the selected item or undefined.

showSaveDialog(options?: SaveDialogOptions): Thenable<Uri | undefined>

Shows a file save dialog to the user which allows to select a file for saving-purposes.

options?: SaveDialogOptions

Options that control the dialog.

Thenable<Uri | undefined>

A promise that resolves to the selected resource or undefined.

showTextDocument(document: TextDocument, column?: ViewColumn, preserveFocus?: boolean): Thenable<TextEditor>

Show the given document in a text editor. A column can be provided to control where the editor is being shown. Might change the active editor.

document: TextDocument

A text document to be shown.

column?: ViewColumn

A view column in which the editor should be shown. The default is the active, other values are adjusted to be Min(column, columnCount + 1), the active-column is not adjusted. Use ViewColumn.Beside to open the editor to the side of the currently active one.

preserveFocus?: boolean

When true the editor will not take focus.


A promise that resolves to an editor.

showTextDocument(document: TextDocument, options?: TextDocumentShowOptions): Thenable<TextEditor>

Show the given document in a text editor. Options can be provided to control options of the editor is being shown. Might change the active editor.

document: TextDocument

A text document to be shown.

options?: TextDocumentShowOptions

(#TextDocumentShowOptions) to configure the behavior of showing the editor.


A promise that resolves to an editor.

showTextDocument(uri: Uri, options?: TextDocumentShowOptions): Thenable<TextEditor>

A short-hand for openTextDocument(uri).then(document => showTextDocument(document, options)).

uri: Uri

A resource identifier.

options?: TextDocumentShowOptions

(#TextDocumentShowOptions) to configure the behavior of showing the editor.


A promise that resolves to an editor.

showWarningMessage(message: string, ...items: string[]): Thenable<string | undefined>

Show a warning message.

message: string

The message to show.

...items: string[]

A set of items that will be rendered as actions in the message.

Thenable<string | undefined>

A thenable that resolves to the selected item or undefined when being dismissed.

showWarningMessage(message: string, options: MessageOptions, ...items: string[]): Thenable<string | undefined>

Show a warning message.

message: string

The message to show.

options: MessageOptions

Configures the behaviour of the message.

...items: string[]

A set of items that will be rendered as actions in the message.

Thenable<string | undefined>

A thenable that resolves to the selected item or undefined when being dismissed.

showWarningMessage<T extends MessageItem>(message: string, ...items: T[]): Thenable<T | undefined>

Show a warning message.

message: string

The message to show.

...items: T[]

A set of items that will be rendered as actions in the message.

Thenable<T | undefined>

A thenable that resolves to the selected item or undefined when being dismissed.

showWarningMessage<T extends MessageItem>(message: string, options: MessageOptions, ...items: T[]): Thenable<T | undefined>

Show a warning message.

message: string

The message to show.

options: MessageOptions

Configures the behaviour of the message.

...items: T[]

A set of items that will be rendered as actions in the message.

Thenable<T | undefined>

A thenable that resolves to the selected item or undefined when being dismissed.

showWorkspaceFolderPick(options?: WorkspaceFolderPickOptions): Thenable<WorkspaceFolder | undefined>

Shows a selection list of workspace folders to pick from. Returns undefined if no folder is open.

options?: WorkspaceFolderPickOptions

Configures the behavior of the workspace folder list.

Thenable<WorkspaceFolder | undefined>

A promise that resolves to the workspace folder or undefined.

withProgress<R>(options: ProgressOptions, task: (progress: Progress<{increment: number, message: string}>, token: CancellationToken) => Thenable<R>): Thenable<R>

Show progress in the editor. Progress is shown while running the given callback and while the promise it returned isn't resolved nor rejected. The location at which progress should show (and other details) is defined via the passed ProgressOptions.

options: ProgressOptions
task: (progress: Progress<{increment: number, message: string}>, token: CancellationToken) => Thenable<R>

A callback returning a promise. Progress state can be reported with the provided progress-object.

To report discrete progress, use increment to indicate how much work has been completed. Each call with a increment value will be summed up and reflected as overall progress until 100% is reached (a value of e.g. 10 accounts for 10% of work done). Note that currently only ProgressLocation.Notification is capable of showing discrete progress.

To monitor if the operation has been cancelled by the user, use the provided CancellationToken. Note that currently only ProgressLocation.Notification is supporting to show a cancel button to cancel the long running operation.


The thenable the task-callback returned.

withScmProgress<R>(task: (progress: Progress<number>) => Thenable<R>): Thenable<R>

Show progress in the Source Control viewlet while running the given callback and while its returned promise isn't resolve or rejected.

  • deprecated - Use withProgress instead.
task: (progress: Progress<number>) => Thenable<R>

A callback returning a promise. Progress increments can be reported with the provided progress-object.


The thenable the task did return.


Namespace for dealing with the current workspace. A workspace is the representation of the folder that has been opened. There is no workspace when just a file but not a folder has been opened.

The workspace offers support for listening to fs events and for finding files. Both perform well and run outside the editor-process so that they should be always used instead of nodejs-equivalents.


fs: FileSystem

A file system instance that allows to interact with local and remote files, e.g. vscode.workspace.fs.readDirectory(someUri) allows to retrieve all entries of a directory or vscode.workspace.fs.stat(anotherUri) returns the meta data for a file.

name: string | undefined

The name of the workspace. undefined when no folder has been opened.

rootPath: string | undefined

The folder that is open in the editor. undefined when no folder has been opened.

textDocuments: ReadonlyArray<TextDocument>

All text documents currently known to the system.

workspaceFile: Uri | undefined

The location of the workspace file, for example:




for a workspace that is untitled and not yet saved.

Depending on the workspace that is opened, the value will be:

  • undefined when no workspace or a single folder is opened
  • the path of the workspace file as Uri otherwise. if the workspace is untitled, the returned URI will use the untitled: scheme

The location can e.g. be used with the vscode.openFolder command to open the workspace again after it has been closed.


vscode.commands.executeCommand('vscode.openFolder', uriOfWorkspace);

Note: it is not advised to use workspace.workspaceFile to write configuration data into the file. You can use workspace.getConfiguration().update() for that purpose which will work both when a single folder is opened as well as an untitled or saved workspace.

workspaceFolders: ReadonlyArray<WorkspaceFolder> | undefined

List of workspace folders or undefined when no folder is open. Note that the first entry corresponds to the value of rootPath.


onDidChangeConfiguration: Event<ConfigurationChangeEvent>

An event that is emitted when the configuration changed.

onDidChangeTextDocument: Event<TextDocumentChangeEvent>

An event that is emitted when a text document is changed. This usually happens when the contents changes but also when other things like the dirty-state changes.

onDidChangeWorkspaceFolders: Event<WorkspaceFoldersChangeEvent>

An event that is emitted when a workspace folder is added or removed.

onDidCloseTextDocument: Event<TextDocument>

An event that is emitted when a text document is disposed or when the language ID of a text document has been changed.

Note 1: There is no guarantee that this event fires when an editor tab is closed, use the onDidChangeVisibleTextEditors-event to know when editors change.

Note 2: A document can be open but not shown in an editor which means this event can fire for a document that has not been shown in an editor.

onDidCreateFiles: Event<FileCreateEvent>

An event that is emitted when files have been created.

Note: This event is triggered by user gestures, like creating a file from the explorer, or from the workspace.applyEdit-api, but this event is not fired when files change on disk, e.g triggered by another application, or when using the workspace.fs-api.

onDidDeleteFiles: Event<FileDeleteEvent>

An event that is emitted when files have been deleted.

Note 1: This event is triggered by user gestures, like deleting a file from the explorer, or from the workspace.applyEdit-api, but this event is not fired when files change on disk, e.g triggered by another application, or when using the workspace.fs-api.

Note 2: When deleting a folder with children only one event is fired.

onDidOpenTextDocument: Event<TextDocument>

An event that is emitted when a text document is opened or when the language ID of a text document has been changed.

To add an event listener when a visible text document is opened, use the TextEditor events in the window namespace. Note that:

onDidRenameFiles: Event<FileRenameEvent>

An event that is emitted when files have been renamed.

Note 1: This event is triggered by user gestures, like renaming a file from the explorer, and from the workspace.applyEdit-api, but this event is not fired when files change on disk, e.g triggered by another application, or when using the workspace.fs-api.

Note 2: When renaming a folder with children only one event is fired.

onDidSaveTextDocument: Event<TextDocument>

An event that is emitted when a text document is saved to disk.

onWillCreateFiles: Event<FileWillCreateEvent>

An event that is emitted when files are being created.

Note 1: This event is triggered by user gestures, like creating a file from the explorer, or from the workspace.applyEdit-api. This event is not fired when files change on disk, e.g triggered by another application, or when using the workspace.fs-api.

Note 2: When this event is fired, edits to files that are are being created cannot be applied.

onWillDeleteFiles: Event<FileWillDeleteEvent>

An event that is emitted when files are being deleted.

Note 1: This event is triggered by user gestures, like deleting a file from the explorer, or from the workspace.applyEdit-api, but this event is not fired when files change on disk, e.g triggered by another application, or when using the workspace.fs-api.

Note 2: When deleting a folder with children only one event is fired.

onWillRenameFiles: Event<FileWillRenameEvent>

An event that is emitted when files are being renamed.

Note 1: This event is triggered by user gestures, like renaming a file from the explorer, and from the workspace.applyEdit-api, but this event is not fired when files change on disk, e.g triggered by another application, or when using the workspace.fs-api.

Note 2: When renaming a folder with children only one event is fired.

onWillSaveTextDocument: Event<TextDocumentWillSaveEvent>

An event that is emitted when a text document will be saved to disk.

Note 1: Subscribers can delay saving by registering asynchronous work. For the sake of data integrity the editor might save without firing this event. For instance when shutting down with dirty files.

Note 2: Subscribers are called sequentially and they can delay saving by registering asynchronous work. Protection against misbehaving listeners is implemented as such:

  • there is an overall time budget that all listeners share and if that is exhausted no further listener is called
  • listeners that take a long time or produce errors frequently will not be called anymore

The current thresholds are 1.5 seconds as overall time budget and a listener can misbehave 3 times before being ignored.


applyEdit(edit: WorkspaceEdit): Thenable<boolean>

Make changes to one or many resources or create, delete, and rename resources as defined by the given workspace edit.

All changes of a workspace edit are applied in the same order in which they have been added. If multiple textual inserts are made at the same position, these strings appear in the resulting text in the order the 'inserts' were made, unless that are interleaved with resource edits. Invalid sequences like 'delete file a' -> 'insert text in file a' cause failure of the operation.

When applying a workspace edit that consists only of text edits an 'all-or-nothing'-strategy is used. A workspace edit with resource creations or deletions aborts the operation, e.g. consecutive edits will not be attempted, when a single edit fails.

edit: WorkspaceEdit

A workspace edit.


A thenable that resolves when the edit could be applied.

asRelativePath(pathOrUri: string | Uri, includeWorkspaceFolder?: boolean): string

Returns a path that is relative to the workspace folder or folders.

When there are no workspace folders or when the path is not contained in them, the input is returned.

pathOrUri: string | Uri

A path or uri. When a uri is given its fsPath is used.

includeWorkspaceFolder?: boolean

When true and when the given path is contained inside a workspace folder the name of the workspace is prepended. Defaults to true when there are multiple workspace folders and false otherwise.


A path relative to the root or the input.

createFileSystemWatcher(globPattern: GlobPattern, ignoreCreateEvents?: boolean, ignoreChangeEvents?: boolean, ignoreDeleteEvents?: boolean): FileSystemWatcher

Creates a file system watcher.

A glob pattern that filters the file events on their absolute path must be provided. Optionally, flags to ignore certain kinds of events can be provided. To stop listening to events the watcher must be disposed.

Note that only files within the current workspace folders can be watched.

globPattern: GlobPattern

A glob pattern that is applied to the absolute paths of created, changed, and deleted files. Use a relative pattern to limit events to a certain workspace folder.

ignoreCreateEvents?: boolean

Ignore when files have been created.

ignoreChangeEvents?: boolean

Ignore when files have been changed.

ignoreDeleteEvents?: boolean

Ignore when files have been deleted.


A new file system watcher instance.

findFiles(include: GlobPattern, exclude?: GlobPattern | null, maxResults?: number, token?: CancellationToken): Thenable<Uri[]>

Find files across all workspace folders in the workspace.

  • example - findFiles('/*.js', '/node_modules/**', 10)
include: GlobPattern

A glob pattern that defines the files to search for. The glob pattern will be matched against the file paths of resulting matches relative to their workspace. Use a relative pattern to restrict the search results to a workspace folder.

exclude?: GlobPattern | null

A glob pattern that defines files and folders to exclude. The glob pattern will be matched against the file paths of resulting matches relative to their workspace. When undefined only default excludes will apply, when null no excludes will apply.

maxResults?: number

An upper-bound for the result.

token?: CancellationToken

A token that can be used to signal cancellation to the underlying search engine.


A thenable that resolves to an array of resource identifiers. Will return no results if no workspace folders are opened.

getConfiguration(section?: string | undefined, scope?: ConfigurationScope | null): WorkspaceConfiguration

Get a workspace configuration object.

When a section-identifier is provided only that part of the configuration is returned. Dots in the section-identifier are interpreted as child-access, like { myExt: { setting: { doIt: true }}} and getConfiguration('myExt.setting').get('doIt') === true.

When a scope is provided configuration confined to that scope is returned. Scope can be a resource or a language identifier or both.

section?: string | undefined

A dot-separated identifier.

scope?: ConfigurationScope | null

A scope for which the configuration is asked for.


The full configuration or a subset.

getWorkspaceFolder(uri: Uri): WorkspaceFolder | undefined

Returns the workspace folder that contains a given uri.

  • returns undefined when the given uri doesn't match any workspace folder
  • returns the input when the given uri is a workspace folder itself
uri: Uri

An uri.

WorkspaceFolder | undefined

A workspace folder or undefined

openTextDocument(uri: Uri): Thenable<TextDocument>

Opens a document. Will return early if this document is already open. Otherwise the document is loaded and the didOpen-event fires.

The document is denoted by an uri. Depending on the scheme the following rules apply:

  • file-scheme: Open a file on disk, will be rejected if the file does not exist or cannot be loaded.
  • untitled-scheme: A new file that should be saved on disk, e.g. untitled:c:\frodo\new.js. The language will be derived from the file name.
  • For all other schemes contributed text document content providers and file system providers are consulted.

Note that the lifecycle of the returned document is owned by the editor and not by the extension. That means an onDidClose-event can occur at any time after opening it.

uri: Uri

Identifies the resource to open.


A promise that resolves to a document.

openTextDocument(fileName: string): Thenable<TextDocument>

A short-hand for openTextDocument(Uri.file(fileName)).

fileName: string

A name of a file on disk.


A promise that resolves to a document.

openTextDocument(options?: {content: string, language: string}): Thenable<TextDocument>

Opens an untitled text document. The editor will prompt the user for a file path when the document is to be saved. The options parameter allows to specify the language and/or the content of the document.

options?: {content: string, language: string}

Options to control how the document will be created.


A promise that resolves to a document.

registerFileSystemProvider(scheme: string, provider: FileSystemProvider, options?: {isCaseSensitive: boolean, isReadonly: boolean}): Disposable

Register a filesystem provider for a given scheme, e.g. ftp.

There can only be one provider per scheme and an error is being thrown when a scheme has been claimed by another provider or when it is reserved.

scheme: string

The uri-scheme the provider registers for.

provider: FileSystemProvider

The filesystem provider.

options?: {isCaseSensitive: boolean, isReadonly: boolean}

Immutable metadata about the provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerTaskProvider(type: string, provider: TaskProvider): Disposable

Register a task provider.

  • deprecated - Use the corresponding function on the tasks namespace instead
type: string

The task kind type this provider is registered for.

provider: TaskProvider

A task provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

registerTextDocumentContentProvider(scheme: string, provider: TextDocumentContentProvider): Disposable

Register a text document content provider.

Only one provider can be registered per scheme.

scheme: string

The uri-scheme to register for.

provider: TextDocumentContentProvider

A content provider.


A disposable that unregisters this provider when being disposed.

saveAll(includeUntitled?: boolean): Thenable<boolean>

Save all dirty files.

includeUntitled?: boolean

Also save files that have been created during this session.


A thenable that resolves when the files have been saved.

updateWorkspaceFolders(start: number, deleteCount: number | undefined | null, ...workspaceFoldersToAdd: {name: string, uri: Uri}[]): boolean

This method replaces deleteCount workspace folders starting at index start by an optional set of workspaceFoldersToAdd on the vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders array. This "splice" behavior can be used to add, remove and change workspace folders in a single operation.

If the first workspace folder is added, removed or changed, the currently executing extensions (including the one that called this method) will be terminated and restarted so that the (deprecated) rootPath property is updated to point to the first workspace folder.

Use the onDidChangeWorkspaceFolders() event to get notified when the workspace folders have been updated.

Example: adding a new workspace folder at the end of workspace folders

workspace.updateWorkspaceFolders(workspace.workspaceFolders ? workspace.workspaceFolders.length : 0, null, { uri: ...});

Example: removing the first workspace folder

workspace.updateWorkspaceFolders(0, 1);

Example: replacing an existing workspace folder with a new one

workspace.updateWorkspaceFolders(0, 1, { uri: ...});

It is valid to remove an existing workspace folder and add it again with a different name to rename that folder.

Note: it is not valid to call updateWorkspaceFolders() multiple times without waiting for the onDidChangeWorkspaceFolders() to fire.

start: number

the zero-based location in the list of currently opened workspace folders from which to start deleting workspace folders.

deleteCount: number | undefined | null

the optional number of workspace folders to remove.

...workspaceFoldersToAdd: {name: string, uri: Uri}[]

the optional variable set of workspace folders to add in place of the deleted ones. Each workspace is identified with a mandatory URI and an optional name.


true if the operation was successfully started and false otherwise if arguments were used that would result in invalid workspace folder state (e.g. 2 folders with the same URI).


Accessibility information which controls screen reader behavior.


label: string

Label to be read out by a screen reader once the item has focus.

role?: string

Role of the widget which defines how a screen reader interacts with it. The role should be set in special cases when for example a tree-like element behaves like a checkbox. If role is not specified VS Code will pick the appropriate role automatically. More about aria roles can be found here


Options to be used when getting an AuthenticationSession from an AuthenticationProvider.


clearSessionPreference?: boolean

Whether the existing user session preference should be cleared.

For authentication providers that support being signed into multiple accounts at once, the user will be prompted to select an account to use when getSession is called. This preference is remembered until getSession is called with this flag.

Defaults to false.

createIfNone?: boolean

Whether login should be performed if there is no matching session.

If true, a modal dialog will be shown asking the user to sign in. If false, a numbered badge will be shown on the accounts activity bar icon. An entry for the extension will be added under the menu to sign in. This allows quietly prompting the user to sign in.

Defaults to false.


Basic information about an authenticationProvider


id: string

The unique identifier of the authentication provider.

label: string

The human-readable name of the authentication provider.


Represents a session of a currently logged in user.


accessToken: string

The access token.

account: AuthenticationSessionAccountInformation

The account associated with the session.

id: string

The identifier of the authentication session.

scopes: ReadonlyArray<string>

The permissions granted by the session's access token. Available scopes are defined by the AuthenticationProvider.


The information of an account associated with an AuthenticationSession.


id: string

The unique identifier of the account.

label: string

The human-readable name of the account.


An event which fires when an AuthenticationSession is added, removed, or changed.


provider: AuthenticationProviderInformation

The authenticationProvider that has had its sessions change.


The base class of all breakpoint types.


new Breakpoint(enabled?: boolean, condition?: string, hitCondition?: string, logMessage?: string): Breakpoint

enabled?: boolean
condition?: string
hitCondition?: string
logMessage?: string


condition?: string

An optional expression for conditional breakpoints.

enabled: boolean

Is breakpoint enabled.

hitCondition?: string

An optional expression that controls how many hits of the breakpoint are ignored.

id: string

The unique ID of the breakpoint.

logMessage?: string

An optional message that gets logged when this breakpoint is hit. Embedded expressions within {} are interpolated by the debug adapter.


An event describing the changes to the set of breakpoints.


added: ReadonlyArray<Breakpoint>

Added breakpoints.

changed: ReadonlyArray<Breakpoint>

Changed breakpoints.

removed: ReadonlyArray<Breakpoint>

Removed breakpoints.


Represents an incoming call, e.g. a caller of a method or constructor.


new CallHierarchyIncomingCall(item: CallHierarchyItem, fromRanges: Range[]): CallHierarchyIncomingCall

Create a new call object.

item: CallHierarchyItem

The item making the call.

fromRanges: Range[]

The ranges at which the calls appear.



from: CallHierarchyItem

The item that makes the call.

fromRanges: Range[]

The range at which at which the calls appears. This is relative to the caller denoted by this.from.


Represents programming constructs like functions or constructors in the context of call hierarchy.


new CallHierarchyItem(kind: SymbolKind, name: string, detail: string, uri: Uri, range: Range, selectionRange: Range): CallHierarchyItem

Creates a new call hierarchy item.

kind: SymbolKind
name: string
detail: string
uri: Uri
range: Range
selectionRange: Range


detail?: string

More detail for this item, e.g. the signature of a function.

kind: SymbolKind

The kind of this item.

name: string

The name of this item.

range: Range

The range enclosing this symbol not including leading/trailing whitespace but everything else, e.g. comments and code.

selectionRange: Range

The range that should be selected and revealed when this symbol is being picked, e.g. the name of a function. Must be contained by the range.

tags?: ReadonlyArray<SymbolTag>

Tags for this item.

uri: Uri

The resource identifier of this item.


Represents an outgoing call, e.g. calling a getter from a method or a method from a constructor etc.


new CallHierarchyOutgoingCall(item: CallHierarchyItem, fromRanges: Range[]): CallHierarchyOutgoingCall

Create a new call object.

item: CallHierarchyItem

The item being called

fromRanges: Range[]

The ranges at which the calls appear.



fromRanges: Range[]

The range at which this item is called. This is the range relative to the caller, e.g the item passed to provideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls and not

to: CallHierarchyItem

The item that is called.


The call hierarchy provider interface describes the contract between extensions and the call hierarchy feature which allows to browse calls and caller of function, methods, constructor etc.


prepareCallHierarchy(document: TextDocument, position: Position, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<CallHierarchyItem | CallHierarchyItem[]>

Bootstraps call hierarchy by returning the item that is denoted by the given document and position. This item will be used as entry into the call graph. Providers should return undefined or null when there is no item at the given location.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

position: Position

The position at which the command was invoked.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.

ProviderResult<CallHierarchyItem | CallHierarchyItem[]>

A call hierarchy item or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined or null.

provideCallHierarchyIncomingCalls(item: CallHierarchyItem, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<CallHierarchyIncomingCall[]>

Provide all incoming calls for an item, e.g all callers for a method. In graph terms this describes directed and annotated edges inside the call graph, e.g the given item is the starting node and the result is the nodes that can be reached.

item: CallHierarchyItem

The hierarchy item for which incoming calls should be computed.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


A set of incoming calls or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined or null.

provideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls(item: CallHierarchyItem, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<CallHierarchyOutgoingCall[]>

Provide all outgoing calls for an item, e.g call calls to functions, methods, or constructors from the given item. In graph terms this describes directed and annotated edges inside the call graph, e.g the given item is the starting node and the result is the nodes that can be reached.

item: CallHierarchyItem

The hierarchy item for which outgoing calls should be computed.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


A set of outgoing calls or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined or null.


A cancellation token is passed to an asynchronous or long running operation to request cancellation, like cancelling a request for completion items because the user continued to type.

To get an instance of a CancellationToken use a CancellationTokenSource.


isCancellationRequested: boolean

Is true when the token has been cancelled, false otherwise.

onCancellationRequested: Event<any>

An event which fires upon cancellation.


A cancellation source creates and controls a cancellation token.


token: CancellationToken

The cancellation token of this source.


cancel(): void

Signal cancellation on the token.


dispose(): void

Dispose object and free resources.



A tuple of two characters, like a pair of opening and closing brackets.

CharacterPair: [string, string]


The clipboard provides read and write access to the system's clipboard.


readText(): Thenable<string>

Read the current clipboard contents as text.


A thenable that resolves to a string.

writeText(value: string): Thenable<void>

Writes text into the clipboard.

value: string

A thenable that resolves when writing happened.


A code action represents a change that can be performed in code, e.g. to fix a problem or to refactor code.

A CodeAction must set either edit and/or a command. If both are supplied, the edit is applied first, then the command is executed.


new CodeAction(title: string, kind?: CodeActionKind): CodeAction

Creates a new code action.

A code action must have at least a title and edits and/or a command.

title: string

The title of the code action.

kind?: CodeActionKind

The kind of the code action.



command?: Command

A command this code action executes.

If this command throws an exception, VS Code displays the exception message to users in the editor at the current cursor position.

diagnostics?: Diagnostic[]

Diagnostics that this code action resolves.

disabled?: {reason: string}

Marks that the code action cannot currently be applied.

  • Disabled code actions are not shown in automatic lightbulb code action menu.

  • Disabled actions are shown as faded out in the code action menu when the user request a more specific type of code action, such as refactorings.

  • If the user has a keybinding that auto applies a code action and only a disabled code actions are returned, VS Code will show the user an error message with reason in the editor.

edit?: WorkspaceEdit

A workspace edit this code action performs.

isPreferred?: boolean

Marks this as a preferred action. Preferred actions are used by the auto fix command and can be targeted by keybindings.

A quick fix should be marked preferred if it properly addresses the underlying error. A refactoring should be marked preferred if it is the most reasonable choice of actions to take.

kind?: CodeActionKind

Kind of the code action.

Used to filter code actions.

title: string

A short, human-readable, title for this code action.


Contains additional diagnostic information about the context in which a code action is run.


diagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>

An array of diagnostics.

only?: CodeActionKind

Requested kind of actions to return.

Actions not of this kind are filtered out before being shown by the lightbulb.


Kind of a code action.

Kinds are a hierarchical list of identifiers separated by ., e.g. "refactor.extract.function".

Code action kinds are used by VS Code for UI elements such as the refactoring context menu. Users can also trigger code actions with a specific kind with the editor.action.codeAction command.


Empty: CodeActionKind

Empty kind.

QuickFix: CodeActionKind

Base kind for quickfix actions: quickfix.

Quick fix actions address a problem in the code and are shown in the normal code action context menu.

Refactor: CodeActionKind

Base kind for refactoring actions: refactor

Refactoring actions are shown in the refactoring context menu.

RefactorExtract: CodeActionKind

Base kind for refactoring extraction actions: refactor.extract

Example extract actions:

  • Extract method
  • Extract function
  • Extract variable
  • Extract interface from class
  • ...

RefactorInline: CodeActionKind

Base kind for refactoring inline actions: refactor.inline

Example inline actions:

  • Inline function
  • Inline variable
  • Inline constant
  • ...

RefactorRewrite: CodeActionKind

Base kind for refactoring rewrite actions: refactor.rewrite

Example rewrite actions:

  • Convert JavaScript function to class
  • Add or remove parameter
  • Encapsulate field
  • Make method static
  • Move method to base class
  • ...

Source: CodeActionKind

Base kind for source actions: source

Source code actions apply to the entire file. They must be explicitly requested and will not show in the normal lightbulb menu. Source actions can be run on save using editor.codeActionsOnSave and are also shown in the source context menu.

SourceFixAll: CodeActionKind

Base kind for auto-fix source actions: source.fixAll.

Fix all actions automatically fix errors that have a clear fix that do not require user input. They should not suppress errors or perform unsafe fixes such as generating new types or classes.

SourceOrganizeImports: CodeActionKind

Base kind for an organize imports source action: source.organizeImports.


new CodeActionKind(value: string): CodeActionKind

value: string


value: string

String value of the kind, e.g. "refactor.extract.function".


append(parts: string): CodeActionKind

Create a new kind by appending a more specific selector to the current kind.

Does not modify the current kind.

parts: string

contains(other: CodeActionKind): boolean

Checks if other is a sub-kind of this CodeActionKind.

The kind "refactor.extract" for example contains "refactor.extract" and `"refactor.extract.function", but not "unicorn.refactor.extract", or "refactor.extractAll" or refactor.

other: CodeActionKind

Kind to check.


intersects(other: CodeActionKind): boolean

Checks if this code action kind intersects other.

The kind "refactor.extract" for example intersects refactor, "refactor.extract" and `"refactor.extract.function", but not "unicorn.refactor.extract", or "refactor.extractAll".

other: CodeActionKind

Kind to check.



The code action interface defines the contract between extensions and the lightbulb feature.

A code action can be any command that is known to the system.


provideCodeActions(document: TextDocument, range: Range | Selection, context: CodeActionContext, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<Command | CodeAction[]>

Provide commands for the given document and range.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

range: Range | Selection

The selector or range for which the command was invoked. This will always be a selection if there is a currently active editor.

context: CodeActionContext

Context carrying additional information.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.

ProviderResult<Command | CodeAction[]>

An array of commands, quick fixes, or refactorings or a thenable of such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined, null, or an empty array.

resolveCodeAction(codeAction: T, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<T>

Given a code action fill in its edit-property. Changes to all other properties, like title, are ignored. A code action that has an edit will not be resolved.

Note that a code action provider that returns commands, not code actions, cannot successfully implement this function. Returning commands is deprecated and instead code actions should be returned.

codeAction: T

A code action.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


The resolved code action or a thenable that resolves to such. It is OK to return the given item. When no result is returned, the given item will be used.


Metadata about the type of code actions that a CodeActionProvider provides.


documentation?: ReadonlyArray<{command: Command, kind: CodeActionKind}>

Static documentation for a class of code actions.

Documentation from the provider is shown in the code actions menu if either:

  • Code actions of kind are requested by VS Code. In this case, VS Code will show the documentation that most closely matches the requested code action kind. For example, if a provider has documentation for both Refactor and RefactorExtract, when the user requests code actions for RefactorExtract, VS Code will use the documentation for RefactorExtract instead of the documentation for Refactor.

  • Any code actions of kind are returned by the provider.

At most one documentation entry will be shown per provider.

providedCodeActionKinds?: ReadonlyArray<CodeActionKind>

List of CodeActionKinds that a CodeActionProvider may return.

This list is used to determine if a given CodeActionProvider should be invoked or not. To avoid unnecessary computation, every CodeActionProvider should list use providedCodeActionKinds. The list of kinds may either be generic, such as [CodeActionKind.Refactor], or list out every kind provided, such as [CodeActionKind.Refactor.Extract.append('function'), CodeActionKind.Refactor.Extract.append('constant'), ...].


A code lens represents a command that should be shown along with source text, like the number of references, a way to run tests, etc.

A code lens is unresolved when no command is associated to it. For performance reasons the creation of a code lens and resolving should be done to two stages.


new CodeLens(range: Range, command?: Command): CodeLens

Creates a new code lens object.

range: Range

The range to which this code lens applies.

command?: Command

The command associated to this code lens.



command?: Command

The command this code lens represents.

isResolved: boolean

true when there is a command associated.

range: Range

The range in which this code lens is valid. Should only span a single line.


A code lens provider adds commands to source text. The commands will be shown as dedicated horizontal lines in between the source text.


onDidChangeCodeLenses?: Event<void>

An optional event to signal that the code lenses from this provider have changed.


provideCodeLenses(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<T[]>

Compute a list of lenses. This call should return as fast as possible and if computing the commands is expensive implementors should only return code lens objects with the range set and implement resolve.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


An array of code lenses or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined, null, or an empty array.

resolveCodeLens(codeLens: T, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<T>

This function will be called for each visible code lens, usually when scrolling and after calls to compute-lenses.

codeLens: T

Code lens that must be resolved.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


The given, resolved code lens or thenable that resolves to such.


Represents a color in RGBA space.


new Color(red: number, green: number, blue: number, alpha: number): Color

Creates a new color instance.

red: number

The red component.

green: number

The green component.

blue: number

The blue component.

alpha: number

The alpha component.



alpha: number

The alpha component of this color in the range [0-1].

blue: number

The blue component of this color in the range [0-1].

green: number

The green component of this color in the range [0-1].

red: number

The red component of this color in the range [0-1].


Represents a color range from a document.


new ColorInformation(range: Range, color: Color): ColorInformation

Creates a new color range.

range: Range

The range the color appears in. Must not be empty.

color: Color

The value of the color.



color: Color

The actual color value for this color range.

range: Range

The range in the document where this color appears.


A color presentation object describes how a color should be represented as text and what edits are required to refer to it from source code.

For some languages one color can have multiple presentations, e.g. css can represent the color red with the constant Red, the hex-value #ff0000, or in rgba and hsla forms. In csharp other representations apply, e.g. System.Drawing.Color.Red.


new ColorPresentation(label: string): ColorPresentation

Creates a new color presentation.

label: string

The label of this color presentation.



additionalTextEdits?: TextEdit[]

An optional array of additional text edits that are applied when selecting this color presentation. Edits must not overlap with the main edit nor with themselves.

label: string

The label of this color presentation. It will be shown on the color picker header. By default this is also the text that is inserted when selecting this color presentation.

textEdit?: TextEdit

An edit which is applied to a document when selecting this presentation for the color. When falsy the label is used.


Represents a color theme.


kind: ColorThemeKind

The kind of this color theme: light, dark or high contrast.


Represents a color theme kind.

Enumeration members








Represents a reference to a command. Provides a title which will be used to represent a command in the UI and, optionally, an array of arguments which will be passed to the command handler function when invoked.


arguments?: any[]

Arguments that the command handler should be invoked with.

command: string

The identifier of the actual command handler.

title: string

Title of the command, like save.

tooltip?: string

A tooltip for the command, when represented in the UI.


A comment is displayed within the editor or the Comments Panel, depending on how it is provided.


author: CommentAuthorInformation

The author information of the comment

body: string | MarkdownString

The human-readable comment body

contextValue?: string

Context value of the comment. This can be used to contribute comment specific actions. For example, a comment is given a context value as editable. When contributing actions to comments/comment/title using menus extension point, you can specify context value for key comment in when expression like comment == editable.

    "contributes": {
        "menus": {
            "comments/comment/title": [
                    "command": "extension.deleteComment",
                    "when": "comment == editable"

This will show action extension.deleteComment only for comments with contextValue is editable.

label?: string

Optional label describing the Comment Label will be rendered next to authorName if exists.

mode: CommentMode

Comment mode of the comment

reactions?: CommentReaction[]

Optional reactions of the comment


Author information of a comment


iconPath?: Uri

The optional icon path for the author

name: string

The display name of the author of the comment


A comment controller is able to provide comments support to the editor and provide users various ways to interact with comments.


commentingRangeProvider?: CommentingRangeProvider

Optional commenting range provider. Provide a list ranges which support commenting to any given resource uri.

If not provided, users can leave comments in any document opened in the editor.

id: string

The id of this comment controller.

label: string

The human-readable label of this comment controller.

options?: CommentOptions

Comment controller options

reactionHandler?: (comment: Comment, reaction: CommentReaction) => Promise<void>

Optional reaction handler for creating and deleting reactions on a comment.


createCommentThread(uri: Uri, range: Range, comments: Comment[]): CommentThread

Create a comment thread. The comment thread will be displayed in visible text editors (if the resource matches) and Comments Panel once created.

uri: Uri

The uri of the document the thread has been created on.

range: Range

The range the comment thread is located within the document.

comments: Comment[]

The ordered comments of the thread.


dispose(): void

Dispose this comment controller.

Once disposed, all comment threads created by this comment controller will also be removed from the editor and Comments Panel.



Commenting range provider for a comment controller.


provideCommentingRanges(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<Range[]>

Provide a list of ranges which allow new comment threads creation or null for a given document

document: TextDocument
token: CancellationToken


Comment mode of a comment

Enumeration members






Represents a comment controller's options.


placeHolder?: string

An optional string to show as placeholder in the comment input box when it's focused.

prompt?: string

An optional string to show on the comment input box when it's collapsed.


Reactions of a comment


authorHasReacted: boolean

Whether the author of the comment has reacted to this reaction

count: number

The number of users who have reacted to this reaction

iconPath: string | Uri

Icon for the reaction shown in UI.

label: string

The human-readable label for the reaction


Command argument for actions registered in comments/commentThread/context.


text: string

The value in the comment editor

thread: CommentThread

The active comment thread


Describes how comments for a language work.


blockComment?: CharacterPair

The block comment character pair, like /* block comment *&#47;

lineComment?: string

The line comment token, like // this is a comment


A collection of comments representing a conversation at a particular range in a document.


canReply: boolean

Whether the thread supports reply. Defaults to true.

collapsibleState: CommentThreadCollapsibleState

Whether the thread should be collapsed or expanded when opening the document. Defaults to Collapsed.

comments: ReadonlyArray<Comment>

The ordered comments of the thread.

contextValue?: string

Context value of the comment thread. This can be used to contribute thread specific actions. For example, a comment thread is given a context value as editable. When contributing actions to comments/commentThread/title using menus extension point, you can specify context value for key commentThread in when expression like commentThread == editable.

    "contributes": {
        "menus": {
            "comments/commentThread/title": [
                    "command": "extension.deleteCommentThread",
                    "when": "commentThread == editable"

This will show action extension.deleteCommentThread only for comment threads with contextValue is editable.

label?: string

The optional human-readable label describing the Comment Thread

range: Range

The range the comment thread is located within the document. The thread icon will be shown at the first line of the range.

uri: Uri

The uri of the document the thread has been created on.


dispose(): void

Dispose this comment thread.

Once disposed, this comment thread will be removed from visible editors and Comment Panel when appropriate.



Collapsible state of a comment thread

Enumeration members






Contains additional information about the context in which completion provider is triggered.


triggerCharacter?: string

Character that triggered the completion item provider.

undefined if provider was not triggered by a character.

The trigger character is already in the document when the completion provider is triggered.

triggerKind: CompletionTriggerKind

How the completion was triggered.


A completion item represents a text snippet that is proposed to complete text that is being typed.

It is sufficient to create a completion item from just a label. In that case the completion item will replace the word until the cursor with the given label or insertText. Otherwise the given edit is used.

When selecting a completion item in the editor its defined or synthesized text edit will be applied to all cursors/selections whereas additionalTextEdits will be applied as provided.


new CompletionItem(label: string, kind?: CompletionItemKind): CompletionItem

Creates a new completion item.

Completion items must have at least a label which then will be used as insert text as well as for sorting and filtering.

label: string

The label of the completion.

kind?: CompletionItemKind

The kind of the completion.



additionalTextEdits?: TextEdit[]

An optional array of additional text edits that are applied when selecting this completion. Edits must not overlap with the main edit nor with themselves.

command?: Command

An optional command that is executed after inserting this completion. Note that additional modifications to the current document should be described with the additionalTextEdits-property.

commitCharacters?: string[]

An optional set of characters that when pressed while this completion is active will accept it first and then type that character. Note that all commit characters should have length=1 and that superfluous characters will be ignored.

detail?: string

A human-readable string with additional information about this item, like type or symbol information.

documentation?: string | MarkdownString

A human-readable string that represents a doc-comment.

filterText?: string

A string that should be used when filtering a set of completion items. When falsy the label is used.

Note that the filter text is matched against the leading word (prefix) which is defined by the range-property. prefix.

insertText?: string | SnippetString

A string or snippet that should be inserted in a document when selecting this completion. When falsy the label is used.

keepWhitespace?: boolean

Keep whitespace of the insertText as is. By default, the editor adjusts leading whitespace of new lines so that they match the indentation of the line for which the item is accepted - setting this to true will prevent that.

kind?: CompletionItemKind

The kind of this completion item. Based on the kind an icon is chosen by the editor.

label: string

The label of this completion item. By default this is also the text that is inserted when selecting this completion.

preselect?: boolean

Select this item when showing. Note that only one completion item can be selected and that the editor decides which item that is. The rule is that the first item of those that match best is selected.

range?: Range | {inserting: Range, replacing: Range}

A range or a insert and replace range selecting the text that should be replaced by this completion item.

When omitted, the range of the current word is used as replace-range and as insert-range the start of the current word to the current position is used.

Note 1: A range must be a single line and it must contain the position at which completion has been requested. Note 2: A insert range must be a prefix of a replace range, that means it must be contained and starting at the same position.

sortText?: string

A string that should be used when comparing this item with other items. When falsy the label is used.

Note that sortText is only used for the initial ordering of completion items. When having a leading word (prefix) ordering is based on how well completion match that prefix and the initial ordering is only used when completions match equal. The prefix is defined by the range-property and can therefore be different for each completion.

tags?: ReadonlyArray<CompletionItemTag>

Tags for this completion item.

textEdit?: TextEdit

  • deprecated - Use CompletionItem.insertText and CompletionItem.range instead.

An edit which is applied to a document when selecting this completion. When an edit is provided the value of insertText is ignored.

The range of the edit must be single-line and on the same line completions were requested at.


Completion item kinds.

Enumeration members
























































The completion item provider interface defines the contract between extensions and IntelliSense.

Providers can delay the computation of the detail and documentation properties by implementing the resolveCompletionItem-function. However, properties that are needed for the initial sorting and filtering, like sortText, filterText, insertText, and range, must not be changed during resolve.

Providers are asked for completions either explicitly by a user gesture or -depending on the configuration- implicitly when typing words or trigger characters.


provideCompletionItems(document: TextDocument, position: Position, token: CancellationToken, context: CompletionContext): ProviderResult<T[] | CompletionList<T>>

Provide completion items for the given position and document.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

position: Position

The position at which the command was invoked.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.

context: CompletionContext

How the completion was triggered.

ProviderResult<T[] | CompletionList<T>>

An array of completions, a completion list, or a thenable that resolves to either. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined, null, or an empty array.

resolveCompletionItem(item: T, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<T>

Given a completion item fill in more data, like doc-comment or details.

The editor will only resolve a completion item once.

Note that this function is called when completion items are already showing in the UI or when an item has been selected for insertion. Because of that, no property that changes the presentation (label, sorting, filtering etc) or the (primary) insert behaviour (insertText) can be changed.

This function may fill in additionalTextEdits. However, that means an item might be inserted before resolving is done and in that case the editor will do a best effort to still apply those additional text edits.

item: T

A completion item currently active in the UI.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


The resolved completion item or a thenable that resolves to of such. It is OK to return the given item. When no result is returned, the given item will be used.


Completion item tags are extra annotations that tweak the rendering of a completion item.

Enumeration members




Represents a collection of completion items to be presented in the editor.


new CompletionList(items?: T[], isIncomplete?: boolean): CompletionList

Creates a new completion list.

items?: T[]

The completion items.

isIncomplete?: boolean

The list is not complete.



isIncomplete?: boolean

This list is not complete. Further typing should result in recomputing this list.

items: T[]

The completion items.


How a completion provider was triggered

Enumeration members








An event describing the change in Configuration


affectsConfiguration(section: string, scope?: ConfigurationScope): boolean

Checks if the given section has changed. If scope is provided, checks if the section has changed for resources under the given scope.

section: string

Configuration name, supports dotted names.

scope?: ConfigurationScope

A scope in which to check.


true if the given section has changed.


The configuration scope which can be a a 'resource' or a languageId or both or a 'TextDocument' or a 'WorkspaceFolder'

ConfigurationScope: Uri | TextDocument | WorkspaceFolder | {languageId: string, uri: Uri}


The configuration target

Enumeration members








Represents a custom document used by a CustomEditorProvider.

Custom documents are only used within a given CustomEditorProvider. The lifecycle of a CustomDocument is managed by VS Code. When no more references remain to a CustomDocument, it is disposed of.


uri: Uri

The associated uri for this document.


dispose(): void

Dispose of the custom document.

This is invoked by VS Code when there are no more references to a given CustomDocument (for example when all editors associated with the document have been closed.)



A backup for an CustomDocument.


id: string

Unique identifier for the backup.

This id is passed back to your extension in openCustomDocument when opening a custom editor from a backup.


delete(): void

Delete the current backup.

This is called by VS Code when it is clear the current backup is no longer needed, such as when a new backup is made or when the file is saved.



Additional information used to implement CustomEditableDocument.backup.


destination: Uri

Suggested file location to write the new backup.

Note that your extension is free to ignore this and use its own strategy for backup.

If the editor is for a resource from the current workspace, destination will point to a file inside ExtensionContext.storagePath. The parent folder of destination may not exist, so make sure to created it before writing the backup to this location.


Event triggered by extensions to signal to VS Code that the content of a CustomDocument has changed.


document: T

The document that the change is for.


Event triggered by extensions to signal to VS Code that an edit has occurred on an CustomDocument.


document: T

The document that the edit is for.

label?: string

Display name describing the edit.

This will be shown to users in the UI for undo/redo operations.


redo(): Thenable<void> | void

Redo the edit operation.

This is invoked by VS Code when the user redoes this edit. To implement redo, your extension should restore the document and editor to the state they were in just after this edit was added to VS Code's internal edit stack by onDidChangeCustomDocument.

Thenable<void> | void

undo(): Thenable<void> | void

Undo the edit operation.

This is invoked by VS Code when the user undoes this edit. To implement undo, your extension should restore the document and editor to the state they were in just before this edit was added to VS Code's internal edit stack by onDidChangeCustomDocument.

Thenable<void> | void


Additional information about the opening custom document.


backupId?: string

The id of the backup to restore the document from or undefined if there is no backup.

If this is provided, your extension should restore the editor from the backup instead of reading the file from the user's workspace.


Provider for editable custom editors that use a custom document model.

Custom editors use CustomDocument as their document model instead of a TextDocument. This gives extensions full control over actions such as edit, save, and backup.

You should use this type of custom editor when dealing with binary files or more complex scenarios. For simple text based documents, use CustomTextEditorProvider instead.


onDidChangeCustomDocument: Event<CustomDocumentEditEvent<T>> | Event<CustomDocumentContentChangeEvent<T>>

Signal that an edit has occurred inside a custom editor.

This event must be fired by your extension whenever an edit happens in a custom editor. An edit can be anything from changing some text, to cropping an image, to reordering a list. Your extension is free to define what an edit is and what data is stored on each edit.

Firing onDidChange causes VS Code to mark the editors as being dirty. This is cleared when the user either saves or reverts the file.

Editors that support undo/redo must fire a CustomDocumentEditEvent whenever an edit happens. This allows users to undo and redo the edit using VS Code's standard VS Code keyboard shortcuts. VS Code will also mark the editor as no longer being dirty if the user undoes all edits to the last saved state.

Editors that support editing but cannot use VS Code's standard undo/redo mechanism must fire a CustomDocumentContentChangeEvent. The only way for a user to clear the dirty state of an editor that does not support undo/redo is to either save or revert the file.

An editor should only ever fire CustomDocumentEditEvent events, or only ever fire CustomDocumentContentChangeEvent events.


backupCustomDocument(document: T, context: CustomDocumentBackupContext, cancellation: CancellationToken): Thenable<CustomDocumentBackup>

Back up a dirty custom document.

Backups are used for hot exit and to prevent data loss. Your backup method should persist the resource in its current state, i.e. with the edits applied. Most commonly this means saving the resource to disk in the ExtensionContext.storagePath. When VS Code reloads and your custom editor is opened for a resource, your extension should first check to see if any backups exist for the resource. If there is a backup, your extension should load the file contents from there instead of from the resource in the workspace.

backup is triggered approximately one second after the user stops editing the document. If the user rapidly edits the document, backup will not be invoked until the editing stops.

backup is not invoked when auto save is enabled (since auto save already persists the resource).

document: T

Document to backup.

context: CustomDocumentBackupContext

Information that can be used to backup the document.

cancellation: CancellationToken

Token that signals the current backup since a new backup is coming in. It is up to your extension to decided how to respond to cancellation. If for example your extension is backing up a large file in an operation that takes time to complete, your extension may decide to finish the ongoing backup rather than cancelling it to ensure that VS Code has some valid backup.


openCustomDocument(uri: Uri, openContext: CustomDocumentOpenContext, token: CancellationToken): Thenable<T> | T

Create a new document for a given resource.

openCustomDocument is called when the first time an editor for a given resource is opened. The opened document is then passed to resolveCustomEditor so that the editor can be shown to the user.

Already opened CustomDocument are re-used if the user opened additional editors. When all editors for a given resource are closed, the CustomDocument is disposed of. Opening an editor at this point will trigger another call to openCustomDocument.

uri: Uri

Uri of the document to open.

openContext: CustomDocumentOpenContext

Additional information about the opening custom document.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token that indicates the result is no longer needed.

Thenable<T> | T

The custom document.

resolveCustomEditor(document: T, webviewPanel: WebviewPanel, token: CancellationToken): Thenable<void> | void

Resolve a custom editor for a given resource.

This is called whenever the user opens a new editor for this CustomEditorProvider.

document: T

Document for the resource being resolved.

webviewPanel: WebviewPanel

The webview panel used to display the editor UI for this resource.

During resolve, the provider must fill in the initial html for the content webview panel and hook up all the event listeners on it that it is interested in. The provider can also hold onto the WebviewPanel to use later for example in a command. See WebviewPanel for additional details.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token that indicates the result is no longer needed.

Thenable<void> | void

Optional thenable indicating that the custom editor has been resolved.

revertCustomDocument(document: T, cancellation: CancellationToken): Thenable<void>

Revert a custom document to its last saved state.

This method is invoked by VS Code when the user triggers File: Revert File in a custom editor. (Note that this is only used using VS Code's File: Revert File command and not on a git revert of the file).

To implement revert, the implementer must make sure all editor instances (webviews) for document are displaying the document in the same state is saved in. This usually means reloading the file from the workspace.

document: T

Document to revert.

cancellation: CancellationToken

Token that signals the revert is no longer required.


Thenable signaling that the change has completed.

saveCustomDocument(document: T, cancellation: CancellationToken): Thenable<void>

Save a custom document.

This method is invoked by VS Code when the user saves a custom editor. This can happen when the user triggers save while the custom editor is active, by commands such as save all, or by auto save if enabled.

To implement save, the implementer must persist the custom editor. This usually means writing the file data for the custom document to disk. After save completes, any associated editor instances will no longer be marked as dirty.

document: T

Document to save.

cancellation: CancellationToken

Token that signals the save is no longer required (for example, if another save was triggered).


Thenable signaling that saving has completed.

saveCustomDocumentAs(document: T, destination: Uri, cancellation: CancellationToken): Thenable<void>

Save a custom document to a different location.

This method is invoked by VS Code when the user triggers 'save as' on a custom editor. The implementer must persist the custom editor to destination.

When the user accepts save as, the current editor is be replaced by an non-dirty editor for the newly saved file.

document: T

Document to save.

destination: Uri

Location to save to.

cancellation: CancellationToken

Token that signals the save is no longer required.


Thenable signaling that saving has completed.


Class used to execute an extension callback as a task.


new CustomExecution(callback: (resolvedDefinition: TaskDefinition) => Thenable<Pseudoterminal>): CustomExecution

Constructs a CustomExecution task object. The callback will be executed the task is run, at which point the extension should return the Pseudoterminal it will "run in". The task should wait to do further execution until is called. Task cancellation should be handled using Pseudoterminal.close. When the task is complete fire Pseudoterminal.onDidClose.

callback: (resolvedDefinition: TaskDefinition) => Thenable<Pseudoterminal>

The callback that will be called when the task is started by a user. Any ${} style variables that were in the task definition will be resolved and passed into the callback.



Provider for readonly custom editors that use a custom document model.

Custom editors use CustomDocument as their document model instead of a TextDocument.

You should use this type of custom editor when dealing with binary files or more complex scenarios. For simple text based documents, use CustomTextEditorProvider instead.


openCustomDocument(uri: Uri, openContext: CustomDocumentOpenContext, token: CancellationToken): Thenable<T> | T

Create a new document for a given resource.

openCustomDocument is called when the first time an editor for a given resource is opened. The opened document is then passed to resolveCustomEditor so that the editor can be shown to the user.

Already opened CustomDocument are re-used if the user opened additional editors. When all editors for a given resource are closed, the CustomDocument is disposed of. Opening an editor at this point will trigger another call to openCustomDocument.

uri: Uri

Uri of the document to open.

openContext: CustomDocumentOpenContext

Additional information about the opening custom document.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token that indicates the result is no longer needed.

Thenable<T> | T

The custom document.

resolveCustomEditor(document: T, webviewPanel: WebviewPanel, token: CancellationToken): Thenable<void> | void

Resolve a custom editor for a given resource.

This is called whenever the user opens a new editor for this CustomEditorProvider.

document: T

Document for the resource being resolved.

webviewPanel: WebviewPanel

The webview panel used to display the editor UI for this resource.

During resolve, the provider must fill in the initial html for the content webview panel and hook up all the event listeners on it that it is interested in. The provider can also hold onto the WebviewPanel to use later for example in a command. See WebviewPanel for additional details.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token that indicates the result is no longer needed.

Thenable<void> | void

Optional thenable indicating that the custom editor has been resolved.


Provider for text based custom editors.

Text based custom editors use a TextDocument as their data model. This considerably simplifies implementing a custom editor as it allows VS Code to handle many common operations such as undo and backup. The provider is responsible for synchronizing text changes between the webview and the TextDocument.


resolveCustomTextEditor(document: TextDocument, webviewPanel: WebviewPanel, token: CancellationToken): Thenable<void> | void

Resolve a custom editor for a given text resource.

This is called when a user first opens a resource for a CustomTextEditorProvider, or if they reopen an existing editor using this CustomTextEditorProvider.

document: TextDocument

Document for the resource to resolve.

webviewPanel: WebviewPanel

The webview panel used to display the editor UI for this resource.

During resolve, the provider must fill in the initial html for the content webview panel and hook up all the event listeners on it that it is interested in. The provider can also hold onto the WebviewPanel to use later for example in a command. See WebviewPanel for additional details.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token that indicates the result is no longer needed.

Thenable<void> | void

Thenable indicating that the custom editor has been resolved.


A debug adapter that implements the Debug Adapter Protocol can be registered with VS Code if it implements the DebugAdapter interface.


onDidSendMessage: Event<DebugProtocolMessage>

An event which fires after the debug adapter has sent a Debug Adapter Protocol message to VS Code. Messages can be requests, responses, or events.


from(...disposableLikes: {dispose: () => any}[]): Disposable

Combine many disposable-likes into one. Use this method when having objects with a dispose function which are not instances of Disposable.

...disposableLikes: {dispose: () => any}[]

Objects that have at least a dispose-function member.


Returns a new disposable which, upon dispose, will dispose all provided disposables.


new DebugAdapter(callOnDispose: Function): DebugAdapter

Creates a new Disposable calling the provided function on dispose.

callOnDispose: Function

Function that disposes something.



dispose(): any

Dispose this object.


handleMessage(message: DebugProtocolMessage): void

Handle a Debug Adapter Protocol message. Messages can be requests, responses, or events. Results or errors are returned via onSendMessage events.

message: DebugProtocolMessage

A Debug Adapter Protocol message



DebugAdapterDescriptor: DebugAdapterExecutable | DebugAdapterServer | DebugAdapterNamedPipeServer | DebugAdapterInlineImplementation



createDebugAdapterDescriptor(session: DebugSession, executable: DebugAdapterExecutable | undefined): ProviderResult<DebugAdapterDescriptor>

'createDebugAdapterDescriptor' is called at the start of a debug session to provide details about the debug adapter to use. These details must be returned as objects of type DebugAdapterDescriptor. Currently two types of debug adapters are supported:

  • a debug adapter executable is specified as a command path and arguments (see DebugAdapterExecutable),
  • a debug adapter server reachable via a communication port (see DebugAdapterServer). If the method is not implemented the default behavior is this: createDebugAdapter(session: DebugSession, executable: DebugAdapterExecutable) { if (typeof session.configuration.debugServer === 'number') {
      return new DebugAdapterServer(session.configuration.debugServer);
    } return executable; }
session: DebugSession

The debug session for which the debug adapter will be used.

executable: DebugAdapterExecutable | undefined

The debug adapter's executable information as specified in the package.json (or undefined if no such information exists).


a debug adapter descriptor or undefined.


Represents a debug adapter executable and optional arguments and runtime options passed to it.


new DebugAdapterExecutable(command: string, args?: string[], options?: DebugAdapterExecutableOptions): DebugAdapterExecutable

Creates a description for a debug adapter based on an executable program.

command: string

The command or executable path that implements the debug adapter.

args?: string[]

Optional arguments to be passed to the command or executable.

options?: DebugAdapterExecutableOptions

Optional options to be used when starting the command or executable.



args: string[]

The arguments passed to the debug adapter executable. Defaults to an empty array.

command: string

The command or path of the debug adapter executable. A command must be either an absolute path of an executable or the name of an command to be looked up via the PATH environment variable. The special value 'node' will be mapped to VS Code's built-in Node.js runtime.

options?: DebugAdapterExecutableOptions

Optional options to be used when the debug adapter is started. Defaults to undefined.


Options for a debug adapter executable.


cwd?: string

The current working directory for the executed debug adapter.


The additional environment of the executed program or shell. If omitted the parent process' environment is used. If provided it is merged with the parent process' environment.


A debug adapter descriptor for an inline implementation.


new DebugAdapterInlineImplementation(implementation: DebugAdapter): DebugAdapterInlineImplementation

Create a descriptor for an inline implementation of a debug adapter.

implementation: DebugAdapter


Represents a debug adapter running as a Named Pipe (on Windows)/UNIX Domain Socket (on non-Windows) based server.


new DebugAdapterNamedPipeServer(path: string): DebugAdapterNamedPipeServer

Create a description for a debug adapter running as a socket based server.

path: string


path: string

The path to the NamedPipe/UNIX Domain Socket.


Represents a debug adapter running as a socket based server.


new DebugAdapterServer(port: number, host?: string): DebugAdapterServer

Create a description for a debug adapter running as a socket based server.

port: number
host?: string


host?: string

The host.

port: number

The port.


A Debug Adapter Tracker is a means to track the communication between VS Code and a Debug Adapter.


onDidSendMessage(message: any): void

The debug adapter has sent a Debug Adapter Protocol message to VS Code.

message: any

onWillReceiveMessage(message: any): void

The debug adapter is about to receive a Debug Adapter Protocol message from VS Code.

message: any

onWillStartSession(): void

A session with the debug adapter is about to be started.


onWillStopSession(): void

The debug adapter session is about to be stopped.



onError(error: Error): void

An error with the debug adapter has occurred.

error: Error

onExit(code: number | undefined, signal: string | undefined): void

The debug adapter has exited with the given exit code or signal.

code: number | undefined
signal: string | undefined



createDebugAdapterTracker(session: DebugSession): ProviderResult<DebugAdapterTracker>

The method 'createDebugAdapterTracker' is called at the start of a debug session in order to return a "tracker" object that provides read-access to the communication between VS Code and a debug adapter.

session: DebugSession

The debug session for which the debug adapter tracker will be used.


A debug adapter tracker or undefined.


Configuration for a debug session.


name: string

The name of the debug session.

request: string

The request type of the debug session.

type: string

The type of the debug session.


A debug configuration provider allows to add debug configurations to the debug service and to resolve launch configurations before they are used to start a debug session. A debug configuration provider is registered via #debug.registerDebugConfigurationProvider.


provideDebugConfigurations(folder: WorkspaceFolder | undefined, token?: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<DebugConfiguration[]>

Provides debug configuration to the debug service. If more than one debug configuration provider is registered for the same type, debug configurations are concatenated in arbitrary order.

folder: WorkspaceFolder | undefined

The workspace folder for which the configurations are used or undefined for a folderless setup.

token?: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


resolveDebugConfiguration(folder: WorkspaceFolder | undefined, debugConfiguration: DebugConfiguration, token?: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<DebugConfiguration>

Resolves a debug configuration by filling in missing values or by adding/changing/removing attributes. If more than one debug configuration provider is registered for the same type, the resolveDebugConfiguration calls are chained in arbitrary order and the initial debug configuration is piped through the chain. Returning the value 'undefined' prevents the debug session from starting. Returning the value 'null' prevents the debug session from starting and opens the underlying debug configuration instead.

folder: WorkspaceFolder | undefined

The workspace folder from which the configuration originates from or undefined for a folderless setup.

debugConfiguration: DebugConfiguration

The debug configuration to resolve.

token?: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


The resolved debug configuration or undefined or null.

resolveDebugConfigurationWithSubstitutedVariables(folder: WorkspaceFolder | undefined, debugConfiguration: DebugConfiguration, token?: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<DebugConfiguration>

This hook is directly called after 'resolveDebugConfiguration' but with all variables substituted. It can be used to resolve or verify a debug configuration by filling in missing values or by adding/changing/removing attributes. If more than one debug configuration provider is registered for the same type, the 'resolveDebugConfigurationWithSubstitutedVariables' calls are chained in arbitrary order and the initial debug configuration is piped through the chain. Returning the value 'undefined' prevents the debug session from starting. Returning the value 'null' prevents the debug session from starting and opens the underlying debug configuration instead.

folder: WorkspaceFolder | undefined

The workspace folder from which the configuration originates from or undefined for a folderless setup.

debugConfiguration: DebugConfiguration

The debug configuration to resolve.

token?: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


The resolved debug configuration or undefined or null.


A DebugConfigurationProviderTriggerKind specifies when the provideDebugConfigurations method of a DebugConfigurationProvider is triggered. Currently there are two situations: to provide the initial debug configurations for a newly created launch.json or to provide dynamically generated debug configurations when the user asks for them through the UI (e.g. via the "Select and Start Debugging" command). A trigger kind is used when registering a DebugConfigurationProvider with #debug.registerDebugConfigurationProvider.

Enumeration members






Represents the debug console.


append(value: string): void

Append the given value to the debug console.

value: string

A string, falsy values will not be printed.


appendLine(value: string): void

Append the given value and a line feed character to the debug console.

value: string

A string, falsy values will be printed.



Debug console mode used by debug session, see options.

Enumeration members






A DebugProtocolBreakpoint is an opaque stand-in type for the Breakpoint type defined in the Debug Adapter Protocol.


A DebugProtocolMessage is an opaque stand-in type for the ProtocolMessage type defined in the Debug Adapter Protocol.


A DebugProtocolSource is an opaque stand-in type for the Source type defined in the Debug Adapter Protocol.


A debug session.


configuration: DebugConfiguration

The "resolved" debug configuration of this session. "Resolved" means that

  • all variables have been substituted and
  • platform specific attribute sections have been "flattened" for the matching platform and removed for non-matching platforms.

id: string

The unique ID of this debug session.

name: string

The debug session's name is initially taken from the debug configuration. Any changes will be properly reflected in the UI.

type: string

The debug session's type from the debug configuration.

workspaceFolder: WorkspaceFolder | undefined

The workspace folder of this session or undefined for a folderless setup.


customRequest(command: string, args?: any): Thenable<any>

Send a custom request to the debug adapter.

command: string
args?: any

getDebugProtocolBreakpoint(breakpoint: Breakpoint): Thenable<DebugProtocolBreakpoint | undefined>

Maps a VS Code breakpoint to the corresponding Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP) breakpoint that is managed by the debug adapter of the debug session. If no DAP breakpoint exists (either because the VS Code breakpoint was not yet registered or because the debug adapter is not interested in the breakpoint), the value undefined is returned.

breakpoint: Breakpoint

A VS Code breakpoint.

Thenable<DebugProtocolBreakpoint | undefined>

A promise that resolves to the Debug Adapter Protocol breakpoint or undefined.


A custom Debug Adapter Protocol event received from a debug session.


body?: any

Event specific information.

event: string

Type of event.

session: DebugSession

The debug session for which the custom event was received.



compact?: boolean

Controls if the debug session's parent session is shown in the CALL STACK view even if it has only a single child. By default, the debug session will never hide its parent. If compact is true, debug sessions with a single child are hidden in the CALL STACK view to make the tree more compact.

consoleMode?: DebugConsoleMode

Controls whether this session should have a separate debug console or share it with the parent session. Has no effect for sessions which do not have a parent session. Defaults to Separate.

noDebug?: boolean

Controls whether this session should run without debugging, thus ignoring breakpoints. When this property is not specified, the value from the parent session (if there is one) is used.

parentSession?: DebugSession

When specified the newly created debug session is registered as a "child" session of this "parent" debug session.


The declaration of a symbol representation as one or many locations or location links.

Declaration: Location | Location[] | LocationLink[]


The declaration provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the go to declaration feature.


provideDeclaration(document: TextDocument, position: Position, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<Declaration>

Provide the declaration of the symbol at the given position and document.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

position: Position

The position at which the command was invoked.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


A declaration or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined or null.



after?: ThemableDecorationAttachmentRenderOptions

Defines the rendering options of the attachment that is inserted after the decorated text.

before?: ThemableDecorationAttachmentRenderOptions

Defines the rendering options of the attachment that is inserted before the decorated text.

dark?: ThemableDecorationInstanceRenderOptions

Overwrite options for dark themes.

light?: ThemableDecorationInstanceRenderOptions

Overwrite options for light themes.


Represents options for a specific decoration in a decoration set.


hoverMessage?: MarkedString | MarkedString[]

A message that should be rendered when hovering over the decoration.

range: Range

Range to which this decoration is applied. The range must not be empty.

renderOptions?: DecorationInstanceRenderOptions

Render options applied to the current decoration. For performance reasons, keep the number of decoration specific options small, and use decoration types wherever possible.


Describes the behavior of decorations when typing/editing at their edges.

Enumeration members










Represents rendering styles for a text editor decoration.


after?: ThemableDecorationAttachmentRenderOptions

Defines the rendering options of the attachment that is inserted after the decorated text.

backgroundColor?: string | ThemeColor

Background color of the decoration. Use rgba() and define transparent background colors to play well with other decorations. Alternatively a color from the color registry can be referenced.

before?: ThemableDecorationAttachmentRenderOptions

Defines the rendering options of the attachment that is inserted before the decorated text.

border?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.

borderColor?: string | ThemeColor

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration. Better use 'border' for setting one or more of the individual border properties.

borderRadius?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration. Better use 'border' for setting one or more of the individual border properties.

borderSpacing?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration. Better use 'border' for setting one or more of the individual border properties.

borderStyle?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration. Better use 'border' for setting one or more of the individual border properties.

borderWidth?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration. Better use 'border' for setting one or more of the individual border properties.

color?: string | ThemeColor

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.

cursor?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.

dark?: ThemableDecorationRenderOptions

Overwrite options for dark themes.

fontStyle?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.

fontWeight?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.

gutterIconPath?: string | Uri

An absolute path or an URI to an image to be rendered in the gutter.

gutterIconSize?: string

Specifies the size of the gutter icon. Available values are 'auto', 'contain', 'cover' and any percentage value. For further information:

isWholeLine?: boolean

Should the decoration be rendered also on the whitespace after the line text. Defaults to false.

letterSpacing?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.

light?: ThemableDecorationRenderOptions

Overwrite options for light themes.

opacity?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.

outline?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.

outlineColor?: string | ThemeColor

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration. Better use 'outline' for setting one or more of the individual outline properties.

outlineStyle?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration. Better use 'outline' for setting one or more of the individual outline properties.

outlineWidth?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration. Better use 'outline' for setting one or more of the individual outline properties.

overviewRulerColor?: string | ThemeColor

The color of the decoration in the overview ruler. Use rgba() and define transparent colors to play well with other decorations.

overviewRulerLane?: OverviewRulerLane

The position in the overview ruler where the decoration should be rendered.

rangeBehavior?: DecorationRangeBehavior

Customize the growing behavior of the decoration when edits occur at the edges of the decoration's range. Defaults to DecorationRangeBehavior.OpenOpen.

textDecoration?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.


The definition of a symbol represented as one or many locations. For most programming languages there is only one location at which a symbol is defined.

Definition: Location | Location[]

Information about where a symbol is defined.

Provides additional metadata over normal location definitions, including the range of the defining symbol

DefinitionLink: LocationLink


The definition provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the go to definition and peek definition features.


provideDefinition(document: TextDocument, position: Position, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<Definition | DefinitionLink[]>

Provide the definition of the symbol at the given position and document.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

position: Position

The position at which the command was invoked.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.

ProviderResult<Definition | DefinitionLink[]>

A definition or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined or null.


Represents a diagnostic, such as a compiler error or warning. Diagnostic objects are only valid in the scope of a file.


new Diagnostic(range: Range, message: string, severity?: DiagnosticSeverity): Diagnostic

Creates a new diagnostic object.

range: Range

The range to which this diagnostic applies.

message: string

The human-readable message.

severity?: DiagnosticSeverity

The severity, default is error.



code?: string | number | {target: Uri, value: string | number}

A code or identifier for this diagnostic. Should be used for later processing, e.g. when providing code actions.

message: string

The human-readable message.

range: Range

The range to which this diagnostic applies.

relatedInformation?: DiagnosticRelatedInformation[]

An array of related diagnostic information, e.g. when symbol-names within a scope collide all definitions can be marked via this property.

severity: DiagnosticSeverity

The severity, default is error.

source?: string

A human-readable string describing the source of this diagnostic, e.g. 'typescript' or 'super lint'.

tags?: DiagnosticTag[]

Additional metadata about the diagnostic.


The event that is fired when diagnostics change.


uris: ReadonlyArray<Uri>

An array of resources for which diagnostics have changed.


A diagnostics collection is a container that manages a set of diagnostics. Diagnostics are always scopes to a diagnostics collection and a resource.

To get an instance of a DiagnosticCollection use createDiagnosticCollection.


name: string

The name of this diagnostic collection, for instance typescript. Every diagnostic from this collection will be associated with this name. Also, the task framework uses this name when defining problem matchers.


clear(): void

Remove all diagnostics from this collection. The same as calling #set(undefined);


delete(uri: Uri): void

Remove all diagnostics from this collection that belong to the provided uri. The same as #set(uri, undefined).

uri: Uri

A resource identifier.


dispose(): void

Dispose and free associated resources. Calls clear.


forEach(callback: (uri: Uri, diagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>, collection: DiagnosticCollection) => any, thisArg?: any): void

Iterate over each entry in this collection.

callback: (uri: Uri, diagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>, collection: DiagnosticCollection) => any

Function to execute for each entry.

thisArg?: any

The this context used when invoking the handler function.


get(uri: Uri): ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic> | undefined

Get the diagnostics for a given resource. Note that you cannot modify the diagnostics-array returned from this call.

uri: Uri

A resource identifier.

ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic> | undefined

An immutable array of diagnostics or undefined.

has(uri: Uri): boolean

Check if this collection contains diagnostics for a given resource.

uri: Uri

A resource identifier.


true if this collection has diagnostic for the given resource.

set(uri: Uri, diagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic> | undefined): void

Assign diagnostics for given resource. Will replace existing diagnostics for that resource.

uri: Uri

A resource identifier.

diagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic> | undefined

Array of diagnostics or undefined


set(entries: ReadonlyArray<[Uri, ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic> | undefined]>): void

Replace all entries in this collection.

Diagnostics of multiple tuples of the same uri will be merged, e.g [[file1, [d1]], [file1, [d2]]] is equivalent to [[file1, [d1, d2]]]. If a diagnostics item is undefined as in [file1, undefined] all previous but not subsequent diagnostics are removed.

entries: ReadonlyArray<[Uri, ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic> | undefined]>

An array of tuples, like [[file1, [d1, d2]], [file2, [d3, d4, d5]]], or undefined.



Represents a related message and source code location for a diagnostic. This should be used to point to code locations that cause or related to a diagnostics, e.g. when duplicating a symbol in a scope.


new DiagnosticRelatedInformation(location: Location, message: string): DiagnosticRelatedInformation

Creates a new related diagnostic information object.

location: Location

The location.

message: string

The message.



location: Location

The location of this related diagnostic information.

message: string

The message of this related diagnostic information.


Represents the severity of diagnostics.

Enumeration members










Additional metadata about the type of a diagnostic.

Enumeration members






Represents a type which can release resources, such as event listening or a timer.


from(...disposableLikes: {dispose: () => any}[]): Disposable

Combine many disposable-likes into one. Use this method when having objects with a dispose function which are not instances of Disposable.

...disposableLikes: {dispose: () => any}[]

Objects that have at least a dispose-function member.


Returns a new disposable which, upon dispose, will dispose all provided disposables.


new Disposable(callOnDispose: Function): Disposable

Creates a new Disposable calling the provided function on dispose.

callOnDispose: Function

Function that disposes something.



dispose(): any

Dispose this object.



The document color provider defines the contract between extensions and feature of picking and modifying colors in the editor.


provideColorPresentations(color: Color, context: {document: TextDocument, range: Range}, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<ColorPresentation[]>

Provide representations for a color.

color: Color

The color to show and insert.

context: {document: TextDocument, range: Range}

A context object with additional information

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


An array of color presentations or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined, null, or an empty array.

provideDocumentColors(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<ColorInformation[]>

Provide colors for the given document.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


An array of color information or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined, null, or an empty array.


A document filter denotes a document by different properties like the language, the scheme of its resource, or a glob-pattern that is applied to the path.

  • example - A language filter that applies to typescript files on disk { language: 'typescript', scheme: 'file' }
  • example - A language filter that applies to all package.json paths { language: 'json', scheme: 'untitled', pattern: '**/package.json' }


language?: string

A language ID, like typescript.

pattern?: GlobPattern

A glob pattern that is matched on the absolute path of the document. Use a relative pattern to filter documents to a workspace folder.

scheme?: string

A Uri scheme, like file or untitled.


The document formatting provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the formatting-feature.


provideDocumentFormattingEdits(document: TextDocument, options: FormattingOptions, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<TextEdit[]>

Provide formatting edits for a whole document.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

options: FormattingOptions

Options controlling formatting.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


A set of text edits or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined, null, or an empty array.


A document highlight is a range inside a text document which deserves special attention. Usually a document highlight is visualized by changing the background color of its range.


new DocumentHighlight(range: Range, kind?: DocumentHighlightKind): DocumentHighlight

Creates a new document highlight object.

range: Range

The range the highlight applies to.

kind?: DocumentHighlightKind

The highlight kind, default is text.



kind?: DocumentHighlightKind

The highlight kind, default is text.

range: Range

The range this highlight applies to.


A document highlight kind.

Enumeration members








The document highlight provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the word-highlight-feature.


provideDocumentHighlights(document: TextDocument, position: Position, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<DocumentHighlight[]>

Provide a set of document highlights, like all occurrences of a variable or all exit-points of a function.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

position: Position

The position at which the command was invoked.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


An array of document highlights or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined, null, or an empty array.

A document link is a range in a text document that links to an internal or external resource, like another text document or a web site.


new DocumentLink(range: Range, target?: Uri): DocumentLink

Creates a new document link.

range: Range

The range the document link applies to. Must not be empty.

target?: Uri

The uri the document link points to.



range: Range

The range this link applies to.

target?: Uri

The uri this link points to.

tooltip?: string

The tooltip text when you hover over this link.

If a tooltip is provided, is will be displayed in a string that includes instructions on how to trigger the link, such as {0} (ctrl + click). The specific instructions vary depending on OS, user settings, and localization.


The document link provider defines the contract between extensions and feature of showing links in the editor.


provideDocumentLinks(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<T[]>

Provide links for the given document. Note that the editor ships with a default provider that detects http(s) and file links.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


An array of document links or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined, null, or an empty array.

resolveDocumentLink(link: T, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<T>

Given a link fill in its target. This method is called when an incomplete link is selected in the UI. Providers can implement this method and return incomplete links (without target) from the provideDocumentLinks method which often helps to improve performance.

link: T

The link that is to be resolved.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.



The document formatting provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the formatting-feature.


provideDocumentRangeFormattingEdits(document: TextDocument, range: Range, options: FormattingOptions, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<TextEdit[]>

Provide formatting edits for a range in a document.

The given range is a hint and providers can decide to format a smaller or larger range. Often this is done by adjusting the start and end of the range to full syntax nodes.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

range: Range

The range which should be formatted.

options: FormattingOptions

Options controlling formatting.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


A set of text edits or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined, null, or an empty array.


The document range semantic tokens provider interface defines the contract between extensions and semantic tokens.


provideDocumentRangeSemanticTokens(document: TextDocument, range: Range, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<SemanticTokens>

document: TextDocument
range: Range
token: CancellationToken


A language selector is the combination of one or many language identifiers and language filters.

Note that a document selector that is just a language identifier selects all documents, even those that are not saved on disk. Only use such selectors when a feature works without further context, e.g. without the need to resolve related 'files'.

  • example - let sel:DocumentSelector = { scheme: 'file', language: 'typescript' };

DocumentSelector: DocumentFilter | string | ReadonlyArray<DocumentFilter | string>


The document semantic tokens provider interface defines the contract between extensions and semantic tokens.


onDidChangeSemanticTokens?: Event<void>

An optional event to signal that the semantic tokens from this provider have changed.


provideDocumentSemanticTokens(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<SemanticTokens>

Tokens in a file are represented as an array of integers. The position of each token is expressed relative to the token before it, because most tokens remain stable relative to each other when edits are made in a file.

In short, each token takes 5 integers to represent, so a specific token i in the file consists of the following array indices:

  • at index 5*i - deltaLine: token line number, relative to the previous token
  • at index 5*i+1 - deltaStart: token start character, relative to the previous token (relative to 0 or the previous token's start if they are on the same line)
  • at index 5*i+2 - length: the length of the token. A token cannot be multiline.
  • at index 5*i+3 - tokenType: will be looked up in SemanticTokensLegend.tokenTypes. We currently ask that tokenType < 65536.
  • at index 5*i+4 - tokenModifiers: each set bit will be looked up in SemanticTokensLegend.tokenModifiers

How to encode tokens

Here is an example for encoding a file with 3 tokens in a uint32 array:

   { line: 2, startChar:  5, length: 3, tokenType: "property",  tokenModifiers: ["private", "static"] },
   { line: 2, startChar: 10, length: 4, tokenType: "type",      tokenModifiers: [] },
   { line: 5, startChar:  2, length: 7, tokenType: "class",     tokenModifiers: [] }
  1. First of all, a legend must be devised. This legend must be provided up-front and capture all possible token types. For this example, we will choose the following legend which must be passed in when registering the provider:

    tokenTypes: ['property', 'type', 'class'],
    tokenModifiers: ['private', 'static']
  2. The first transformation step is to encode tokenType and tokenModifiers as integers using the legend. Token types are looked up by index, so a tokenType value of 1 means tokenTypes[1]. Multiple token modifiers can be set by using bit flags, so a tokenModifier value of 3 is first viewed as binary 0b00000011, which means [tokenModifiers[0], tokenModifiers[1]] because bits 0 and 1 are set. Using this legend, the tokens now are:

    { line: 2, startChar:  5, length: 3, tokenType: 0, tokenModifiers: 3 },
    { line: 2, startChar: 10, length: 4, tokenType: 1, tokenModifiers: 0 },
    { line: 5, startChar:  2, length: 7, tokenType: 2, tokenModifiers: 0 }
  3. The next step is to represent each token relative to the previous token in the file. In this case, the second token is on the same line as the first token, so the startChar of the second token is made relative to the startChar of the first token, so it will be 10 - 5. The third token is on a different line than the second token, so the startChar of the third token will not be altered:

    { deltaLine: 2, deltaStartChar: 5, length: 3, tokenType: 0, tokenModifiers: 3 },
    { deltaLine: 0, deltaStartChar: 5, length: 4, tokenType: 1, tokenModifiers: 0 },
    { deltaLine: 3, deltaStartChar: 2, length: 7, tokenType: 2, tokenModifiers: 0 }
  4. Finally, the last step is to inline each of the 5 fields for a token in a single array, which is a memory friendly representation:

    // 1st token,  2nd token,  3rd token
    [  2,5,3,0,3,  0,5,4,1,0,  3,2,7,2,0 ]
  • see - SemanticTokensBuilder for a helper to encode tokens as integers. NOTE: When doing edits, it is possible that multiple edits occur until VS Code decides to invoke the semantic tokens provider. NOTE: If the provider cannot temporarily compute semantic tokens, it can indicate this by throwing an error with the message 'Busy'.
document: TextDocument
token: CancellationToken

provideDocumentSemanticTokensEdits(document: TextDocument, previousResultId: string, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<SemanticTokens | SemanticTokensEdits>

Instead of always returning all the tokens in a file, it is possible for a DocumentSemanticTokensProvider to implement this method (provideDocumentSemanticTokensEdits) and then return incremental updates to the previously provided semantic tokens.

How tokens change when the document changes

Suppose that provideDocumentSemanticTokens has previously returned the following semantic tokens:

   // 1st token,  2nd token,  3rd token
   [  2,5,3,0,3,  0,5,4,1,0,  3,2,7,2,0 ]

Also suppose that after some edits, the new semantic tokens in a file are:

   // 1st token,  2nd token,  3rd token
   [  3,5,3,0,3,  0,5,4,1,0,  3,2,7,2,0 ]

It is possible to express these new tokens in terms of an edit applied to the previous tokens:

   [  2,5,3,0,3,  0,5,4,1,0,  3,2,7,2,0 ] // old tokens
   [  3,5,3,0,3,  0,5,4,1,0,  3,2,7,2,0 ] // new tokens

   edit: { start:  0, deleteCount: 1, data: [3] } // replace integer at offset 0 with 3

NOTE: If the provider cannot compute SemanticTokensEdits, it can "give up" and return all the tokens in the document again.

NOTE: All edits in SemanticTokensEdits contain indices in the old integers array, so they all refer to the previous result state.

document: TextDocument
previousResultId: string
token: CancellationToken
ProviderResult<SemanticTokens | SemanticTokensEdits>


Represents programming constructs like variables, classes, interfaces etc. that appear in a document. Document symbols can be hierarchical and they have two ranges: one that encloses its definition and one that points to its most interesting range, e.g. the range of an identifier.


new DocumentSymbol(name: string, detail: string, kind: SymbolKind, range: Range, selectionRange: Range): DocumentSymbol

Creates a new document symbol.

name: string

The name of the symbol.

detail: string

Details for the symbol.

kind: SymbolKind

The kind of the symbol.

range: Range

The full range of the symbol.

selectionRange: Range

The range that should be reveal.



children: DocumentSymbol[]

Children of this symbol, e.g. properties of a class.

detail: string

More detail for this symbol, e.g. the signature of a function.

kind: SymbolKind

The kind of this symbol.

name: string

The name of this symbol.

range: Range

The range enclosing this symbol not including leading/trailing whitespace but everything else, e.g. comments and code.

selectionRange: Range

The range that should be selected and reveal when this symbol is being picked, e.g. the name of a function. Must be contained by the range.

tags?: ReadonlyArray<SymbolTag>

Tags for this symbol.


The document symbol provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the go to symbol-feature.


provideDocumentSymbols(document: TextDocument, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<SymbolInformation[] | DocumentSymbol[]>

Provide symbol information for the given document.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.

ProviderResult<SymbolInformation[] | DocumentSymbol[]>

An array of document highlights or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined, null, or an empty array.


Metadata about a document symbol provider.


label?: string

A human-readable string that is shown when multiple outlines trees show for one document.


Represents an end of line character sequence in a document.

Enumeration members






Describes what to do when pressing Enter.


appendText?: string

Describes text to be appended after the new line and after the indentation.

indentAction: IndentAction

Describe what to do with the indentation.

removeText?: number

Describes the number of characters to remove from the new line's indentation.


A collection of mutations that an extension can apply to a process environment.


persistent: boolean

Whether the collection should be cached for the workspace and applied to the terminal across window reloads. When true the collection will be active immediately such when the window reloads. Additionally, this API will return the cached version if it exists. The collection will be invalidated when the extension is uninstalled or when the collection is cleared. Defaults to true.


append(variable: string, value: string): void

Append a value to an environment variable.

Note that an extension can only make a single change to any one variable, so this will overwrite any previous calls to replace, append or prepend.

variable: string

The variable to append to.

value: string

The value to append to the variable.


clear(): void

Clears all mutators from this collection.


delete(variable: string): void

Deletes this collection's mutator for a variable.

variable: string

The variable to delete the mutator for.


forEach(callback: (variable: string, mutator: EnvironmentVariableMutator, collection: EnvironmentVariableCollection) => any, thisArg?: any): void

Iterate over each mutator in this collection.

callback: (variable: string, mutator: EnvironmentVariableMutator, collection: EnvironmentVariableCollection) => any

Function to execute for each entry.

thisArg?: any

The this context used when invoking the handler function.


get(variable: string): EnvironmentVariableMutator | undefined

Gets the mutator that this collection applies to a variable, if any.

variable: string

The variable to get the mutator for.

EnvironmentVariableMutator | undefined

prepend(variable: string, value: string): void

Prepend a value to an environment variable.

Note that an extension can only make a single change to any one variable, so this will overwrite any previous calls to replace, append or prepend.

variable: string

The variable to prepend.

value: string

The value to prepend to the variable.


replace(variable: string, value: string): void

Replace an environment variable with a value.

Note that an extension can only make a single change to any one variable, so this will overwrite any previous calls to replace, append or prepend.

variable: string

The variable to replace.

value: string

The value to replace the variable with.



A type of mutation and its value to be applied to an environment variable.


type: EnvironmentVariableMutatorType

The type of mutation that will occur to the variable.

value: string

The value to use for the variable.


A type of mutation that can be applied to an environment variable.

Enumeration members








An EvaluatableExpression represents an expression in a document that can be evaluated by an active debugger or runtime. The result of this evaluation is shown in a tooltip-like widget. If only a range is specified, the expression will be extracted from the underlying document. An optional expression can be used to override the extracted expression. In this case the range is still used to highlight the range in the document.


new EvaluatableExpression(range: Range, expression?: string): EvaluatableExpression

Creates a new evaluatable expression object.

range: Range

The range in the underlying document from which the evaluatable expression is extracted.

expression?: string

If specified overrides the extracted expression.



expression?: string

range: Range


The evaluatable expression provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the debug hover. In this contract the provider returns an evaluatable expression for a given position in a document and VS Code evaluates this expression in the active debug session and shows the result in a debug hover.


provideEvaluatableExpression(document: TextDocument, position: Position, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<EvaluatableExpression>

Provide an evaluatable expression for the given document and position. VS Code will evaluate this expression in the active debug session and will show the result in the debug hover. The expression can be implicitly specified by the range in the underlying document or by explicitly returning an expression.

document: TextDocument

The document for which the debug hover is about to appear.

position: Position

The line and character position in the document where the debug hover is about to appear.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


An EvaluatableExpression or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined or null.


Represents a typed event.

A function that represents an event to which you subscribe by calling it with a listener function as argument.

  • example - item.onDidChange(function(event) { console.log("Event happened: " + event); });

(listener: (e: T) => any, thisArgs?: any, disposables?: Disposable[]): Disposable

A function that represents an event to which you subscribe by calling it with a listener function as argument.

A function that represents an event to which you subscribe by calling it with a listener function as argument.

listener: (e: T) => any

The listener function will be called when the event happens.

thisArgs?: any

The this-argument which will be used when calling the event listener.

disposables?: Disposable[]

An array to which a disposable will be added.


A disposable which unsubscribes the event listener.


An event emitter can be used to create and manage an event for others to subscribe to. One emitter always owns one event.

Use this class if you want to provide event from within your extension, for instance inside a TextDocumentContentProvider or when providing API to other extensions.


event: Event<T>

The event listeners can subscribe to.


dispose(): void

Dispose this object and free resources.


fire(data: T): void

Notify all subscribers of the event. Failure of one or more listener will not fail this function call.

data: T

The event object.



Represents an extension.

To get an instance of an Extension use getExtension.


exports: T

The public API exported by this extension. It is an invalid action to access this field before this extension has been activated.

extensionKind: ExtensionKind

The extension kind describes if an extension runs where the UI runs or if an extension runs where the remote extension host runs. The extension kind is defined in the package.json-file of extensions but can also be refined via the remote.extensionKind-setting. When no remote extension host exists, the value is ExtensionKind.UI.

extensionPath: string

The absolute file path of the directory containing this extension. Shorthand notation for Extension.extensionUri.fsPath (independent of the uri scheme).

extensionUri: Uri

The uri of the directory containing the extension.

id: string

The canonical extension identifier in the form of:

isActive: boolean

true if the extension has been activated.

packageJSON: any

The parsed contents of the extension's package.json.


activate(): Thenable<T>

Activates this extension and returns its public API.


A promise that will resolve when this extension has been activated.


An extension context is a collection of utilities private to an extension.

An instance of an ExtensionContext is provided as the first parameter to the activate-call of an extension.


environmentVariableCollection: EnvironmentVariableCollection

Gets the extension's environment variable collection for this workspace, enabling changes to be applied to terminal environment variables.

extensionMode: ExtensionMode

The mode the extension is running in. This is specific to the current extension. One extension may be in ExtensionMode.Development while other extensions in the host run in ExtensionMode.Release.

extensionPath: string

The absolute file path of the directory containing the extension. Shorthand notation for ExtensionContext.extensionUri.fsPath (independent of the uri scheme).

extensionUri: Uri

The uri of the directory containing the extension.

globalState: Memento & {setKeysForSync}

A memento object that stores state independent of the current opened workspace.

globalStoragePath: string

An absolute file path in which the extension can store global state. The directory might not exist on disk and creation is up to the extension. However, the parent directory is guaranteed to be existent.

Use globalState to store key value data.

globalStorageUri: Uri

The uri of a directory in which the extension can store global state. The directory might not exist on disk and creation is up to the extension. However, the parent directory is guaranteed to be existent.

Use globalState to store key value data.

  • see - workspace.fs for how to read and write files and folders from an uri.

logPath: string

An absolute file path of a directory in which the extension can create log files. The directory might not exist on disk and creation is up to the extension. However, the parent directory is guaranteed to be existent.

  • deprecated - Use logUri instead.

logUri: Uri

The uri of a directory in which the extension can create log files. The directory might not exist on disk and creation is up to the extension. However, the parent directory is guaranteed to be existent.

  • see - workspace.fs for how to read and write files and folders from an uri.

storagePath: string | undefined

An absolute file path of a workspace specific directory in which the extension can store private state. The directory might not exist on disk and creation is up to the extension. However, the parent directory is guaranteed to be existent.

Use workspaceState or globalState to store key value data.

storageUri: Uri | undefined

The uri of a workspace specific directory in which the extension can store private state. The directory might not exist and creation is up to the extension. However, the parent directory is guaranteed to be existent. The value is undefined when no workspace nor folder has been opened.

Use workspaceState or globalState to store key value data.

  • see - workspace.fs for how to read and write files and folders from an uri.

subscriptions: {dispose}[]

An array to which disposables can be added. When this extension is deactivated the disposables will be disposed.

workspaceState: Memento

A memento object that stores state in the context of the currently opened workspace.


asAbsolutePath(relativePath: string): string

Get the absolute path of a resource contained in the extension.

Note that an absolute uri can be constructed via Uri.joinPath and extensionUri, e.g. vscode.Uri.joinPath(context.extensionUri, relativePath);

relativePath: string

A relative path to a resource contained in the extension.


The absolute path of the resource.


In a remote window the extension kind describes if an extension runs where the UI (window) runs or if an extension runs remotely.

Enumeration members






The ExtensionMode is provided on the ExtensionContext and indicates the mode the specific extension is running in.

Enumeration members








Value-object describing what options a virtual process terminal should use.


name: string

A human-readable string which will be used to represent the terminal in the UI.

pty: Pseudoterminal

An implementation of Pseudoterminal that allows an extension to control a terminal.


The event filesystem providers must use to signal a file change.


type: FileChangeType

The type of change.

uri: Uri

The uri of the file that has changed.


Enumeration of file change types.

Enumeration members








An event that is fired after files are created.


files: ReadonlyArray<Uri>

The files that got created.


An event that is fired after files are deleted.


files: ReadonlyArray<Uri>

The files that got deleted.


An event that is fired after files are renamed.


files: ReadonlyArray<{newUri: Uri, oldUri: Uri}>

The files that got renamed.


The FileStat-type represents metadata about a file


ctime: number

The creation timestamp in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.

mtime: number

The modification timestamp in milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.

Note: If the file changed, it is important to provide an updated mtime that advanced from the previous value. Otherwise there may be optimizations in place that will not show the updated file contents in an editor for example.

size: number

The size in bytes.

Note: If the file changed, it is important to provide an updated size. Otherwise there may be optimizations in place that will not show the updated file contents in an editor for example.

type: FileType

The type of the file, e.g. is a regular file, a directory, or symbolic link to a file.

Note: This value might be a bitmask, e.g. FileType.File | FileType.SymbolicLink.


The file system interface exposes the editor's built-in and contributed file system providers. It allows extensions to work with files from the local disk as well as files from remote places, like the remote extension host or ftp-servers.

Note that an instance of this interface is available as workspace.fs.


copy(source: Uri, target: Uri, options?: {overwrite: boolean}): Thenable<void>

Copy files or folders.

source: Uri

The existing file.

target: Uri
options?: {overwrite: boolean}

Defines if existing files should be overwritten.


createDirectory(uri: Uri): Thenable<void>

Create a new directory (Note, that new files are created via write-calls).

Note that missing directories are created automatically, e.g this call has mkdirp semantics.

uri: Uri

The uri of the new folder.


delete(uri: Uri, options?: {recursive: boolean, useTrash: boolean}): Thenable<void>

Delete a file.

uri: Uri

The resource that is to be deleted.

options?: {recursive: boolean, useTrash: boolean}

Defines if trash can should be used and if deletion of folders is recursive


readDirectory(uri: Uri): Thenable<[string, FileType][]>

Retrieve all entries of a directory.

uri: Uri

The uri of the folder.

Thenable<[string, FileType][]>

An array of name/type-tuples or a thenable that resolves to such.

readFile(uri: Uri): Thenable<Uint8Array>

Read the entire contents of a file.

uri: Uri

The uri of the file.


An array of bytes or a thenable that resolves to such.

rename(source: Uri, target: Uri, options?: {overwrite: boolean}): Thenable<void>

Rename a file or folder.

source: Uri
target: Uri
options?: {overwrite: boolean}

Defines if existing files should be overwritten.


stat(uri: Uri): Thenable<FileStat>

Retrieve metadata about a file.

uri: Uri

The uri of the file to retrieve metadata about.


The file metadata about the file.

writeFile(uri: Uri, content: Uint8Array): Thenable<void>

Write data to a file, replacing its entire contents.

uri: Uri

The uri of the file.

content: Uint8Array

The new content of the file.



A type that filesystem providers should use to signal errors.

This class has factory methods for common error-cases, like FileNotFound when a file or folder doesn't exist, use them like so: throw vscode.FileSystemError.FileNotFound(someUri);


Error: ErrorConstructor

FileExists(messageOrUri?: string | Uri): FileSystemError

Create an error to signal that a file or folder already exists, e.g. when creating but not overwriting a file.

messageOrUri?: string | Uri

Message or uri.


FileIsADirectory(messageOrUri?: string | Uri): FileSystemError

Create an error to signal that a file is a folder.

messageOrUri?: string | Uri

Message or uri.


FileNotADirectory(messageOrUri?: string | Uri): FileSystemError

Create an error to signal that a file is not a folder.

messageOrUri?: string | Uri

Message or uri.


FileNotFound(messageOrUri?: string | Uri): FileSystemError

Create an error to signal that a file or folder wasn't found.

messageOrUri?: string | Uri

Message or uri.


NoPermissions(messageOrUri?: string | Uri): FileSystemError

Create an error to signal that an operation lacks required permissions.

messageOrUri?: string | Uri

Message or uri.


Unavailable(messageOrUri?: string | Uri): FileSystemError

Create an error to signal that the file system is unavailable or too busy to complete a request.

messageOrUri?: string | Uri

Message or uri.



new FileSystemError(messageOrUri?: string | Uri): FileSystemError

Creates a new filesystem error.

messageOrUri?: string | Uri

Message or uri.



code: string

A code that identifies this error.

Possible values are names of errors, like FileNotFound, or Unknown for unspecified errors.

message: string

name: string

stack?: string


The filesystem provider defines what the editor needs to read, write, discover, and to manage files and folders. It allows extensions to serve files from remote places, like ftp-servers, and to seamlessly integrate those into the editor.

  • Note 1: The filesystem provider API works with uris and assumes hierarchical paths, e.g. foo:/my/path is a child of foo:/my/ and a parent of foo:/my/path/deeper.
  • Note 2: There is an activation event onFileSystem:<scheme> that fires when a file or folder is being accessed.
  • Note 3: The word 'file' is often used to denote all kinds of files, e.g. folders, symbolic links, and regular files.


onDidChangeFile: Event<FileChangeEvent[]>

An event to signal that a resource has been created, changed, or deleted. This event should fire for resources that are being watched by clients of this provider.

Note: It is important that the metadata of the file that changed provides an updated mtime that advanced from the previous value in the stat and a correct size value. Otherwise there may be optimizations in place that will not show the change in an editor for example.


copy(source: Uri, destination: Uri, options: {overwrite: boolean}): void | Thenable<void>

Copy files or folders. Implementing this function is optional but it will speedup the copy operation.

  • throws - FileNotFound when parent of destination doesn't exist, e.g. no mkdirp-logic required.
  • throws - FileExists when destination exists and when the overwrite option is not true.
source: Uri

The existing file.

destination: Uri

The destination location.

options: {overwrite: boolean}

Defines if existing files should be overwritten.

void | Thenable<void>

createDirectory(uri: Uri): void | Thenable<void>

Create a new directory (Note, that new files are created via write-calls).

  • throws - FileNotFound when the parent of uri doesn't exist, e.g. no mkdirp-logic required.
uri: Uri

The uri of the new folder.

void | Thenable<void>

delete(uri: Uri, options: {recursive: boolean}): void | Thenable<void>

Delete a file.

uri: Uri

The resource that is to be deleted.

options: {recursive: boolean}

Defines if deletion of folders is recursive.

void | Thenable<void>

readDirectory(uri: Uri): [string, FileType][] | Thenable<[string, FileType][]>

Retrieve all entries of a directory.

uri: Uri

The uri of the folder.

[string, FileType][] | Thenable<[string, FileType][]>

An array of name/type-tuples or a thenable that resolves to such.

readFile(uri: Uri): Uint8Array | Thenable<Uint8Array>

Read the entire contents of a file.

uri: Uri

The uri of the file.

Uint8Array | Thenable<Uint8Array>

An array of bytes or a thenable that resolves to such.

rename(oldUri: Uri, newUri: Uri, options: {overwrite: boolean}): void | Thenable<void>

Rename a file or folder.

  • throws - FileNotFound when parent of newUri doesn't exist, e.g. no mkdirp-logic required.
  • throws - FileExists when newUri exists and when the overwrite option is not true.
oldUri: Uri

The existing file.

newUri: Uri

The new location.

options: {overwrite: boolean}

Defines if existing files should be overwritten.

void | Thenable<void>

stat(uri: Uri): FileStat | Thenable<FileStat>

Retrieve metadata about a file.

Note that the metadata for symbolic links should be the metadata of the file they refer to. Still, the SymbolicLink-type must be used in addition to the actual type, e.g. FileType.SymbolicLink | FileType.Directory.

uri: Uri

The uri of the file to retrieve metadata about.

FileStat | Thenable<FileStat>

The file metadata about the file.

watch(uri: Uri, options: {excludes: string[], recursive: boolean}): Disposable

Subscribe to events in the file or folder denoted by uri.

The editor will call this function for files and folders. In the latter case, the options differ from defaults, e.g. what files/folders to exclude from watching and if subfolders, sub-subfolder, etc. should be watched (recursive).

uri: Uri

The uri of the file to be watched.

options: {excludes: string[], recursive: boolean}

Configures the watch.


A disposable that tells the provider to stop watching the uri.

writeFile(uri: Uri, content: Uint8Array, options: {create: boolean, overwrite: boolean}): void | Thenable<void>

Write data to a file, replacing its entire contents.

  • throws - FileNotFound when uri doesn't exist and create is not set.
  • throws - FileNotFound when the parent of uri doesn't exist and create is set, e.g. no mkdirp-logic required.
  • throws - FileExists when uri already exists, create is set but overwrite is not set.
uri: Uri

The uri of the file.

content: Uint8Array

The new content of the file.

options: {create: boolean, overwrite: boolean}

Defines if missing files should or must be created.

void | Thenable<void>


A file system watcher notifies about changes to files and folders on disk or from other FileSystemProviders.

To get an instance of a FileSystemWatcher use createFileSystemWatcher.


onDidChange: Event<Uri>

An event which fires on file/folder change.

onDidCreate: Event<Uri>

An event which fires on file/folder creation.

onDidDelete: Event<Uri>

An event which fires on file/folder deletion.


from(...disposableLikes: {dispose: () => any}[]): Disposable

Combine many disposable-likes into one. Use this method when having objects with a dispose function which are not instances of Disposable.

...disposableLikes: {dispose: () => any}[]

Objects that have at least a dispose-function member.


Returns a new disposable which, upon dispose, will dispose all provided disposables.


new FileSystemWatcher(callOnDispose: Function): FileSystemWatcher

Creates a new Disposable calling the provided function on dispose.

callOnDispose: Function

Function that disposes something.



ignoreChangeEvents: boolean

true if this file system watcher has been created such that it ignores change file system events.

ignoreCreateEvents: boolean

true if this file system watcher has been created such that it ignores creation file system events.

ignoreDeleteEvents: boolean

true if this file system watcher has been created such that it ignores delete file system events.


dispose(): any

Dispose this object.



Enumeration of file types. The types File and Directory can also be a symbolic links, in that case use FileType.File | FileType.SymbolicLink and FileType.Directory | FileType.SymbolicLink.

Enumeration members










An event that is fired when files are going to be created.

To make modifications to the workspace before the files are created, call the `waitUntil-function with a thenable that resolves to a workspace edit.


files: ReadonlyArray<Uri>

The files that are going to be created.


waitUntil(thenable: Thenable<WorkspaceEdit>): void

Allows to pause the event and to apply a workspace edit.

Note: This function can only be called during event dispatch and not in an asynchronous manner:

workspace.onWillCreateFiles(event => {
    // async, will *throw* an error
    setTimeout(() => event.waitUntil(promise));

    // sync, OK
thenable: Thenable<WorkspaceEdit>

A thenable that delays saving.


waitUntil(thenable: Thenable<any>): void

Allows to pause the event until the provided thenable resolves.

Note: This function can only be called during event dispatch.

thenable: Thenable<any>

A thenable that delays saving.



An event that is fired when files are going to be deleted.

To make modifications to the workspace before the files are deleted, call the `waitUntil-function with a thenable that resolves to a workspace edit.


files: ReadonlyArray<Uri>

The files that are going to be deleted.


waitUntil(thenable: Thenable<WorkspaceEdit>): void

Allows to pause the event and to apply a workspace edit.

Note: This function can only be called during event dispatch and not in an asynchronous manner:

workspace.onWillCreateFiles(event => {
    // async, will *throw* an error
    setTimeout(() => event.waitUntil(promise));

    // sync, OK
thenable: Thenable<WorkspaceEdit>

A thenable that delays saving.


waitUntil(thenable: Thenable<any>): void

Allows to pause the event until the provided thenable resolves.

Note: This function can only be called during event dispatch.

thenable: Thenable<any>

A thenable that delays saving.



An event that is fired when files are going to be renamed.

To make modifications to the workspace before the files are renamed, call the `waitUntil-function with a thenable that resolves to a workspace edit.


files: ReadonlyArray<{newUri: Uri, oldUri: Uri}>

The files that are going to be renamed.


waitUntil(thenable: Thenable<WorkspaceEdit>): void

Allows to pause the event and to apply a workspace edit.

Note: This function can only be called during event dispatch and not in an asynchronous manner:

workspace.onWillCreateFiles(event => {
    // async, will *throw* an error
    setTimeout(() => event.waitUntil(promise));

    // sync, OK
thenable: Thenable<WorkspaceEdit>

A thenable that delays saving.


waitUntil(thenable: Thenable<any>): void

Allows to pause the event until the provided thenable resolves.

Note: This function can only be called during event dispatch.

thenable: Thenable<any>

A thenable that delays saving.



Folding context (for future use)


A line based folding range. To be valid, start and end line must be bigger than zero and smaller than the number of lines in the document. Invalid ranges will be ignored.


new FoldingRange(start: number, end: number, kind?: FoldingRangeKind): FoldingRange

Creates a new folding range.

start: number

The start line of the folded range.

end: number

The end line of the folded range.

kind?: FoldingRangeKind

The kind of the folding range.



end: number

The zero-based end line of the range to fold. The folded area ends with the line's last character. To be valid, the end must be zero or larger and smaller than the number of lines in the document.

kind?: FoldingRangeKind

Describes the Kind of the folding range such as Comment or Region. The kind is used to categorize folding ranges and used by commands like 'Fold all comments'. See FoldingRangeKind for an enumeration of all kinds. If not set, the range is originated from a syntax element.

start: number

The zero-based start line of the range to fold. The folded area starts after the line's last character. To be valid, the end must be zero or larger and smaller than the number of lines in the document.


An enumeration of specific folding range kinds. The kind is an optional field of a FoldingRange and is used to distinguish specific folding ranges such as ranges originated from comments. The kind is used by commands like Fold all comments or Fold all regions. If the kind is not set on the range, the range originated from a syntax element other than comments, imports or region markers.

Enumeration members








The folding range provider interface defines the contract between extensions and Folding in the editor.


provideFoldingRanges(document: TextDocument, context: FoldingContext, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<FoldingRange[]>

Returns a list of folding ranges or null and undefined if the provider does not want to participate or was cancelled.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

context: FoldingContext

Additional context information (for future use)

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.



Value-object describing what options formatting should use.


insertSpaces: boolean

Prefer spaces over tabs.

tabSize: number

Size of a tab in spaces.


A breakpoint specified by a function name.


new FunctionBreakpoint(functionName: string, enabled?: boolean, condition?: string, hitCondition?: string, logMessage?: string): FunctionBreakpoint

Create a new function breakpoint.

functionName: string
enabled?: boolean
condition?: string
hitCondition?: string
logMessage?: string


condition?: string

An optional expression for conditional breakpoints.

enabled: boolean

Is breakpoint enabled.

functionName: string

The name of the function to which this breakpoint is attached.

hitCondition?: string

An optional expression that controls how many hits of the breakpoint are ignored.

id: string

The unique ID of the breakpoint.

logMessage?: string

An optional message that gets logged when this breakpoint is hit. Embedded expressions within {} are interpolated by the debug adapter.


A file glob pattern to match file paths against. This can either be a glob pattern string (like **/*.{ts,js} or *.{ts,js}) or a relative pattern.

Glob patterns can have the following syntax:

  • * to match zero or more characters in a path segment
  • ? to match on one character in a path segment
  • ** to match any number of path segments, including none
  • {} to group conditions (e.g. **/*.{ts,js} matches all TypeScript and JavaScript files)
  • [] to declare a range of characters to match in a path segment (e.g., example.[0-9] to match on example.0, example.1, …)
  • [!...] to negate a range of characters to match in a path segment (e.g., example.[!0-9] to match on example.a, example.b, but not example.0)

Note: a backslash (\) is not valid within a glob pattern. If you have an existing file path to match against, consider to use the relative pattern support that takes care of converting any backslash into slash. Otherwise, make sure to convert any backslash to slash when creating the glob pattern.

GlobPattern: string | RelativePattern


A hover represents additional information for a symbol or word. Hovers are rendered in a tooltip-like widget.


new Hover(contents: MarkedString | MarkedString[], range?: Range): Hover

Creates a new hover object.

contents: MarkedString | MarkedString[]

The contents of the hover.

range?: Range

The range to which the hover applies.



contents: MarkedString[]

The contents of this hover.

range?: Range

The range to which this hover applies. When missing, the editor will use the range at the current position or the current position itself.


The hover provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the hover-feature.


provideHover(document: TextDocument, position: Position, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<Hover>

Provide a hover for the given position and document. Multiple hovers at the same position will be merged by the editor. A hover can have a range which defaults to the word range at the position when omitted.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

position: Position

The position at which the command was invoked.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


A hover or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined or null.


The implementation provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the go to implementation feature.


provideImplementation(document: TextDocument, position: Position, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<Definition | DefinitionLink[]>

Provide the implementations of the symbol at the given position and document.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

position: Position

The position at which the command was invoked.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.

ProviderResult<Definition | DefinitionLink[]>

A definition or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined or null.


Describes what to do with the indentation when pressing Enter.

Enumeration members










Describes indentation rules for a language.


decreaseIndentPattern: RegExp

If a line matches this pattern, then all the lines after it should be unindented once (until another rule matches).

increaseIndentPattern: RegExp

If a line matches this pattern, then all the lines after it should be indented once (until another rule matches).

indentNextLinePattern?: RegExp

If a line matches this pattern, then only the next line after it should be indented once.

unIndentedLinePattern?: RegExp

If a line matches this pattern, then its indentation should not be changed and it should not be evaluated against the other rules.


A concrete QuickInput to let the user input a text value.

Note that in many cases the more convenient window.showInputBox is easier to use. window.createInputBox should be used when window.showInputBox does not offer the required flexibility.


onDidAccept: Event<void>

An event signaling when the user indicated acceptance of the input value.

onDidChangeValue: Event<string>

An event signaling when the value has changed.

onDidHide: Event<void>

An event signaling when this input UI is hidden.

There are several reasons why this UI might have to be hidden and the extension will be notified through QuickInput.onDidHide. (Examples include: an explicit call to QuickInput.hide, the user pressing Esc, some other input UI opening, etc.)

onDidTriggerButton: Event<QuickInputButton>

An event signaling when a button was triggered.


busy: boolean

If the UI should show a progress indicator. Defaults to false.

Change this to true, e.g., while loading more data or validating user input.

buttons: ReadonlyArray<QuickInputButton>

Buttons for actions in the UI.

enabled: boolean

If the UI should allow for user input. Defaults to true.

Change this to false, e.g., while validating user input or loading data for the next step in user input.

ignoreFocusOut: boolean

If the UI should stay open even when losing UI focus. Defaults to false.

password: boolean

If the input value should be hidden. Defaults to false.

placeholder: string | undefined

Optional placeholder in the filter text.

prompt: string | undefined

An optional prompt text providing some ask or explanation to the user.

step: number | undefined

An optional current step count.

title: string | undefined

An optional title.

totalSteps: number | undefined

An optional total step count.

validationMessage: string | undefined

An optional validation message indicating a problem with the current input value.

value: string

Current input value.


dispose(): void

Dispose of this input UI and any associated resources. If it is still visible, it is first hidden. After this call the input UI is no longer functional and no additional methods or properties on it should be accessed. Instead a new input UI should be created.


hide(): void

Hides this input UI. This will also fire an QuickInput.onDidHide event.


show(): void

Makes the input UI visible in its current configuration. Any other input UI will first fire an QuickInput.onDidHide event.



Options to configure the behavior of the input box UI.


ignoreFocusOut?: boolean

Set to true to keep the input box open when focus moves to another part of the editor or to another window.

password?: boolean

Controls if a password input is shown. Password input hides the typed text.

placeHolder?: string

An optional string to show as placeholder in the input box to guide the user what to type.

prompt?: string

The text to display underneath the input box.

value?: string

The value to prefill in the input box.

valueSelection?: [number, number]

Selection of the prefilled value. Defined as tuple of two number where the first is the inclusive start index and the second the exclusive end index. When undefined the whole word will be selected, when empty (start equals end) only the cursor will be set, otherwise the defined range will be selected.


validateInput(value: string): string | undefined | null | Thenable<string | undefined | null>

An optional function that will be called to validate input and to give a hint to the user.

value: string

The current value of the input box.

string | undefined | null | Thenable<string | undefined | null>

A human-readable string which is presented as diagnostic message. Return undefined, null, or the empty string when 'value' is valid.


The language configuration interfaces defines the contract between extensions and various editor features, like automatic bracket insertion, automatic indentation etc.


__characterPairSupport?: {autoClosingPairs: {close: string, notIn: string[], open: string}[]}

Deprecated Do not use.

  • deprecated - * Use the autoClosingPairs property in the language configuration file instead.

__electricCharacterSupport?: {brackets: any, docComment: {close: string, lineStart: string, open: string, scope: string}}

Deprecated Do not use.

  • deprecated - Will be replaced by a better API soon.

brackets?: CharacterPair[]

The language's brackets. This configuration implicitly affects pressing Enter around these brackets.

comments?: CommentRule

The language's comment settings.

indentationRules?: IndentationRule

The language's indentation settings.

onEnterRules?: OnEnterRule[]

The language's rules to be evaluated when pressing Enter.

wordPattern?: RegExp

The language's word definition. If the language supports Unicode identifiers (e.g. JavaScript), it is preferable to provide a word definition that uses exclusion of known separators. e.g.: A regex that matches anything except known separators (and dot is allowed to occur in a floating point number): /(-?\d.\d\w)|([^`~!\@@#\%\^\&*()-\=+[{]}\|\;\:\'\"\,.\<>\/\?\s]+)/g


Represents a location inside a resource, such as a line inside a text file.


new Location(uri: Uri, rangeOrPosition: Range | Position): Location

Creates a new location object.

uri: Uri

The resource identifier.

rangeOrPosition: Range | Position

The range or position. Positions will be converted to an empty range.



range: Range

The document range of this location.

uri: Uri

The resource identifier of this location.

Represents the connection of two locations. Provides additional metadata over normal locations, including an origin range.


originSelectionRange?: Range

Span of the origin of this link.

Used as the underlined span for mouse definition hover. Defaults to the word range at the definition position.

targetRange: Range

The full target range of this link.

targetSelectionRange?: Range

The span of this link.

targetUri: Uri

The target resource identifier of this link.


The MarkdownString represents human-readable text that supports formatting via the markdown syntax. Standard markdown is supported, also tables, but no embedded html.

When created with supportThemeIcons then rendering of theme icons via the $(<name>)-syntax is supported.


new MarkdownString(value?: string, supportThemeIcons?: boolean): MarkdownString

Creates a new markdown string with the given value.

value?: string

Optional, initial value.

supportThemeIcons?: boolean

Optional, Specifies whether ThemeIcons are supported within the MarkdownString.



isTrusted?: boolean

Indicates that this markdown string is from a trusted source. Only trusted markdown supports links that execute commands, e.g. [Run it](command:myCommandId).

supportThemeIcons?: boolean

Indicates that this markdown string can contain ThemeIcons, e.g. $(zap).

value: string

The markdown string.


appendCodeblock(value: string, language?: string): MarkdownString

Appends the given string as codeblock using the provided language.

value: string

A code snippet.

language?: string

An optional language identifier.


appendMarkdown(value: string): MarkdownString

Appends the given string 'as is' to this markdown string. When supportThemeIcons is true, ThemeIcons in the value will be iconified.

value: string

Markdown string.


appendText(value: string): MarkdownString

Appends and escapes the given string to this markdown string.

value: string

Plain text.



MarkedString can be used to render human-readable text. It is either a markdown string or a code-block that provides a language and a code snippet. Note that markdown strings will be sanitized - that means html will be escaped.

  • deprecated - This type is deprecated, please use MarkdownString instead.

MarkedString: MarkdownString | string | {language: string, value: string}


A memento represents a storage utility. It can store and retrieve values.


get<T>(key: string): T | undefined

Return a value.

key: string

A string.

T | undefined

The stored value or undefined.

get<T>(key: string, defaultValue: T): T

Return a value.

key: string

A string.

defaultValue: T

A value that should be returned when there is no value (undefined) with the given key.


The stored value or the defaultValue.

update(key: string, value: any): Thenable<void>

Store a value. The value must be JSON-stringifyable.

key: string

A string.

value: any

A value. MUST not contain cyclic references.



Represents an action that is shown with an information, warning, or error message.


isCloseAffordance?: boolean

A hint for modal dialogs that the item should be triggered when the user cancels the dialog (e.g. by pressing the ESC key).

Note: this option is ignored for non-modal messages.

title: string

A short title like 'Retry', 'Open Log' etc.


Options to configure the behavior of the message.


modal?: boolean

Indicates that this message should be modal.


Describes a rule to be evaluated when pressing Enter.


action: EnterAction

The action to execute.

afterText?: RegExp

This rule will only execute if the text after the cursor matches this regular expression.

beforeText: RegExp

This rule will only execute if the text before the cursor matches this regular expression.


The document formatting provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the formatting-feature.


provideOnTypeFormattingEdits(document: TextDocument, position: Position, ch: string, options: FormattingOptions, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<TextEdit[]>

Provide formatting edits after a character has been typed.

The given position and character should hint to the provider what range the position to expand to, like find the matching { when } has been entered.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

position: Position

The position at which the command was invoked.

ch: string

The character that has been typed.

options: FormattingOptions

Options controlling formatting.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


A set of text edits or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined, null, or an empty array.


Options to configure the behaviour of a file open dialog.

  • Note 1: A dialog can select files, folders, or both. This is not true for Windows which enforces to open either files or folder, but not both.
  • Note 2: Explicitly setting canSelectFiles and canSelectFolders to false is futile and the editor then silently adjusts the options to select files.


canSelectFiles?: boolean

Allow to select files, defaults to true.

canSelectFolders?: boolean

Allow to select folders, defaults to false.

canSelectMany?: boolean

Allow to select many files or folders.

defaultUri?: Uri

The resource the dialog shows when opened.


A set of file filters that are used by the dialog. Each entry is a human-readable label, like "TypeScript", and an array of extensions, e.g.

    'Images': ['png', 'jpg']
    'TypeScript': ['ts', 'tsx']

openLabel?: string

A human-readable string for the open button.

title?: string

Dialog title.

This parameter might be ignored, as not all operating systems display a title on open dialogs (for example, macOS).



An output channel is a container for readonly textual information.

To get an instance of an OutputChannel use createOutputChannel.


name: string

The human-readable name of this output channel.


append(value: string): void

Append the given value to the channel.

value: string

A string, falsy values will not be printed.


appendLine(value: string): void

Append the given value and a line feed character to the channel.

value: string

A string, falsy values will be printed.


clear(): void

Removes all output from the channel.


dispose(): void

Dispose and free associated resources.


hide(): void

Hide this channel from the UI.


show(preserveFocus?: boolean): void

Reveal this channel in the UI.

preserveFocus?: boolean

When true the channel will not take focus.


show(column?: ViewColumn, preserveFocus?: boolean): void

Reveal this channel in the UI.

  • deprecated - Use the overload with just one parameter (show(preserveFocus?: boolean): void).
column?: ViewColumn

This argument is deprecated and will be ignored.

preserveFocus?: boolean

When true the channel will not take focus.



Represents different positions for rendering a decoration in an overview ruler. The overview ruler supports three lanes.

Enumeration members










Represents a parameter of a callable-signature. A parameter can have a label and a doc-comment.


new ParameterInformation(label: string | [number, number], documentation?: string | MarkdownString): ParameterInformation

Creates a new parameter information object.

label: string | [number, number]

A label string or inclusive start and exclusive end offsets within its containing signature label.

documentation?: string | MarkdownString

A doc string.



documentation?: string | MarkdownString

The human-readable doc-comment of this signature. Will be shown in the UI but can be omitted.

label: string | [number, number]

The label of this signature.

Either a string or inclusive start and exclusive end offsets within its containing signature label. Note: A label of type string must be a substring of its containing signature information's label.


Represents a line and character position, such as the position of the cursor.

Position objects are immutable. Use the with or translate methods to derive new positions from an existing position.


new Position(line: number, character: number): Position

line: number

A zero-based line value.

character: number

A zero-based character value.



character: number

The zero-based character value.

line: number

The zero-based line value.


compareTo(other: Position): number

Compare this to other.

other: Position

A position.


A number smaller than zero if this position is before the given position, a number greater than zero if this position is after the given position, or zero when this and the given position are equal.

isAfter(other: Position): boolean

Check if this position is after other.

other: Position

A position.


true if position is on a greater line or on the same line on a greater character.

isAfterOrEqual(other: Position): boolean

Check if this position is after or equal to other.

other: Position

A position.


true if position is on a greater line or on the same line on a greater or equal character.

isBefore(other: Position): boolean

Check if this position is before other.

other: Position

A position.


true if position is on a smaller line or on the same line on a smaller character.

isBeforeOrEqual(other: Position): boolean

Check if this position is before or equal to other.

other: Position

A position.


true if position is on a smaller line or on the same line on a smaller or equal character.

isEqual(other: Position): boolean

Check if this position is equal to other.

other: Position

A position.


true if the line and character of the given position are equal to the line and character of this position.

translate(lineDelta?: number, characterDelta?: number): Position

Create a new position relative to this position.

lineDelta?: number

Delta value for the line value, default is 0.

characterDelta?: number

Delta value for the character value, default is 0.


A position which line and character is the sum of the current line and character and the corresponding deltas.

translate(change: {characterDelta: number, lineDelta: number}): Position

Derived a new position relative to this position.

change: {characterDelta: number, lineDelta: number}

An object that describes a delta to this position.


A position that reflects the given delta. Will return this position if the change is not changing anything.

with(line?: number, character?: number): Position

Create a new position derived from this position.

line?: number

Value that should be used as line value, default is the existing value

character?: number

Value that should be used as character value, default is the existing value


A position where line and character are replaced by the given values.

with(change: {character: number, line: number}): Position

Derived a new position from this position.

change: {character: number, line: number}

An object that describes a change to this position.


A position that reflects the given change. Will return this position if the change is not changing anything.


The execution of a task happens as an external process without shell interaction.


new ProcessExecution(process: string, options?: ProcessExecutionOptions): ProcessExecution

Creates a process execution.

process: string

The process to start.

options?: ProcessExecutionOptions

Optional options for the started process.


new ProcessExecution(process: string, args: string[], options?: ProcessExecutionOptions): ProcessExecution

Creates a process execution.

process: string

The process to start.

args: string[]

Arguments to be passed to the process.

options?: ProcessExecutionOptions

Optional options for the started process.



args: string[]

The arguments passed to the process. Defaults to an empty array.

options?: ProcessExecutionOptions

The process options used when the process is executed. Defaults to undefined.

process: string

The process to be executed.


Options for a process execution


cwd?: string

The current working directory of the executed program or shell. If omitted the tools current workspace root is used.


The additional environment of the executed program or shell. If omitted the parent process' environment is used. If provided it is merged with the parent process' environment.


Defines a generalized way of reporting progress updates.


report(value: T): void

Report a progress update.

value: T

A progress item, like a message and/or an report on how much work finished



A location in the editor at which progress information can be shown. It depends on the location how progress is visually represented.

Enumeration members








Value-object describing where and how progress should show.


cancellable?: boolean

Controls if a cancel button should show to allow the user to cancel the long running operation. Note that currently only ProgressLocation.Notification is supporting to show a cancel button.

location: ProgressLocation | {viewId: string}

The location at which progress should show.

title?: string

A human-readable string which will be used to describe the operation.


A provider result represents the values a provider, like the HoverProvider, may return. For once this is the actual result type T, like Hover, or a thenable that resolves to that type T. In addition, null and undefined can be returned - either directly or from a thenable.

The snippets below are all valid implementations of the HoverProvider:

let a: HoverProvider = {
    provideHover(doc, pos, token): ProviderResult<Hover> {
        return new Hover('Hello World');

let b: HoverProvider = {
    provideHover(doc, pos, token): ProviderResult<Hover> {
        return new Promise(resolve => {
            resolve(new Hover('Hello World'));

let c: HoverProvider = {
    provideHover(doc, pos, token): ProviderResult<Hover> {
        return; // undefined

ProviderResult: T | undefined | null | Thenable<T | undefined | null>


Defines the interface of a terminal pty, enabling extensions to control a terminal.


onDidClose?: Event<void | number>

An event that when fired will signal that the pty is closed and dispose of the terminal.

A number can be used to provide an exit code for the terminal. Exit codes must be positive and a non-zero exit codes signals failure which shows a notification for a regular terminal and allows dependent tasks to proceed when used with the CustomExecution API.

Example: Exit the terminal when "y" is pressed, otherwise show a notification.

const writeEmitter = new vscode.EventEmitter<string>();
const closeEmitter = new vscode.EventEmitter<vscode.TerminalDimensions>();
const pty: vscode.Pseudoterminal = {
  onDidWrite: writeEmitter.event,
  onDidClose: closeEmitter.event,
  open: () =>'Press y to exit successfully'),
  close: () => {},
  handleInput: data => {
    if (data !== 'y') {
      vscode.window.showInformationMessage('Something went wrong');
vscode.window.createTerminal({ name: 'Exit example', pty });

onDidOverrideDimensions?: Event<TerminalDimensions | undefined>

An event that when fired allows overriding the dimensions of the terminal. Note that when set, the overridden dimensions will only take effect when they are lower than the actual dimensions of the terminal (ie. there will never be a scroll bar). Set to undefined for the terminal to go back to the regular dimensions (fit to the size of the panel).

Example: Override the dimensions of a terminal to 20 columns and 10 rows

const dimensionsEmitter = new vscode.EventEmitter<vscode.TerminalDimensions>();
const pty: vscode.Pseudoterminal = {
  onDidWrite: writeEmitter.event,
  onDidOverrideDimensions: dimensionsEmitter.event,
  open: () => {{
      columns: 20,
      rows: 10
  close: () => {}
vscode.window.createTerminal({ name: 'My terminal', pty });

onDidWrite: Event<string>

An event that when fired will write data to the terminal. Unlike Terminal.sendText which sends text to the underlying child pseudo-device (the child), this will write the text to parent pseudo-device (the terminal itself).

Note writing \n will just move the cursor down 1 row, you need to write \r as well to move the cursor to the left-most cell.

Example: Write red text to the terminal

const writeEmitter = new vscode.EventEmitter<string>();
const pty: vscode.Pseudoterminal = {
  onDidWrite: writeEmitter.event,
  open: () =>'\x1b[31mHello world\x1b[0m'),
  close: () => {}
vscode.window.createTerminal({ name: 'My terminal', pty });

Example: Move the cursor to the 10th row and 20th column and write an asterisk'\x1b[10;20H*');


close(): void

Implement to handle when the terminal is closed by an act of the user.


handleInput(data: string): void

Implement to handle incoming keystrokes in the terminal or when an extension calls Terminal.sendText. data contains the keystrokes/text serialized into their corresponding VT sequence representation.

data: string

The incoming data.

Example: Echo input in the terminal. The sequence for enter (\r) is translated to CRLF to go to a new line and move the cursor to the start of the line.

const writeEmitter = new vscode.EventEmitter<string>();
const pty: vscode.Pseudoterminal = {
  onDidWrite: writeEmitter.event,
  open: () => {},
  close: () => {},
  handleInput: data => === '\r' ? '\r\n' : data)
vscode.window.createTerminal({ name: 'Local echo', pty });

open(initialDimensions: TerminalDimensions | undefined): void

Implement to handle when the pty is open and ready to start firing events.

initialDimensions: TerminalDimensions | undefined

The dimensions of the terminal, this will be undefined if the terminal panel has not been opened before this is called.


setDimensions(dimensions: TerminalDimensions): void

Implement to handle when the number of rows and columns that fit into the terminal panel changes, for example when font size changes or when the panel is resized. The initial state of a terminal's dimensions should be treated as undefined until this is triggered as the size of a terminal isn't know until it shows up in the user interface.

When dimensions are overridden by onDidOverrideDimensions, setDimensions will continue to be called with the regular panel dimensions, allowing the extension continue to react dimension changes.

dimensions: TerminalDimensions

The new dimensions.




provideOriginalResource(uri: Uri, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<Uri>

Provide a uri to the original resource of any given resource uri.

uri: Uri

The uri of the resource open in a text editor.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


A thenable that resolves to uri of the matching original resource.


A light-weight user input UI that is initially not visible. After configuring it through its properties the extension can make it visible by calling

There are several reasons why this UI might have to be hidden and the extension will be notified through QuickInput.onDidHide. (Examples include: an explicit call to QuickInput.hide, the user pressing Esc, some other input UI opening, etc.)

A user pressing Enter or some other gesture implying acceptance of the current state does not automatically hide this UI component. It is up to the extension to decide whether to accept the user's input and if the UI should indeed be hidden through a call to QuickInput.hide.

When the extension no longer needs this input UI, it should QuickInput.dispose it to allow for freeing up any resources associated with it.

See QuickPick and InputBox for concrete UIs.


onDidHide: Event<void>

An event signaling when this input UI is hidden.

There are several reasons why this UI might have to be hidden and the extension will be notified through QuickInput.onDidHide. (Examples include: an explicit call to QuickInput.hide, the user pressing Esc, some other input UI opening, etc.)


busy: boolean

If the UI should show a progress indicator. Defaults to false.

Change this to true, e.g., while loading more data or validating user input.

enabled: boolean

If the UI should allow for user input. Defaults to true.

Change this to false, e.g., while validating user input or loading data for the next step in user input.

ignoreFocusOut: boolean

If the UI should stay open even when losing UI focus. Defaults to false.

step: number | undefined

An optional current step count.

title: string | undefined

An optional title.

totalSteps: number | undefined

An optional total step count.


dispose(): void

Dispose of this input UI and any associated resources. If it is still visible, it is first hidden. After this call the input UI is no longer functional and no additional methods or properties on it should be accessed. Instead a new input UI should be created.


hide(): void

Hides this input UI. This will also fire an QuickInput.onDidHide event.


show(): void

Makes the input UI visible in its current configuration. Any other input UI will first fire an QuickInput.onDidHide event.



Button for an action in a QuickPick or InputBox.


iconPath: Uri | {dark: Uri, light: Uri} | ThemeIcon

Icon for the button.

tooltip?: string | undefined

An optional tooltip.


Predefined buttons for QuickPick and InputBox.


Back: QuickInputButton

A back button for QuickPick and InputBox.

When a navigation 'back' button is needed this one should be used for consistency. It comes with a predefined icon, tooltip and location.


A concrete QuickInput to let the user pick an item from a list of items of type T. The items can be filtered through a filter text field and there is an option canSelectMany to allow for selecting multiple items.

Note that in many cases the more convenient window.showQuickPick is easier to use. window.createQuickPick should be used when window.showQuickPick does not offer the required flexibility.


onDidAccept: Event<void>

An event signaling when the user indicated acceptance of the selected item(s).

onDidChangeActive: Event<T[]>

An event signaling when the active items have changed.

onDidChangeSelection: Event<T[]>

An event signaling when the selected items have changed.

onDidChangeValue: Event<string>

An event signaling when the value of the filter text has changed.

onDidHide: Event<void>

An event signaling when this input UI is hidden.

There are several reasons why this UI might have to be hidden and the extension will be notified through QuickInput.onDidHide. (Examples include: an explicit call to QuickInput.hide, the user pressing Esc, some other input UI opening, etc.)

onDidTriggerButton: Event<QuickInputButton>

An event signaling when a button was triggered.


activeItems: ReadonlyArray<T>

Active items. This can be read and updated by the extension.

busy: boolean

If the UI should show a progress indicator. Defaults to false.

Change this to true, e.g., while loading more data or validating user input.

buttons: ReadonlyArray<QuickInputButton>

Buttons for actions in the UI.

canSelectMany: boolean

If multiple items can be selected at the same time. Defaults to false.

enabled: boolean

If the UI should allow for user input. Defaults to true.

Change this to false, e.g., while validating user input or loading data for the next step in user input.

ignoreFocusOut: boolean

If the UI should stay open even when losing UI focus. Defaults to false.

items: ReadonlyArray<T>

Items to pick from.

matchOnDescription: boolean

If the filter text should also be matched against the description of the items. Defaults to false.

matchOnDetail: boolean

If the filter text should also be matched against the detail of the items. Defaults to false.

placeholder: string | undefined

Optional placeholder in the filter text.

selectedItems: ReadonlyArray<T>

Selected items. This can be read and updated by the extension.

step: number | undefined

An optional current step count.

title: string | undefined

An optional title.

totalSteps: number | undefined

An optional total step count.

value: string

Current value of the filter text.


dispose(): void

Dispose of this input UI and any associated resources. If it is still visible, it is first hidden. After this call the input UI is no longer functional and no additional methods or properties on it should be accessed. Instead a new input UI should be created.


hide(): void

Hides this input UI. This will also fire an QuickInput.onDidHide event.


show(): void

Makes the input UI visible in its current configuration. Any other input UI will first fire an QuickInput.onDidHide event.



Represents an item that can be selected from a list of items.


alwaysShow?: boolean

Always show this item.

description?: string

A human-readable string which is rendered less prominent in the same line. Supports rendering of theme icons via the $(<name>)-syntax.

detail?: string

A human-readable string which is rendered less prominent in a separate line. Supports rendering of theme icons via the $(<name>)-syntax.

label: string

A human-readable string which is rendered prominent. Supports rendering of theme icons via the $(<name>)-syntax.

picked?: boolean

Optional flag indicating if this item is picked initially. (Only honored when the picker allows multiple selections.)


Options to configure the behavior of the quick pick UI.


onDidSelectItem(item: QuickPickItem | string): any

An optional function that is invoked whenever an item is selected.

item: QuickPickItem | string


canPickMany?: boolean

An optional flag to make the picker accept multiple selections, if true the result is an array of picks.

ignoreFocusOut?: boolean

Set to true to keep the picker open when focus moves to another part of the editor or to another window.

matchOnDescription?: boolean

An optional flag to include the description when filtering the picks.

matchOnDetail?: boolean

An optional flag to include the detail when filtering the picks.

placeHolder?: string

An optional string to show as placeholder in the input box to guide the user what to pick on.


A range represents an ordered pair of two positions. It is guaranteed that start.isBeforeOrEqual(end)

Range objects are immutable. Use the with, intersection, or union methods to derive new ranges from an existing range.


new Range(start: Position, end: Position): Range

Create a new range from two positions. If start is not before or equal to end, the values will be swapped.

start: Position

A position.

end: Position

A position.


new Range(startLine: number, startCharacter: number, endLine: number, endCharacter: number): Range

Create a new range from number coordinates. It is a shorter equivalent of using new Range(new Position(startLine, startCharacter), new Position(endLine, endCharacter))

startLine: number

A zero-based line value.

startCharacter: number

A zero-based character value.

endLine: number

A zero-based line value.

endCharacter: number

A zero-based character value.



end: Position

The end position. It is after or equal to start.

isEmpty: boolean

true if start and end are equal.

isSingleLine: boolean

true if start.line and end.line are equal.

start: Position

The start position. It is before or equal to end.


contains(positionOrRange: Position | Range): boolean

Check if a position or a range is contained in this range.

positionOrRange: Position | Range

A position or a range.


true if the position or range is inside or equal to this range.

intersection(range: Range): Range | undefined

Intersect range with this range and returns a new range or undefined if the ranges have no overlap.

range: Range

A range.

Range | undefined

A range of the greater start and smaller end positions. Will return undefined when there is no overlap.

isEqual(other: Range): boolean

Check if other equals this range.

other: Range

A range.


true when start and end are equal to start and end of this range.

union(other: Range): Range

Compute the union of other with this range.

other: Range

A range.


A range of smaller start position and the greater end position.

with(start?: Position, end?: Position): Range

Derived a new range from this range.

start?: Position

A position that should be used as start. The default value is the current start.

end?: Position

A position that should be used as end. The default value is the current end.


A range derived from this range with the given start and end position. If start and end are not different this range will be returned.

with(change: {end: Position, start: Position}): Range

Derived a new range from this range.

change: {end: Position, start: Position}

An object that describes a change to this range.


A range that reflects the given change. Will return this range if the change is not changing anything.


Value-object that contains additional information when requesting references.


includeDeclaration: boolean

Include the declaration of the current symbol.


The reference provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the find references-feature.


provideReferences(document: TextDocument, position: Position, context: ReferenceContext, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<Location[]>

Provide a set of project-wide references for the given position and document.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

position: Position

The position at which the command was invoked.

context: ReferenceContext
token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


An array of locations or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined, null, or an empty array.


A relative pattern is a helper to construct glob patterns that are matched relatively to a base path. The base path can either be an absolute file path or a workspace folder.


new RelativePattern(base: WorkspaceFolder | string, pattern: string): RelativePattern

Creates a new relative pattern object with a base path and pattern to match. This pattern will be matched on file paths relative to the base path.

base: WorkspaceFolder | string

A base file path to which this pattern will be matched against relatively.

pattern: string

A file glob pattern like *.{ts,js} that will be matched on file paths relative to the base path.



base: string

A base file path to which this pattern will be matched against relatively.

pattern: string

A file glob pattern like *.{ts,js} that will be matched on file paths relative to the base path.

Example: Given a base of /home/work/folder and a file path of /home/work/folder/index.js, the file glob pattern will match on index.js.


The rename provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the rename-feature.


prepareRename(document: TextDocument, position: Position, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<Range | {placeholder: string, range: Range}>

Optional function for resolving and validating a position before running rename. The result can be a range or a range and a placeholder text. The placeholder text should be the identifier of the symbol which is being renamed - when omitted the text in the returned range is used.

Note: This function should throw an error or return a rejected thenable when the provided location doesn't allow for a rename.

document: TextDocument

The document in which rename will be invoked.

position: Position

The position at which rename will be invoked.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.

ProviderResult<Range | {placeholder: string, range: Range}>

The range or range and placeholder text of the identifier that is to be renamed. The lack of a result can signaled by returning undefined or null.

provideRenameEdits(document: TextDocument, position: Position, newName: string, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<WorkspaceEdit>

Provide an edit that describes changes that have to be made to one or many resources to rename a symbol to a different name.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

position: Position

The position at which the command was invoked.

newName: string

The new name of the symbol. If the given name is not valid, the provider must return a rejected promise.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


A workspace edit or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined or null.


Run options for a task.


reevaluateOnRerun?: boolean

Controls whether task variables are re-evaluated on rerun.


Options to configure the behaviour of a file save dialog.


defaultUri?: Uri

The resource the dialog shows when opened.


A set of file filters that are used by the dialog. Each entry is a human-readable label, like "TypeScript", and an array of extensions, e.g.

    'Images': ['png', 'jpg']
    'TypeScript': ['ts', 'tsx']

saveLabel?: string

A human-readable string for the save button.

title?: string

Dialog title.

This parameter might be ignored, as not all operating systems display a title on save dialogs (for example, macOS).


Represents a text selection in an editor.


new Selection(anchor: Position, active: Position): Selection

Create a selection from two positions.

anchor: Position

A position.

active: Position

A position.


new Selection(anchorLine: number, anchorCharacter: number, activeLine: number, activeCharacter: number): Selection

Create a selection from four coordinates.

anchorLine: number

A zero-based line value.

anchorCharacter: number

A zero-based character value.

activeLine: number

A zero-based line value.

activeCharacter: number

A zero-based character value.



active: Position

The position of the cursor. This position might be before or after anchor.

anchor: Position

The position at which the selection starts. This position might be before or after active.

end: Position

The end position. It is after or equal to start.

isEmpty: boolean

true if start and end are equal.

isReversed: boolean

A selection is reversed if active.isBefore(anchor).

isSingleLine: boolean

true if start.line and end.line are equal.

start: Position

The start position. It is before or equal to end.


contains(positionOrRange: Position | Range): boolean

Check if a position or a range is contained in this range.

positionOrRange: Position | Range

A position or a range.


true if the position or range is inside or equal to this range.

intersection(range: Range): Range | undefined

Intersect range with this range and returns a new range or undefined if the ranges have no overlap.

range: Range

A range.

Range | undefined

A range of the greater start and smaller end positions. Will return undefined when there is no overlap.

isEqual(other: Range): boolean

Check if other equals this range.

other: Range

A range.


true when start and end are equal to start and end of this range.

union(other: Range): Range

Compute the union of other with this range.

other: Range

A range.


A range of smaller start position and the greater end position.

with(start?: Position, end?: Position): Range

Derived a new range from this range.

start?: Position

A position that should be used as start. The default value is the current start.

end?: Position

A position that should be used as end. The default value is the current end.


A range derived from this range with the given start and end position. If start and end are not different this range will be returned.

with(change: {end: Position, start: Position}): Range

Derived a new range from this range.

change: {end: Position, start: Position}

An object that describes a change to this range.


A range that reflects the given change. Will return this range if the change is not changing anything.


A selection range represents a part of a selection hierarchy. A selection range may have a parent selection range that contains it.


new SelectionRange(range: Range, parent?: SelectionRange): SelectionRange

Creates a new selection range.

range: Range

The range of the selection range.

parent?: SelectionRange

The parent of the selection range.



parent?: SelectionRange

The parent selection range containing this range.

range: Range

The range of this selection range.



provideSelectionRanges(document: TextDocument, positions: Position[], token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<SelectionRange[]>

Provide selection ranges for the given positions.

Selection ranges should be computed individually and independent for each position. The editor will merge and deduplicate ranges but providers must return hierarchies of selection ranges so that a range is contained by its parent.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

positions: Position[]

The positions at which the command was invoked.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


Selection ranges or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined or null.


Represents semantic tokens, either in a range or in an entire document.


new SemanticTokens(data: Uint32Array, resultId?: string): SemanticTokens

data: Uint32Array
resultId?: string


data: Uint32Array

The actual tokens data.

resultId?: string

The result id of the tokens.

This is the id that will be passed to DocumentSemanticTokensProvider.provideDocumentSemanticTokensEdits (if implemented).


A semantic tokens builder can help with creating a SemanticTokens instance which contains delta encoded semantic tokens.


new SemanticTokensBuilder(legend?: SemanticTokensLegend): SemanticTokensBuilder

legend?: SemanticTokensLegend


build(resultId?: string): SemanticTokens

Finish and create a SemanticTokens instance.

resultId?: string

push(line: number, char: number, length: number, tokenType: number, tokenModifiers?: number): void

Add another token.

line: number

The token start line number (absolute value).

char: number

The token start character (absolute value).

length: number

The token length in characters.

tokenType: number

The encoded token type.

tokenModifiers?: number

The encoded token modifiers.


push(range: Range, tokenType: string, tokenModifiers?: string[]): void

Add another token. Use only when providing a legend.

range: Range

The range of the token. Must be single-line.

tokenType: string

The token type.

tokenModifiers?: string[]

The token modifiers.



Represents an edit to semantic tokens.


new SemanticTokensEdit(start: number, deleteCount: number, data?: Uint32Array): SemanticTokensEdit

start: number
deleteCount: number
data?: Uint32Array


data?: Uint32Array

The elements to insert.

deleteCount: number

The count of elements to remove.

start: number

The start offset of the edit.


Represents edits to semantic tokens.


new SemanticTokensEdits(edits: SemanticTokensEdit[], resultId?: string): SemanticTokensEdits

edits: SemanticTokensEdit[]
resultId?: string


edits: SemanticTokensEdit[]

The edits to the tokens data. All edits refer to the initial data state.

resultId?: string

The result id of the tokens.

This is the id that will be passed to DocumentSemanticTokensProvider.provideDocumentSemanticTokensEdits (if implemented).


A semantic tokens legend contains the needed information to decipher the integer encoded representation of semantic tokens.


new SemanticTokensLegend(tokenTypes: string[], tokenModifiers?: string[]): SemanticTokensLegend

tokenTypes: string[]
tokenModifiers?: string[]


tokenModifiers: string[]

The possible token modifiers.

tokenTypes: string[]

The possible token types.



new ShellExecution(commandLine: string, options?: ShellExecutionOptions): ShellExecution

Creates a shell execution with a full command line.

commandLine: string

The command line to execute.

options?: ShellExecutionOptions

Optional options for the started the shell.


new ShellExecution(command: string | ShellQuotedString, args: string | ShellQuotedString[], options?: ShellExecutionOptions): ShellExecution

Creates a shell execution with a command and arguments. For the real execution VS Code will construct a command line from the command and the arguments. This is subject to interpretation especially when it comes to quoting. If full control over the command line is needed please use the constructor that creates a ShellExecution with the full command line.

command: string | ShellQuotedString

The command to execute.

args: string | ShellQuotedString[]

The command arguments.

options?: ShellExecutionOptions

Optional options for the started the shell.



args: string | ShellQuotedString[]

The shell args. Is undefined if created with a full command line.

command: string | ShellQuotedString

The shell command. Is undefined if created with a full command line.

commandLine: string | undefined

The shell command line. Is undefined if created with a command and arguments.

options?: ShellExecutionOptions

The shell options used when the command line is executed in a shell. Defaults to undefined.


Options for a shell execution


cwd?: string

The current working directory of the executed shell. If omitted the tools current workspace root is used.


The additional environment of the executed shell. If omitted the parent process' environment is used. If provided it is merged with the parent process' environment.

executable?: string

The shell executable.

shellArgs?: string[]

The arguments to be passed to the shell executable used to run the task. Most shells require special arguments to execute a command. For example bash requires the -c argument to execute a command, PowerShell requires -Command and cmd requires both /d and /c.

shellQuoting?: ShellQuotingOptions

The shell quotes supported by this shell.


A string that will be quoted depending on the used shell.


quoting: ShellQuoting

The quoting style to use.

value: string

The actual string value.


Defines how an argument should be quoted if it contains spaces or unsupported characters.

Enumeration members








The shell quoting options.


escape?: string | {charsToEscape: string, escapeChar: string}

The character used to do character escaping. If a string is provided only spaces are escaped. If a { escapeChar, charsToEscape } literal is provide all characters in charsToEscape are escaped using the escapeChar.

strong?: string

The character used for strong quoting. The string's length must be 1.

weak?: string

The character used for weak quoting. The string's length must be 1.


Signature help represents the signature of something callable. There can be multiple signatures but only one active and only one active parameter.


activeParameter: number

The active parameter of the active signature.

activeSignature: number

The active signature.

signatures: SignatureInformation[]

One or more signatures.


Additional information about the context in which a SignatureHelpProvider was triggered.


activeSignatureHelp?: SignatureHelp

The currently active SignatureHelp.

The activeSignatureHelp has its [SignatureHelp.activeSignature] field updated based on the user arrowing through available signatures.

isRetrigger: boolean

true if signature help was already showing when it was triggered.

Retriggers occur when the signature help is already active and can be caused by actions such as typing a trigger character, a cursor move, or document content changes.

triggerCharacter?: string

Character that caused signature help to be triggered.

This is undefined when signature help is not triggered by typing, such as when manually invoking signature help or when moving the cursor.

triggerKind: SignatureHelpTriggerKind

Action that caused signature help to be triggered.


The signature help provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the parameter hints-feature.


provideSignatureHelp(document: TextDocument, position: Position, token: CancellationToken, context: SignatureHelpContext): ProviderResult<SignatureHelp>

Provide help for the signature at the given position and document.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

position: Position

The position at which the command was invoked.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.

context: SignatureHelpContext

Information about how signature help was triggered.


Signature help or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined or null.


Metadata about a registered SignatureHelpProvider.


retriggerCharacters: ReadonlyArray<string>

List of characters that re-trigger signature help.

These trigger characters are only active when signature help is already showing. All trigger characters are also counted as re-trigger characters.

triggerCharacters: ReadonlyArray<string>

List of characters that trigger signature help.


How a SignatureHelpProvider was triggered.

Enumeration members








Represents the signature of something callable. A signature can have a label, like a function-name, a doc-comment, and a set of parameters.


new SignatureInformation(label: string, documentation?: string | MarkdownString): SignatureInformation

Creates a new signature information object.

label: string

A label string.

documentation?: string | MarkdownString

A doc string.



activeParameter?: number

The index of the active parameter.

If provided, this is used in place of SignatureHelp.activeSignature.

documentation?: string | MarkdownString

The human-readable doc-comment of this signature. Will be shown in the UI but can be omitted.

label: string

The label of this signature. Will be shown in the UI.

parameters: ParameterInformation[]

The parameters of this signature.


A snippet string is a template which allows to insert text and to control the editor cursor when insertion happens.

A snippet can define tab stops and placeholders with $1, $2 and ${3:foo}. $0 defines the final tab stop, it defaults to the end of the snippet. Variables are defined with $name and ${name:default value}. The full snippet syntax is documented here.


new SnippetString(value?: string): SnippetString

value?: string


value: string

The snippet string.


appendChoice(values: string[], number?: number): SnippetString

Builder-function that appends a choice (${1|a,b,c}) to the value of this snippet string.

values: string[]

The values for choices - the array of strings

number?: number

The number of this tabstop, defaults to an auto-increment value starting at 1.


This snippet string.

appendPlaceholder(value: string | (snippet: SnippetString) => any, number?: number): SnippetString

Builder-function that appends a placeholder (${1:value}) to the value of this snippet string.

value: string | (snippet: SnippetString) => any

The value of this placeholder - either a string or a function with which a nested snippet can be created.

number?: number

The number of this tabstop, defaults to an auto-increment value starting at 1.


This snippet string.

appendTabstop(number?: number): SnippetString

Builder-function that appends a tabstop ($1, $2 etc) to the value of this snippet string.

number?: number

The number of this tabstop, defaults to an auto-increment value starting at 1.


This snippet string.

appendText(string: string): SnippetString

Builder-function that appends the given string to the value of this snippet string.

string: string

A value to append 'as given'. The string will be escaped.


This snippet string.

appendVariable(name: string, defaultValue: string | (snippet: SnippetString) => any): SnippetString

Builder-function that appends a variable (${VAR}) to the value of this snippet string.

name: string

The name of the variable - excluding the $.

defaultValue: string | (snippet: SnippetString) => any

The default value which is used when the variable name cannot be resolved - either a string or a function with which a nested snippet can be created.


This snippet string.


A breakpoint specified by a source location.


new SourceBreakpoint(location: Location, enabled?: boolean, condition?: string, hitCondition?: string, logMessage?: string): SourceBreakpoint

Create a new breakpoint for a source location.

location: Location
enabled?: boolean
condition?: string
hitCondition?: string
logMessage?: string


condition?: string

An optional expression for conditional breakpoints.

enabled: boolean

Is breakpoint enabled.

hitCondition?: string

An optional expression that controls how many hits of the breakpoint are ignored.

id: string

The unique ID of the breakpoint.

location: Location

The source and line position of this breakpoint.

logMessage?: string

An optional message that gets logged when this breakpoint is hit. Embedded expressions within {} are interpolated by the debug adapter.


An source control is able to provide resource states to the editor and interact with the editor in several source control related ways.


acceptInputCommand?: Command

Optional accept input command.

This command will be invoked when the user accepts the value in the Source Control input.

commitTemplate?: string

Optional commit template string.

The Source Control viewlet will populate the Source Control input with this value when appropriate.

count?: number

The UI-visible count of resource states of this source control.

Equals to the total number of resource state of this source control, if undefined.

id: string

The id of this source control.

inputBox: SourceControlInputBox

The input box for this source control.

label: string

The human-readable label of this source control.

quickDiffProvider?: QuickDiffProvider

An optional quick diff provider.

rootUri: Uri | undefined

The (optional) Uri of the root of this source control.

statusBarCommands?: Command[]

Optional status bar commands.

These commands will be displayed in the editor's status bar.


createResourceGroup(id: string, label: string): SourceControlResourceGroup

Create a new resource group.

id: string
label: string

dispose(): void

Dispose this source control.



Represents the input box in the Source Control viewlet.


placeholder: string

A string to show as placeholder in the input box to guide the user.

value: string

Setter and getter for the contents of the input box.

visible: boolean

Controls whether the input box is visible (default is true).


The decorations for a source control resource state. Can be independently specified for light and dark themes.


dark?: SourceControlResourceThemableDecorations

The dark theme decorations.

faded?: boolean

Whether the source control resource state should be faded in the UI.

iconPath?: string | Uri

The icon path for a specific source control resource state.

light?: SourceControlResourceThemableDecorations

The light theme decorations.

strikeThrough?: boolean

Whether the source control resource state should be striked-through in the UI.

tooltip?: string

The title for a specific source control resource state.


A source control resource group is a collection of source control resource states.


hideWhenEmpty?: boolean

Whether this source control resource group is hidden when it contains no source control resource states.

id: string

The id of this source control resource group.

label: string

The label of this source control resource group.

resourceStates: SourceControlResourceState[]

This group's collection of source control resource states.


dispose(): void

Dispose this source control resource group.



An source control resource state represents the state of an underlying workspace resource within a certain source control group.


command?: Command

The command which should be run when the resource state is open in the Source Control viewlet.

contextValue?: string

Context value of the resource state. This can be used to contribute resource specific actions. For example, if a resource is given a context value as diffable. When contributing actions to scm/resourceState/context using menus extension point, you can specify context value for key scmResourceState in when expressions, like scmResourceState == diffable.

    "contributes": {
        "menus": {
            "scm/resourceState/context": [
                    "command": "extension.diff",
                    "when": "scmResourceState == diffable"

This will show action extension.diff only for resources with contextValue is diffable.

decorations?: SourceControlResourceDecorations

The decorations for this source control resource state.

resourceUri: Uri

The uri of the underlying resource inside the workspace.


The theme-aware decorations for a source control resource state.


iconPath?: string | Uri

The icon path for a specific source control resource state.


Represents the alignment of status bar items.

Enumeration members






A status bar item is a status bar contribution that can show text and icons and run a command on click.


accessibilityInformation?: AccessibilityInformation

Accessibility information used when screen reader interacts with this StatusBar item

alignment: StatusBarAlignment

The alignment of this item.

color: string | ThemeColor | undefined

The foreground color for this entry.

command: string | Command | undefined

Command or identifier of a command to run on click.

The command must be known.

Note that if this is a Command object, only the command and arguments are used by VS Code.

priority?: number

The priority of this item. Higher value means the item should be shown more to the left.

text: string

The text to show for the entry. You can embed icons in the text by leveraging the syntax:

My text $(icon-name) contains icons like $(icon-name) this one.

Where the icon-name is taken from the codicon icon set, e.g. light-bulb, thumbsup, zap etc.

tooltip: string | undefined

The tooltip text when you hover over this entry.


dispose(): void

Dispose and free associated resources. Call hide.


hide(): void

Hide the entry in the status bar.


show(): void

Shows the entry in the status bar.



Represents information about programming constructs like variables, classes, interfaces etc.


new SymbolInformation(name: string, kind: SymbolKind, containerName: string, location: Location): SymbolInformation

Creates a new symbol information object.

name: string

The name of the symbol.

kind: SymbolKind

The kind of the symbol.

containerName: string

The name of the symbol containing the symbol.

location: Location

The location of the symbol.


new SymbolInformation(name: string, kind: SymbolKind, range: Range, uri?: Uri, containerName?: string): SymbolInformation

Creates a new symbol information object.

  • deprecated - Please use the constructor taking a location object.
name: string

The name of the symbol.

kind: SymbolKind

The kind of the symbol.

range: Range

The range of the location of the symbol.

uri?: Uri

The resource of the location of symbol, defaults to the current document.

containerName?: string

The name of the symbol containing the symbol.



containerName: string

The name of the symbol containing this symbol.

kind: SymbolKind

The kind of this symbol.

location: Location

The location of this symbol.

name: string

The name of this symbol.

tags?: ReadonlyArray<SymbolTag>

Tags for this symbol.


A symbol kind.

Enumeration members






















































Symbol tags are extra annotations that tweak the rendering of a symbol.

Enumeration members




A task to execute


new Task(taskDefinition: TaskDefinition, scope: WorkspaceFolder | Global | Workspace, name: string, source: string, execution?: ProcessExecution | ShellExecution | CustomExecution, problemMatchers?: string | string[]): Task

Creates a new task.

taskDefinition: TaskDefinition
scope: WorkspaceFolder | Global | Workspace

Specifies the task's scope. It is either a global or a workspace task or a task for a specific workspace folder. Global tasks are currently not supported.

name: string

The task's name. Is presented in the user interface.

source: string

The task's source (e.g. 'gulp', 'npm', ...). Is presented in the user interface.

execution?: ProcessExecution | ShellExecution | CustomExecution

The process or shell execution.

problemMatchers?: string | string[]

the names of problem matchers to use, like '$tsc' or '$eslint'. Problem matchers can be contributed by an extension using the problemMatchers extension point.


new Task(taskDefinition: TaskDefinition, name: string, source: string, execution?: ProcessExecution | ShellExecution, problemMatchers?: string | string[]): Task

Creates a new task.

  • deprecated - Use the new constructors that allow specifying a scope for the task.
taskDefinition: TaskDefinition
name: string

The task's name. Is presented in the user interface.

source: string

The task's source (e.g. 'gulp', 'npm', ...). Is presented in the user interface.

execution?: ProcessExecution | ShellExecution

The process or shell execution.

problemMatchers?: string | string[]

the names of problem matchers to use, like '$tsc' or '$eslint'. Problem matchers can be contributed by an extension using the problemMatchers extension point.



definition: TaskDefinition

The task's definition.

detail?: string

A human-readable string which is rendered less prominently on a separate line in places where the task's name is displayed. Supports rendering of theme icons via the $(<name>)-syntax.

execution?: ProcessExecution | ShellExecution | CustomExecution

The task's execution engine

group?: TaskGroup

The task group this tasks belongs to. See TaskGroup for a predefined set of available groups. Defaults to undefined meaning that the task doesn't belong to any special group.

isBackground: boolean

Whether the task is a background task or not.

name: string

The task's name

presentationOptions: TaskPresentationOptions

The presentation options. Defaults to an empty literal.

problemMatchers: string[]

The problem matchers attached to the task. Defaults to an empty array.

runOptions: RunOptions

Run options for the task

scope?: Global | Workspace | WorkspaceFolder

The task's scope.

source: string

A human-readable string describing the source of this shell task, e.g. 'gulp' or 'npm'. Supports rendering of theme icons via the $(<name>)-syntax.


A structure that defines a task kind in the system. The value must be JSON-stringifyable.


type: string

The task definition describing the task provided by an extension. Usually a task provider defines more properties to identify a task. They need to be defined in the package.json of the extension under the 'taskDefinitions' extension point. The npm task definition for example looks like this

interface NpmTaskDefinition extends TaskDefinition {
    script: string;

Note that type identifier starting with a '$' are reserved for internal usages and shouldn't be used by extensions.


An event signaling the end of an executed task.

This interface is not intended to be implemented.


execution: TaskExecution

The task item representing the task that finished.


An object representing an executed Task. It can be used to terminate a task.

This interface is not intended to be implemented.


task: Task

The task that got started.


terminate(): void

Terminates the task execution.




type?: string

The task type to return;

version?: string

The task version as used in the tasks.json file. The string support the package.json semver notation.


A grouping for tasks. The editor by default supports the 'Clean', 'Build', 'RebuildAll' and 'Test' group.


Build: TaskGroup

The build task group;

Clean: TaskGroup

The clean task group;

Rebuild: TaskGroup

The rebuild all task group;

Test: TaskGroup

The test all task group;


new TaskGroup(id: string, label: string): TaskGroup

id: string
label: string


Controls how the task channel is used between tasks

Enumeration members








Controls how the task is presented in the UI.


clear?: boolean

Controls whether the terminal is cleared before executing the task.

echo?: boolean

Controls whether the command associated with the task is echoed in the user interface.

focus?: boolean

Controls whether the panel showing the task output is taking focus.

panel?: TaskPanelKind

Controls if the task panel is used for this task only (dedicated), shared between tasks (shared) or if a new panel is created on every task execution (new). Defaults to TaskInstanceKind.Shared

reveal?: TaskRevealKind

Controls whether the task output is reveal in the user interface. Defaults to RevealKind.Always.

showReuseMessage?: boolean

Controls whether to show the "Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it" message.


An event signaling the end of a process execution triggered through a task


execution: TaskExecution

The task execution for which the process got started.

exitCode: number

The process's exit code.


An event signaling the start of a process execution triggered through a task


execution: TaskExecution

The task execution for which the process got started.

processId: number

The underlying process id.


A task provider allows to add tasks to the task service. A task provider is registered via #tasks.registerTaskProvider.


provideTasks(token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<T[]>

Provides tasks.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


an array of tasks

resolveTask(task: T, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<T>

Resolves a task that has no execution set. Tasks are often created from information found in the tasks.json-file. Such tasks miss the information on how to execute them and a task provider must fill in the missing information in the resolveTask-method. This method will not be called for tasks returned from the above provideTasks method since those tasks are always fully resolved. A valid default implementation for the resolveTask method is to return undefined.

task: T

The task to resolve.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


The resolved task


Controls the behaviour of the terminal's visibility.

Enumeration members








The scope of a task.

Enumeration members






An event signaling the start of a task execution.

This interface is not intended to be implemented.


execution: TaskExecution

The task item representing the task that got started.


An individual terminal instance within the integrated terminal.


creationOptions: Readonly<TerminalOptions | ExtensionTerminalOptions>

The object used to initialize the terminal, this is useful for example to detecting the shell type of when the terminal was not launched by this extension or for detecting what folder the shell was launched in.

exitStatus: TerminalExitStatus | undefined

The exit status of the terminal, this will be undefined while the terminal is active.

Example: Show a notification with the exit code when the terminal exits with a non-zero exit code.

window.onDidCloseTerminal(t => {
  if (t.exitStatus && t.exitStatus.code) {
      vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`Exit code: ${t.exitStatus.code}`);

name: string

The name of the terminal.

processId: Thenable<number | undefined>

The process ID of the shell process.


dispose(): void

Dispose and free associated resources.


hide(): void

Hide the terminal panel if this terminal is currently showing.


sendText(text: string, addNewLine?: boolean): void

Send text to the terminal. The text is written to the stdin of the underlying pty process (shell) of the terminal.

text: string

The text to send.

addNewLine?: boolean

Whether to add a new line to the text being sent, this is normally required to run a command in the terminal. The character(s) added are \n or \r\n depending on the platform. This defaults to true.


show(preserveFocus?: boolean): void

Show the terminal panel and reveal this terminal in the UI.

preserveFocus?: boolean

When true the terminal will not take focus.



Represents the dimensions of a terminal.


columns: number

The number of columns in the terminal.

rows: number

The number of rows in the terminal.


Represents how a terminal exited.


code: number | undefined

The exit code that a terminal exited with, it can have the following values:

  • Zero: the terminal process or custom execution succeeded.
  • Non-zero: the terminal process or custom execution failed.
  • undefined: the user forcibly closed the terminal or a custom execution exited without providing an exit code.

A link on a terminal line.


length: number

The length of the link on [TerminalLinkContext.line](#TerminalLinkContext.line]

startIndex: number

The start index of the link on [TerminalLinkContext.line](#TerminalLinkContext.line].

tooltip?: string

The tooltip text when you hover over this link.

If a tooltip is provided, is will be displayed in a string that includes instructions on how to trigger the link, such as {0} (ctrl + click). The specific instructions vary depending on OS, user settings, and localization.


Provides information on a line in a terminal in order to provide links for it.


line: string

This is the text from the unwrapped line in the terminal.

terminal: Terminal

The terminal the link belongs to.


A provider that enables detection and handling of links within terminals.


handleTerminalLink(link: T): ProviderResult<void>

Handle an activated terminal link.

link: T

The link to handle.


provideTerminalLinks(context: TerminalLinkContext, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<T[]>

Provide terminal links for the given context. Note that this can be called multiple times even before previous calls resolve, make sure to not share global objects (eg. RegExp) that could have problems when asynchronous usage may overlap.

context: TerminalLinkContext

Information about what links are being provided for.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


A list of terminal links for the given line.


Value-object describing what options a terminal should use.


cwd?: string | Uri

A path or Uri for the current working directory to be used for the terminal.


Object with environment variables that will be added to the VS Code process.

hideFromUser?: boolean

When enabled the terminal will run the process as normal but not be surfaced to the user until is called. The typical usage for this is when you need to run something that may need interactivity but only want to tell the user about it when interaction is needed. Note that the terminals will still be exposed to all extensions as normal.

name?: string

A human-readable string which will be used to represent the terminal in the UI.

shellArgs?: string[] | string

Args for the custom shell executable. A string can be used on Windows only which allows specifying shell args in command-line format.

shellPath?: string

A path to a custom shell executable to be used in the terminal.

strictEnv?: boolean

Whether the terminal process environment should be exactly as provided in TerminalOptions.env. When this is false (default), the environment will be based on the window's environment and also apply configured platform settings like on top. When this is true, the complete environment must be provided as nothing will be inherited from the process or any configuration.


Represents a text document, such as a source file. Text documents have lines and knowledge about an underlying resource like a file.


eol: EndOfLine

The end of line sequence that is predominately used in this document.

fileName: string

The file system path of the associated resource. Shorthand notation for TextDocument.uri.fsPath. Independent of the uri scheme.

isClosed: boolean

true if the document has been closed. A closed document isn't synchronized anymore and won't be re-used when the same resource is opened again.

isDirty: boolean

true if there are unpersisted changes.

isUntitled: boolean

Is this document representing an untitled file which has never been saved yet. Note that this does not mean the document will be saved to disk, use uri.scheme to figure out where a document will be saved, e.g. file, ftp etc.

languageId: string

The identifier of the language associated with this document.

lineCount: number

The number of lines in this document.

uri: Uri

The associated uri for this document.

Note that most documents use the file-scheme, which means they are files on disk. However, not all documents are saved on disk and therefore the scheme must be checked before trying to access the underlying file or siblings on disk.

version: number

The version number of this document (it will strictly increase after each change, including undo/redo).


getText(range?: Range): string

Get the text of this document. A substring can be retrieved by providing a range. The range will be adjusted.

range?: Range

Include only the text included by the range.


The text inside the provided range or the entire text.

getWordRangeAtPosition(position: Position, regex?: RegExp): Range | undefined

Get a word-range at the given position. By default words are defined by common separators, like space, -, _, etc. In addition, per language custom word definitions can be defined. It is also possible to provide a custom regular expression.

  • Note 1: A custom regular expression must not match the empty string and if it does, it will be ignored.
  • Note 2: A custom regular expression will fail to match multiline strings and in the name of speed regular expressions should not match words with spaces. Use TextLine.text for more complex, non-wordy, scenarios.

The position will be adjusted.

position: Position

A position.

regex?: RegExp

Optional regular expression that describes what a word is.

Range | undefined

A range spanning a word, or undefined.

lineAt(line: number): TextLine

Returns a text line denoted by the line number. Note that the returned object is not live and changes to the document are not reflected.

line: number

A line number in [0, lineCount).


A line.

lineAt(position: Position): TextLine

Returns a text line denoted by the position. Note that the returned object is not live and changes to the document are not reflected.

The position will be adjusted.

position: Position

A position.


A line.

offsetAt(position: Position): number

Converts the position to a zero-based offset.

The position will be adjusted.

position: Position

A position.


A valid zero-based offset.

positionAt(offset: number): Position

Converts a zero-based offset to a position.

offset: number

A zero-based offset.


A valid position.

save(): Thenable<boolean>

Save the underlying file.


A promise that will resolve to true when the file has been saved. If the file was not dirty or the save failed, will return false.

validatePosition(position: Position): Position

Ensure a position is contained in the range of this document.

position: Position

A position.


The given position or a new, adjusted position.

validateRange(range: Range): Range

Ensure a range is completely contained in this document.

range: Range

A range.


The given range or a new, adjusted range.


An event describing a transactional document change.


contentChanges: ReadonlyArray<TextDocumentContentChangeEvent>

An array of content changes.

document: TextDocument

The affected document.


An event describing an individual change in the text of a document.


range: Range

The range that got replaced.

rangeLength: number

The length of the range that got replaced.

rangeOffset: number

The offset of the range that got replaced.

text: string

The new text for the range.


A text document content provider allows to add readonly documents to the editor, such as source from a dll or generated html from md.

Content providers are registered for a uri-scheme. When a uri with that scheme is to be loaded the content provider is asked.


onDidChange?: Event<Uri>

An event to signal a resource has changed.


provideTextDocumentContent(uri: Uri, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<string>

Provide textual content for a given uri.

The editor will use the returned string-content to create a readonly document. Resources allocated should be released when the corresponding document has been closed.

Note: The contents of the created document might not be identical to the provided text due to end-of-line-sequence normalization.

uri: Uri

An uri which scheme matches the scheme this provider was registered for.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


A string or a thenable that resolves to such.


Represents reasons why a text document is saved.

Enumeration members








Represents options to configure the behavior of showing a document in an editor.


preserveFocus?: boolean

An optional flag that when true will stop the editor from taking focus.

preview?: boolean

An optional flag that controls if an editor-tab will be replaced with the next editor or if it will be kept.

selection?: Range

An optional selection to apply for the document in the editor.

viewColumn?: ViewColumn

An optional view column in which the editor should be shown. The default is the active, other values are adjusted to be Min(column, columnCount + 1), the active-column is not adjusted. Use ViewColumn.Beside to open the editor to the side of the currently active one.


An event that is fired when a document will be saved.

To make modifications to the document before it is being saved, call the waitUntil-function with a thenable that resolves to an array of text edits.


document: TextDocument

The document that will be saved.

reason: TextDocumentSaveReason

The reason why save was triggered.


waitUntil(thenable: Thenable<TextEdit[]>): void

Allows to pause the event loop and to apply pre-save-edits. Edits of subsequent calls to this function will be applied in order. The edits will be ignored if concurrent modifications of the document happened.

Note: This function can only be called during event dispatch and not in an asynchronous manner:

workspace.onWillSaveTextDocument(event => {
    // async, will *throw* an error
    setTimeout(() => event.waitUntil(promise));

    // sync, OK
thenable: Thenable<TextEdit[]>

A thenable that resolves to pre-save-edits.


waitUntil(thenable: Thenable<any>): void

Allows to pause the event loop until the provided thenable resolved.

Note: This function can only be called during event dispatch.

thenable: Thenable<any>

A thenable that delays saving.



A text edit represents edits that should be applied to a document.


delete(range: Range): TextEdit

Utility to create a delete edit.

range: Range

A range.


A new text edit object.

insert(position: Position, newText: string): TextEdit

Utility to create an insert edit.

position: Position

A position, will become an empty range.

newText: string

A string.


A new text edit object.

replace(range: Range, newText: string): TextEdit

Utility to create a replace edit.

range: Range

A range.

newText: string

A string.


A new text edit object.

setEndOfLine(eol: EndOfLine): TextEdit

Utility to create an eol-edit.

eol: EndOfLine

An eol-sequence


A new text edit object.


new TextEdit(range: Range, newText: string): TextEdit

Create a new TextEdit.

range: Range

A range.

newText: string

A string.



newEol?: EndOfLine

The eol-sequence used in the document.

Note that the eol-sequence will be applied to the whole document.

newText: string

The string this edit will insert.

range: Range

The range this edit applies to.


Represents an editor that is attached to a document.


document: TextDocument

The document associated with this text editor. The document will be the same for the entire lifetime of this text editor.

options: TextEditorOptions

Text editor options.

selection: Selection

The primary selection on this text editor. Shorthand for TextEditor.selections[0].

selections: Selection[]

The selections in this text editor. The primary selection is always at index 0.

viewColumn?: ViewColumn

The column in which this editor shows. Will be undefined in case this isn't one of the main editors, e.g. an embedded editor, or when the editor column is larger than three.

visibleRanges: Range[]

The current visible ranges in the editor (vertically). This accounts only for vertical scrolling, and not for horizontal scrolling.


edit(callback: (editBuilder: TextEditorEdit) => void, options?: {undoStopAfter: boolean, undoStopBefore: boolean}): Thenable<boolean>

Perform an edit on the document associated with this text editor.

The given callback-function is invoked with an edit-builder which must be used to make edits. Note that the edit-builder is only valid while the callback executes.

callback: (editBuilder: TextEditorEdit) => void

A function which can create edits using an edit-builder.

options?: {undoStopAfter: boolean, undoStopBefore: boolean}

The undo/redo behavior around this edit. By default, undo stops will be created before and after this edit.


A promise that resolves with a value indicating if the edits could be applied.

hide(): void

Hide the text editor.

  • deprecated - Use the command workbench.action.closeActiveEditor instead. This method shows unexpected behavior and will be removed in the next major update.

insertSnippet(snippet: SnippetString, location?: Position | Range | ReadonlyArray<Position> | ReadonlyArray<Range>, options?: {undoStopAfter: boolean, undoStopBefore: boolean}): Thenable<boolean>

Insert a snippet and put the editor into snippet mode. "Snippet mode" means the editor adds placeholders and additional cursors so that the user can complete or accept the snippet.

snippet: SnippetString

The snippet to insert in this edit.

location?: Position | Range | ReadonlyArray<Position> | ReadonlyArray<Range>

Position or range at which to insert the snippet, defaults to the current editor selection or selections.

options?: {undoStopAfter: boolean, undoStopBefore: boolean}

The undo/redo behavior around this edit. By default, undo stops will be created before and after this edit.


A promise that resolves with a value indicating if the snippet could be inserted. Note that the promise does not signal that the snippet is completely filled-in or accepted.

revealRange(range: Range, revealType?: TextEditorRevealType): void

Scroll as indicated by revealType in order to reveal the given range.

range: Range

A range.

revealType?: TextEditorRevealType

The scrolling strategy for revealing range.


setDecorations(decorationType: TextEditorDecorationType, rangesOrOptions: Range[] | DecorationOptions[]): void

Adds a set of decorations to the text editor. If a set of decorations already exists with the given decoration type, they will be replaced.

decorationType: TextEditorDecorationType

A decoration type.

rangesOrOptions: Range[] | DecorationOptions[]

Either ranges or more detailed options.


show(column?: ViewColumn): void

Show the text editor.

column?: ViewColumn

The column in which to show this editor. This method shows unexpected behavior and will be removed in the next major update.



Rendering style of the cursor.

Enumeration members














Represents a handle to a set of decorations sharing the same styling options in a text editor.

To get an instance of a TextEditorDecorationType use createTextEditorDecorationType.


key: string

Internal representation of the handle.


dispose(): void

Remove this decoration type and all decorations on all text editors using it.



A complex edit that will be applied in one transaction on a TextEditor. This holds a description of the edits and if the edits are valid (i.e. no overlapping regions, document was not changed in the meantime, etc.) they can be applied on a document associated with a text editor.


delete(location: Range | Selection): void

Delete a certain text region.

location: Range | Selection

The range this operation should remove.


insert(location: Position, value: string): void

Insert text at a location. You can use \r\n or \n in value and they will be normalized to the current document. Although the equivalent text edit can be made with replace, insert will produce a different resulting selection (it will get moved).

location: Position

The position where the new text should be inserted.

value: string

The new text this operation should insert.


replace(location: Position | Range | Selection, value: string): void

Replace a certain text region with a new value. You can use \r\n or \n in value and they will be normalized to the current document.

location: Position | Range | Selection

The range this operation should remove.

value: string

The new text this operation should insert after removing location.


setEndOfLine(endOfLine: EndOfLine): void

Set the end of line sequence.

endOfLine: EndOfLine

The new end of line for the document.



Rendering style of the line numbers.

Enumeration members








Represents a text editor's options.


cursorStyle?: TextEditorCursorStyle

The rendering style of the cursor in this editor. When getting a text editor's options, this property will always be present. When setting a text editor's options, this property is optional.

insertSpaces?: boolean | string

When pressing Tab insert n spaces. When getting a text editor's options, this property will always be a boolean (resolved). When setting a text editor's options, this property is optional and it can be a boolean or "auto".

lineNumbers?: TextEditorLineNumbersStyle

Render relative line numbers w.r.t. the current line number. When getting a text editor's options, this property will always be present. When setting a text editor's options, this property is optional.

tabSize?: number | string

The size in spaces a tab takes. This is used for two purposes:

  • the rendering width of a tab character;
  • the number of spaces to insert when insertSpaces is true.

When getting a text editor's options, this property will always be a number (resolved). When setting a text editor's options, this property is optional and it can be a number or "auto".


Represents an event describing the change in a text editor's options.


options: TextEditorOptions

The new value for the text editor's options.

textEditor: TextEditor

The text editor for which the options have changed.


Represents different reveal strategies in a text editor.

Enumeration members










Represents an event describing the change in a text editor's selections.


kind?: TextEditorSelectionChangeKind

The change kind which has triggered this event. Can be undefined.

selections: ReadonlyArray<Selection>

The new value for the text editor's selections.

textEditor: TextEditor

The text editor for which the selections have changed.


Represents sources that can cause selection change events.

Enumeration members








Represents an event describing the change of a text editor's view column.


textEditor: TextEditor

The text editor for which the view column has changed.

viewColumn: ViewColumn

The new value for the text editor's view column.


Represents an event describing the change in a text editor's visible ranges.


textEditor: TextEditor

The text editor for which the visible ranges have changed.

visibleRanges: ReadonlyArray<Range>

The new value for the text editor's visible ranges.


Represents a line of text, such as a line of source code.

TextLine objects are immutable. When a document changes, previously retrieved lines will not represent the latest state.


firstNonWhitespaceCharacterIndex: number

The offset of the first character which is not a whitespace character as defined by /\s/. Note that if a line is all whitespace the length of the line is returned.

isEmptyOrWhitespace: boolean

Whether this line is whitespace only, shorthand for TextLine.firstNonWhitespaceCharacterIndex === TextLine.text.length.

lineNumber: number

The zero-based line number.

range: Range

The range this line covers without the line separator characters.

rangeIncludingLineBreak: Range

The range this line covers with the line separator characters.

text: string

The text of this line without the line separator characters.



backgroundColor?: string | ThemeColor

CSS styling property that will be applied to the decoration attachment.

border?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to the decoration attachment.

borderColor?: string | ThemeColor

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.

color?: string | ThemeColor

CSS styling property that will be applied to the decoration attachment.

contentIconPath?: string | Uri

An absolute path or an URI to an image to be rendered in the attachment. Either an icon or a text can be shown, but not both.

contentText?: string

Defines a text content that is shown in the attachment. Either an icon or a text can be shown, but not both.

fontStyle?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to the decoration attachment.

fontWeight?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to the decoration attachment.

height?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to the decoration attachment.

margin?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to the decoration attachment.

textDecoration?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to the decoration attachment.

width?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to the decoration attachment.



after?: ThemableDecorationAttachmentRenderOptions

Defines the rendering options of the attachment that is inserted after the decorated text.

before?: ThemableDecorationAttachmentRenderOptions

Defines the rendering options of the attachment that is inserted before the decorated text.


Represents theme specific rendering styles for a text editor decoration.


after?: ThemableDecorationAttachmentRenderOptions

Defines the rendering options of the attachment that is inserted after the decorated text.

backgroundColor?: string | ThemeColor

Background color of the decoration. Use rgba() and define transparent background colors to play well with other decorations. Alternatively a color from the color registry can be referenced.

before?: ThemableDecorationAttachmentRenderOptions

Defines the rendering options of the attachment that is inserted before the decorated text.

border?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.

borderColor?: string | ThemeColor

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration. Better use 'border' for setting one or more of the individual border properties.

borderRadius?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration. Better use 'border' for setting one or more of the individual border properties.

borderSpacing?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration. Better use 'border' for setting one or more of the individual border properties.

borderStyle?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration. Better use 'border' for setting one or more of the individual border properties.

borderWidth?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration. Better use 'border' for setting one or more of the individual border properties.

color?: string | ThemeColor

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.

cursor?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.

fontStyle?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.

fontWeight?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.

gutterIconPath?: string | Uri

An absolute path or an URI to an image to be rendered in the gutter.

gutterIconSize?: string

Specifies the size of the gutter icon. Available values are 'auto', 'contain', 'cover' and any percentage value. For further information:

letterSpacing?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.

opacity?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.

outline?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.

outlineColor?: string | ThemeColor

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration. Better use 'outline' for setting one or more of the individual outline properties.

outlineStyle?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration. Better use 'outline' for setting one or more of the individual outline properties.

outlineWidth?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration. Better use 'outline' for setting one or more of the individual outline properties.

overviewRulerColor?: string | ThemeColor

The color of the decoration in the overview ruler. Use rgba() and define transparent colors to play well with other decorations.

textDecoration?: string

CSS styling property that will be applied to text enclosed by a decoration.


A reference to one of the workbench colors as defined in Using a theme color is preferred over a custom color as it gives theme authors and users the possibility to change the color.


new ThemeColor(id: string): ThemeColor

Creates a reference to a theme color.

id: string

of the color. The available colors are listed in



A reference to a named icon. Currently, File, Folder, and codicons are supported. Using a theme icon is preferred over a custom icon as it gives theme authors the possibility to change the icons.

Note that theme icons can also be rendered inside labels and descriptions. Places that support theme icons spell this out and they use the $(<name>)-syntax, for instance quickPick.label = "Hello World $(globe)".


File: ThemeIcon

Reference to an icon representing a file. The icon is taken from the current file icon theme or a placeholder icon is used.

Folder: ThemeIcon

Reference to an icon representing a folder. The icon is taken from the current file icon theme or a placeholder icon is used.


new ThemeIcon(id: string, color?: ThemeColor): ThemeIcon

Creates a reference to a theme icon.

id: string

id of the icon. The available icons are listed in

color?: ThemeColor

optional ThemeColor for the icon. The color is currently only used in TreeItem.



color?: ThemeColor

The optional ThemeColor of the icon. The color is currently only used in TreeItem.

id: string

The id of the icon. The available icons are listed in


A data provider that provides tree data


onDidChangeTreeData?: Event<T | undefined | null | void>

An optional event to signal that an element or root has changed. This will trigger the view to update the changed element/root and its children recursively (if shown). To signal that root has changed, do not pass any argument or pass undefined or null.


getChildren(element?: T): ProviderResult<T[]>

Get the children of element or root if no element is passed.

element?: T

The element from which the provider gets children. Can be undefined.


Children of element or root if no element is passed.

getParent(element: T): ProviderResult<T>

Optional method to return the parent of element. Return null or undefined if element is a child of root.

NOTE: This method should be implemented in order to access reveal API.

element: T

The element for which the parent has to be returned.


Parent of element.

getTreeItem(element: T): TreeItem | Thenable<TreeItem>

Get TreeItem representation of the element

element: T

The element for which TreeItem representation is asked for.

TreeItem | Thenable<TreeItem>

(#TreeItem) representation of the element



new TreeItem(label: string, collapsibleState?: TreeItemCollapsibleState): TreeItem

label: string

A human-readable string describing this item

collapsibleState?: TreeItemCollapsibleState

(#TreeItemCollapsibleState) of the tree item. Default is TreeItemCollapsibleState.None


new TreeItem(resourceUri: Uri, collapsibleState?: TreeItemCollapsibleState): TreeItem

resourceUri: Uri

The uri of the resource representing this item.

collapsibleState?: TreeItemCollapsibleState

(#TreeItemCollapsibleState) of the tree item. Default is TreeItemCollapsibleState.None



accessibilityInformation?: AccessibilityInformation

Accessibility information used when screen reader interacts with this tree item. Generally, a TreeItem has no need to set the role of the accessibilityInformation; however, there are cases where a TreeItem is not displayed in a tree-like way where setting the role may make sense.

collapsibleState?: TreeItemCollapsibleState

TreeItemCollapsibleState of the tree item.

command?: Command

The command that should be executed when the tree item is selected.

contextValue?: string

Context value of the tree item. This can be used to contribute item specific actions in the tree. For example, a tree item is given a context value as folder. When contributing actions to view/item/context using menus extension point, you can specify context value for key viewItem in when expression like viewItem == folder.

    "contributes": {
        "menus": {
            "view/item/context": [
                    "command": "extension.deleteFolder",
                    "when": "viewItem == folder"

This will show action extension.deleteFolder only for items with contextValue is folder.

description?: string | boolean

A human-readable string which is rendered less prominent. When true, it is derived from resourceUri and when falsy, it is not shown.

iconPath?: string | Uri | {dark: string | Uri, light: string | Uri} | ThemeIcon

The icon path or ThemeIcon for the tree item. When falsy, Folder Theme Icon is assigned, if item is collapsible otherwise File Theme Icon. When a file or folder ThemeIcon is specified, icon is derived from the current file icon theme for the specified theme icon using resourceUri (if provided).

id?: string

Optional id for the tree item that has to be unique across tree. The id is used to preserve the selection and expansion state of the tree item.

If not provided, an id is generated using the tree item's label. Note that when labels change, ids will change and that selection and expansion state cannot be kept stable anymore.

label?: string

A human-readable string describing this item. When falsy, it is derived from resourceUri.

resourceUri?: Uri

The uri of the resource representing this item.

Will be used to derive the label, when it is not provided. Will be used to derive the icon from current file icon theme, when iconPath has ThemeIcon value.

tooltip?: string | undefined

The tooltip text when you hover over this item.


Collapsible state of the tree item

Enumeration members








Represents a Tree view


onDidChangeSelection: Event<TreeViewSelectionChangeEvent<T>>

Event that is fired when the selection has changed

onDidChangeVisibility: Event<TreeViewVisibilityChangeEvent>

Event that is fired when visibility has changed

onDidCollapseElement: Event<TreeViewExpansionEvent<T>>

Event that is fired when an element is collapsed

onDidExpandElement: Event<TreeViewExpansionEvent<T>>

Event that is fired when an element is expanded


from(...disposableLikes: {dispose: () => any}[]): Disposable

Combine many disposable-likes into one. Use this method when having objects with a dispose function which are not instances of Disposable.

...disposableLikes: {dispose: () => any}[]

Objects that have at least a dispose-function member.


Returns a new disposable which, upon dispose, will dispose all provided disposables.


new TreeView(callOnDispose: Function): TreeView

Creates a new Disposable calling the provided function on dispose.

callOnDispose: Function

Function that disposes something.



description?: string

An optional human-readable description which is rendered less prominently in the title of the view. Setting the title description to null, undefined, or empty string will remove the description from the view.

message?: string

An optional human-readable message that will be rendered in the view. Setting the message to null, undefined, or empty string will remove the message from the view.

selection: T[]

Currently selected elements.

title?: string

The tree view title is initially taken from the extension package.json Changes to the title property will be properly reflected in the UI in the title of the view.

visible: boolean

true if the tree view is visible otherwise false.


dispose(): any

Dispose this object.


reveal(element: T, options?: {expand: boolean | number, focus: boolean, select: boolean}): Thenable<void>

Reveals the given element in the tree view. If the tree view is not visible then the tree view is shown and element is revealed.

By default revealed element is selected. In order to not to select, set the option select to false. In order to focus, set the option focus to true. In order to expand the revealed element, set the option expand to true. To expand recursively set expand to the number of levels to expand. NOTE: You can expand only to 3 levels maximum.

NOTE: The TreeDataProvider that the TreeView is registered with with must implement getParent method to access this API.

element: T
options?: {expand: boolean | number, focus: boolean, select: boolean}


The event that is fired when an element in the TreeView is expanded or collapsed


element: T

Element that is expanded or collapsed.


Options for creating a TreeView


canSelectMany?: boolean

Whether the tree supports multi-select. When the tree supports multi-select and a command is executed from the tree, the first argument to the command is the tree item that the command was executed on and the second argument is an array containing all selected tree items.

showCollapseAll?: boolean

Whether to show collapse all action or not.

treeDataProvider: TreeDataProvider<T>

A data provider that provides tree data.


The event that is fired when there is a change in tree view's selection


selection: T[]

Selected elements.


The event that is fired when there is a change in tree view's visibility


visible: boolean

true if the tree view is visible otherwise false.


The type definition provider defines the contract between extensions and the go to type definition feature.


provideTypeDefinition(document: TextDocument, position: Position, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<Definition | DefinitionLink[]>

Provide the type definition of the symbol at the given position and document.

document: TextDocument

The document in which the command was invoked.

position: Position

The position at which the command was invoked.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.

ProviderResult<Definition | DefinitionLink[]>

A definition or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined or null.


Possible kinds of UI that can use extensions.

Enumeration members






A universal resource identifier representing either a file on disk or another resource, like untitled resources.


file(path: string): Uri

Create an URI from a file system path. The scheme will be file.

The difference between Uri#parse and Uri#file is that the latter treats the argument as path, not as stringified-uri. E.g. Uri.file(path) is not the same as Uri.parse('file://' + path) because the path might contain characters that are interpreted (# and ?). See the following sample:

const good = URI.file('/coding/c#/project1');
good.scheme === 'file';
good.path === '/coding/c#/project1';
good.fragment === '';

const bad = URI.parse('file://' + '/coding/c#/project1');
bad.scheme === 'file';
bad.path === '/coding/c'; // path is now broken
bad.fragment === '/project1';
path: string

A file system or UNC path.


A new Uri instance.

joinPath(base: Uri, ...pathSegments: string[]): Uri

Create a new uri which path is the result of joining the path of the base uri with the provided path segments.

  • Note 1: joinPath only affects the path component and all other components (scheme, authority, query, and fragment) are left as they are.
  • Note 2: The base uri must have a path; an error is thrown otherwise.

The path segments are normalized in the following ways:

  • sequences of path separators (/ or \) are replaced with a single separator
  • for file-uris on windows, the backslash-character (\) is considered a path-separator
  • the ..-segment denotes the parent segment, the . denotes the current segment
  • paths have a root which always remains, for instance on windows drive-letters are roots so that is true: joinPath(Uri.file('file:///c:/root'), '../../other').fsPath === 'c:/other'
base: Uri

An uri. Must have a path.

...pathSegments: string[]

One more more path fragments


A new uri which path is joined with the given fragments

parse(value: string, strict?: boolean): Uri

Create an URI from a string, e.g., file:///usr/home, or scheme:with/path.

Note that for a while uris without a scheme were accepted. That is not correct as all uris should have a scheme. To avoid breakage of existing code the optional strict-argument has been added. We strongly advise to use it, e.g. Uri.parse('my:uri', true)

value: string

The string value of an Uri.

strict?: boolean

Throw an error when value is empty or when no scheme can be parsed.


A new Uri instance.


new Uri(scheme: string, authority: string, path: string, query: string, fragment: string): Uri

Use the file and parse factory functions to create new Uri objects.

scheme: string
authority: string
path: string
query: string
fragment: string


authority: string

Authority is the part of The part between the first double slashes and the next slash.

fragment: string

Fragment is the fragment part of

fsPath: string

The string representing the corresponding file system path of this Uri.

Will handle UNC paths and normalize windows drive letters to lower-case. Also uses the platform specific path separator.

  • Will not validate the path for invalid characters and semantics.
  • Will not look at the scheme of this Uri.
  • The resulting string shall not be used for display purposes but for disk operations, like readFile et al.

The difference to the path-property is the use of the platform specific path separator and the handling of UNC paths. The sample below outlines the difference:

const u = URI.parse('file://server/c$/folder/file.txt')
u.authority === 'server'
u.path === '/shares/c$/file.txt'
u.fsPath === '\\server\c$\folder\file.txt'

path: string

Path is the /some/path part of

query: string

Query is the query part of

scheme: string

Scheme is the http part of The part before the first colon.


toJSON(): any

Returns a JSON representation of this Uri.


An object.

toString(skipEncoding?: boolean): string

Returns a string representation of this Uri. The representation and normalization of a URI depends on the scheme.

  • The resulting string can be safely used with Uri.parse.
  • The resulting string shall not be used for display purposes.

Note that the implementation will encode aggressive which often leads to unexpected, but not incorrect, results. For instance, colons are encoded to %3A which might be unexpected in file-uri. Also & and = will be encoded which might be unexpected for http-uris. For stability reasons this cannot be changed anymore. If you suffer from too aggressive encoding you should use the skipEncoding-argument: uri.toString(true).

skipEncoding?: boolean

Do not percentage-encode the result, defaults to false. Note that the # and ? characters occurring in the path will always be encoded.


A string representation of this Uri.

with(change: {authority: string, fragment: string, path: string, query: string, scheme: string}): Uri

Derive a new Uri from this Uri.

let file = Uri.parse('before:some/file/path');
let other = file.with({ scheme: 'after' });
assert.ok(other.toString() === 'after:some/file/path');
change: {authority: string, fragment: string, path: string, query: string, scheme: string}

An object that describes a change to this Uri. To unset components use null or the empty string.


A new Uri that reflects the given change. Will return this Uri if the change is not changing anything.


A uri handler is responsible for handling system-wide uris.


handleUri(uri: Uri): ProviderResult<void>

Handle the provided system-wide uri.

uri: Uri


Denotes a location of an editor in the window. Editors can be arranged in a grid and each column represents one editor location in that grid by counting the editors in order of their appearance.

Enumeration members
























Displays html content, similarly to an iframe.


onDidReceiveMessage: Event<any>

Fired when the webview content posts a message.

Webview content can post strings or json serializable objects back to a VS Code extension. They cannot post Blob, File, ImageData and other DOM specific objects since the extension that receives the message does not run in a browser environment.


cspSource: string

Content security policy source for webview resources.

This is the origin that should be used in a content security policy rule:

img-src https: ${webview.cspSource} ...;

html: string

HTML contents of the webview.

This should be a complete, valid html document. Changing this property causes the webview to be reloaded.

Webviews are sandboxed from normal extension process, so all communication with the webview must use message passing. To send a message from the extension to the webview, use postMessage. To send message from the webview back to an extension, use the acquireVsCodeApi function inside the webview to get a handle to VS Code's api and then call .postMessage():

    const vscode = acquireVsCodeApi(); // acquireVsCodeApi can only be invoked once
    vscode.postMessage({ message: 'hello!' });

To load a resources from the workspace inside a webview, use the [asWebviewUri](#Webview.asWebviewUri) method and ensure the resource's directory is listed in WebviewOptions.localResourceRoots.

Keep in mind that even though webviews are sandboxed, they still allow running scripts and loading arbitrary content, so extensions must follow all standard web security best practices when working with webviews. This includes properly sanitizing all untrusted input (including content from the workspace) and setting a content security policy.

options: WebviewOptions

Content settings for the webview.


asWebviewUri(localResource: Uri): Uri

Convert a uri for the local file system to one that can be used inside webviews.

Webviews cannot directly load resources from the workspace or local file system using file: uris. The asWebviewUri function takes a local file: uri and converts it into a uri that can be used inside of a webview to load the same resource:

webview.html = `<img src="${webview.asWebviewUri(vscode.Uri.file('/Users/codey/workspace/cat.gif'))}">`
localResource: Uri

postMessage(message: any): Thenable<boolean>

Post a message to the webview content.

Messages are only delivered if the webview is live (either visible or in the background with retainContextWhenHidden).

message: any

Body of the message. This must be a string or other json serializable object.



Content settings for a webview.


enableCommandUris?: boolean

Controls whether command uris are enabled in webview content or not.

Defaults to false.

enableScripts?: boolean

Controls whether scripts are enabled in the webview content or not.

Defaults to false (scripts-disabled).

localResourceRoots?: ReadonlyArray<Uri>

Root paths from which the webview can load local (filesystem) resources using uris from asWebviewUri

Default to the root folders of the current workspace plus the extension's install directory.

Pass in an empty array to disallow access to any local resources.

portMapping?: ReadonlyArray<WebviewPortMapping>

Mappings of localhost ports used inside the webview.

Port mapping allow webviews to transparently define how localhost ports are resolved. This can be used to allow using a static localhost port inside the webview that is resolved to random port that a service is running on.

If a webview accesses localhost content, we recommend that you specify port mappings even if the webviewPort and extensionHostPort ports are the same.

Note that port mappings only work for http or https urls. Websocket urls (e.g. ws://localhost:3000) cannot be mapped to another port.


A panel that contains a webview.


onDidChangeViewState: Event<WebviewPanelOnDidChangeViewStateEvent>

Fired when the panel's view state changes.

onDidDispose: Event<void>

Fired when the panel is disposed.

This may be because the user closed the panel or because .dispose() was called on it.

Trying to use the panel after it has been disposed throws an exception.


active: boolean

Whether the panel is active (focused by the user).

iconPath?: Uri | {dark: Uri, light: Uri}

Icon for the panel shown in UI.

options: WebviewPanelOptions

Content settings for the webview panel.

title: string

Title of the panel shown in UI.

viewColumn?: ViewColumn

Editor position of the panel. This property is only set if the webview is in one of the editor view columns.

viewType: string

Identifies the type of the webview panel, such as 'markdown.preview'.

visible: boolean

Whether the panel is visible.

webview: Webview

Webview belonging to the panel.


dispose(): any

Dispose of the webview panel.

This closes the panel if it showing and disposes of the resources owned by the webview. Webview panels are also disposed when the user closes the webview panel. Both cases fire the onDispose event.


reveal(viewColumn?: ViewColumn, preserveFocus?: boolean): void

Show the webview panel in a given column.

A webview panel may only show in a single column at a time. If it is already showing, this method moves it to a new column.

viewColumn?: ViewColumn

View column to show the panel in. Shows in the current viewColumn if undefined.

preserveFocus?: boolean

When true, the webview will not take focus.



Event fired when a webview panel's view state changes.


webviewPanel: WebviewPanel

Webview panel whose view state changed.


Content settings for a webview panel.


enableFindWidget?: boolean

Controls if the find widget is enabled in the panel.

Defaults to false.

retainContextWhenHidden?: boolean

Controls if the webview panel's content (iframe) is kept around even when the panel is no longer visible.

Normally the webview panel's html context is created when the panel becomes visible and destroyed when it is hidden. Extensions that have complex state or UI can set the retainContextWhenHidden to make VS Code keep the webview context around, even when the webview moves to a background tab. When a webview using retainContextWhenHidden becomes hidden, its scripts and other dynamic content keep running. With retainContextWhenHidden enabled, you can messages to a hidden webview.

retainContextWhenHidden has a high memory overhead and should only be used if your panel's context cannot be quickly saved and restored.


Restore webview panels that have been persisted when vscode shuts down.

There are two types of webview persistence:

  • Persistence within a session.
  • Persistence across sessions (across restarts of VS Code).

A WebviewPanelSerializer is only required for the second case: persisting a webview across sessions.

Persistence within a session allows a webview to save its state when it becomes hidden and restore its content from this state when it becomes visible again. It is powered entirely by the webview content itself. To save off a persisted state, call acquireVsCodeApi().setState() with any json serializable object. To restore the state again, call getState()

// Within the webview
const vscode = acquireVsCodeApi();

// Get existing state
const oldState = vscode.getState() || { value: 0 };

// Update state
setState({ value: oldState.value + 1 })

A WebviewPanelSerializer extends this persistence across restarts of VS Code. When the editor is shutdown, VS Code will save off the state from setState of all webviews that have a serializer. When the webview first becomes visible after the restart, this state is passed to deserializeWebviewPanel. The extension can then restore the old WebviewPanel from this state.


deserializeWebviewPanel(webviewPanel: WebviewPanel, state: T): Thenable<void>

Restore a webview panel from its serialized state.

Called when a serialized webview first becomes visible.

webviewPanel: WebviewPanel

Webview panel to restore. The serializer should take ownership of this panel. The serializer must restore the webview's .html and hook up all webview events.

state: T

Persisted state from the webview content.


Thenable indicating that the webview has been fully restored.


Defines a port mapping used for localhost inside the webview.


extensionHostPort: number

Destination port. The webviewPort is resolved to this port.

webviewPort: number

Localhost port to remap inside the webview.


A webview based view.


onDidChangeVisibility: Event<void>

Event fired when the visibility of the view changes.

Actions that trigger a visibility change:

  • The view is collapsed or expanded.
  • The user switches to a different view group in the sidebar or panel.

Note that hiding a view using the context menu instead disposes of the view and fires onDidDispose.

onDidDispose: Event<void>

Event fired when the view is disposed.

Views are disposed when they are explicitly hidden by a user (this happens when a user right clicks in a view and unchecks the webview view).

Trying to use the view after it has been disposed throws an exception.


description?: string

Human-readable string which is rendered less prominently in the title.

title?: string

View title displayed in the UI.

The view title is initially taken from the extension package.json contribution.

viewType: string

Identifies the type of the webview view, such as 'hexEditor.dataView'.

visible: boolean

Tracks if the webview is currently visible.

Views are visible when they are on the screen and expanded.

webview: Webview

The underlying webview for the view.


show(preserveFocus?: boolean): void

Reveal the view in the UI.

If the view is collapsed, this will expand it.

preserveFocus?: boolean

When true the view will not take focus.



Provider for creating WebviewView elements.


resolveWebviewView(webviewView: WebviewView, context: WebviewViewResolveContext, token: CancellationToken): Thenable<void> | void

Revolves a webview view.

resolveWebviewView is called when a view first becomes visible. This may happen when the view is first loaded or when the user hides and then shows a view again.

webviewView: WebviewView

Webview view to restore. The provider should take ownership of this view. The provider must set the webview's .html and hook up all webview events it is interested in.

context: WebviewViewResolveContext

Additional metadata about the view being resolved.

token: CancellationToken

Cancellation token indicating that the view being provided is no longer needed.

Thenable<void> | void

Optional thenable indicating that the view has been fully resolved.


Additional information the webview view being resolved.


state: T | undefined

Persisted state from the webview content.

To save resources, VS Code normally deallocates webview documents (the iframe content) that are not visible. For example, when the user collapse a view or switches to another top level activity in the sidebar, the WebviewView itself is kept alive but the webview's underlying document is deallocated. It is recreated when the view becomes visible again.

You can prevent this behavior by setting retainContextWhenHidden in the WebviewOptions. However this increases resource usage and should be avoided wherever possible. Instead, you can use persisted state to save off a webview's state so that it can be quickly recreated as needed.

To save off a persisted state, inside the webview call acquireVsCodeApi().setState() with any json serializable object. To restore the state again, call getState(). For example:

// Within the webview
const vscode = acquireVsCodeApi();

// Get existing state
const oldState = vscode.getState() || { value: 0 };

// Update state
setState({ value: oldState.value + 1 })

VS Code ensures that the persisted state is saved correctly when a webview is hidden and across editor restarts.


Represents the state of a window.


focused: boolean

Whether the current window is focused.


Represents the configuration. It is a merged view of

  • Default Settings
  • Global (User) Settings
  • Workspace settings
  • Workspace Folder settings - From one of the Workspace Folders under which requested resource belongs to.
  • Language settings - Settings defined under requested language.

The effective value (returned by get) is computed by overriding or merging the values in the following order.

`defaultValue` (if defined in `package.json` otherwise derived from the value's type)
`globalValue` (if defined)
`workspaceValue` (if defined)
`workspaceFolderValue` (if defined)
`defaultLanguageValue` (if defined)
`globalLanguageValue` (if defined)
`workspaceLanguageValue` (if defined)
`workspaceFolderLanguageValue` (if defined)

Note: Only object value types are merged and all other value types are overridden.

Example 1: Overriding

defaultValue = 'on';
globalValue = 'relative'
workspaceFolderValue = 'off'
value = 'off'

Example 2: Language Values

defaultValue = 'on';
globalValue = 'relative'
workspaceFolderValue = 'off'
globalLanguageValue = 'on'
value = 'on'

Example 3: Object Values

defaultValue = { "a": 1, "b": 2 };
globalValue = { "b": 3, "c": 4 };
value = { "a": 1, "b": 3, "c": 4 };

Note: Workspace and Workspace Folder configurations contains launch and tasks settings. Their basename will be part of the section identifier. The following snippets shows how to retrieve all configurations from launch.json:

// launch.json configuration
const config = workspace.getConfiguration('launch', vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri);

// retrieve values
const values = config.get('configurations');

Refer to Settings for more information.


get<T>(section: string): T | undefined

Return a value from this configuration.

section: string

Configuration name, supports dotted names.

T | undefined

The value section denotes or undefined.

get<T>(section: string, defaultValue: T): T

Return a value from this configuration.

section: string

Configuration name, supports dotted names.

defaultValue: T

A value should be returned when no value could be found, is undefined.


The value section denotes or the default.

has(section: string): boolean

Check if this configuration has a certain value.

section: string

Configuration name, supports dotted names.


true if the section doesn't resolve to undefined.

inspect<T>(section: string): {defaultLanguageValue: T, defaultValue: T, globalLanguageValue: T, globalValue: T, key: string, languageIds: string[], workspaceFolderLanguageValue: T, workspaceFolderValue: T, workspaceLanguageValue: T, workspaceValue: T} | undefined

Retrieve all information about a configuration setting. A configuration value often consists of a default value, a global or installation-wide value, a workspace-specific value, folder-specific value and language-specific values (if WorkspaceConfiguration is scoped to a language).

Also provides all language IDs under which the given configuration setting is defined.

Note: The configuration name must denote a leaf in the configuration tree (editor.fontSize vs editor) otherwise no result is returned.

section: string

Configuration name, supports dotted names.

{defaultLanguageValue: T, defaultValue: T, globalLanguageValue: T, globalValue: T, key: string, languageIds: string[], workspaceFolderLanguageValue: T, workspaceFolderValue: T, workspaceLanguageValue: T, workspaceValue: T} | undefined

Information about a configuration setting or undefined.

update(section: string, value: any, configurationTarget?: ConfigurationTarget | boolean, overrideInLanguage?: boolean): Thenable<void>

Update a configuration value. The updated configuration values are persisted.

A value can be changed in

Note: To remove a configuration value use undefined, like so: config.update('somekey', undefined)

  • throws - error while updating
    • configuration which is not registered.
    • window configuration to workspace folder
    • configuration to workspace or workspace folder when no workspace is opened.
    • configuration to workspace folder when there is no workspace folder settings.
    • configuration to workspace folder when WorkspaceConfiguration is not scoped to a resource.
section: string

Configuration name, supports dotted names.

value: any

The new value.

configurationTarget?: ConfigurationTarget | boolean

The configuration target or a boolean value.

- If `true` updates [Global settings](#ConfigurationTarget.Global).
- If `false` updates [Workspace settings](#ConfigurationTarget.Workspace).
- If `undefined` or `null` updates to [Workspace folder settings](#ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder) if configuration is resource specific,
otherwise to [Workspace settings](#ConfigurationTarget.Workspace).
overrideInLanguage?: boolean

Whether to update the value in the scope of requested languageId or not.

- If `true` updates the value under the requested languageId.
- If `undefined` updates the value under the requested languageId only if the configuration is defined for the language.


A workspace edit is a collection of textual and files changes for multiple resources and documents.

Use the applyEdit-function to apply a workspace edit.


size: number

The number of affected resources of textual or resource changes.


createFile(uri: Uri, options?: {ignoreIfExists: boolean, overwrite: boolean}, metadata?: WorkspaceEditEntryMetadata): void

Create a regular file.

uri: Uri

Uri of the new file..

options?: {ignoreIfExists: boolean, overwrite: boolean}

Defines if an existing file should be overwritten or be ignored. When overwrite and ignoreIfExists are both set overwrite wins. When both are unset and when the file already exists then the edit cannot be applied successfully.

metadata?: WorkspaceEditEntryMetadata

Optional metadata for the entry.


delete(uri: Uri, range: Range, metadata?: WorkspaceEditEntryMetadata): void

Delete the text at the given range.

uri: Uri

A resource identifier.

range: Range

A range.

metadata?: WorkspaceEditEntryMetadata

Optional metadata for the entry.


deleteFile(uri: Uri, options?: {ignoreIfNotExists: boolean, recursive: boolean}, metadata?: WorkspaceEditEntryMetadata): void

Delete a file or folder.

uri: Uri

The uri of the file that is to be deleted.

options?: {ignoreIfNotExists: boolean, recursive: boolean}
metadata?: WorkspaceEditEntryMetadata

Optional metadata for the entry.


entries(): [Uri, TextEdit[]][]

Get all text edits grouped by resource.

[Uri, TextEdit[]][]

A shallow copy of [Uri, TextEdit[]]-tuples.

get(uri: Uri): TextEdit[]

Get the text edits for a resource.

uri: Uri

A resource identifier.


An array of text edits.

has(uri: Uri): boolean

Check if a text edit for a resource exists.

uri: Uri

A resource identifier.


true if the given resource will be touched by this edit.

insert(uri: Uri, position: Position, newText: string, metadata?: WorkspaceEditEntryMetadata): void

Insert the given text at the given position.

uri: Uri

A resource identifier.

position: Position

A position.

newText: string

A string.

metadata?: WorkspaceEditEntryMetadata

Optional metadata for the entry.


renameFile(oldUri: Uri, newUri: Uri, options?: {ignoreIfExists: boolean, overwrite: boolean}, metadata?: WorkspaceEditEntryMetadata): void

Rename a file or folder.

oldUri: Uri

The existing file.

newUri: Uri

The new location.

options?: {ignoreIfExists: boolean, overwrite: boolean}

Defines if existing files should be overwritten or be ignored. When overwrite and ignoreIfExists are both set overwrite wins.

metadata?: WorkspaceEditEntryMetadata

Optional metadata for the entry.


replace(uri: Uri, range: Range, newText: string, metadata?: WorkspaceEditEntryMetadata): void

Replace the given range with given text for the given resource.

uri: Uri

A resource identifier.

range: Range

A range.

newText: string

A string.

metadata?: WorkspaceEditEntryMetadata

Optional metadata for the entry.


set(uri: Uri, edits: TextEdit[]): void

Set (and replace) text edits for a resource.

uri: Uri

A resource identifier.

edits: TextEdit[]

An array of text edits.



Additional data for entries of a workspace edit. Supports to label entries and marks entries as needing confirmation by the user. The editor groups edits with equal labels into tree nodes, for instance all edits labelled with "Changes in Strings" would be a tree node.


description?: string

A human-readable string which is rendered less prominent on the same line.

iconPath?: Uri | {dark: Uri, light: Uri} | ThemeIcon

The icon path or ThemeIcon for the edit.

label: string

A human-readable string which is rendered prominent.

needsConfirmation: boolean

A flag which indicates that user confirmation is needed.


A workspace folder is one of potentially many roots opened by the editor. All workspace folders are equal which means there is no notion of an active or primary workspace folder.


index: number

The ordinal number of this workspace folder.

name: string

The name of this workspace folder. Defaults to the basename of its uri-path

uri: Uri

The associated uri for this workspace folder.

Note: The Uri-type was intentionally chosen such that future releases of the editor can support workspace folders that are not stored on the local disk, e.g. ftp://server/workspaces/foo.


Options to configure the behaviour of the workspace folder pick UI.


ignoreFocusOut?: boolean

Set to true to keep the picker open when focus moves to another part of the editor or to another window.

placeHolder?: string

An optional string to show as placeholder in the input box to guide the user what to pick on.


An event describing a change to the set of workspace folders.


added: ReadonlyArray<WorkspaceFolder>

Added workspace folders.

removed: ReadonlyArray<WorkspaceFolder>

Removed workspace folders.


The workspace symbol provider interface defines the contract between extensions and the symbol search-feature.


provideWorkspaceSymbols(query: string, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<T[]>

Project-wide search for a symbol matching the given query string.

The query-parameter should be interpreted in a relaxed way as the editor will apply its own highlighting and scoring on the results. A good rule of thumb is to match case-insensitive and to simply check that the characters of query appear in their order in a candidate symbol. Don't use prefix, substring, or similar strict matching.

To improve performance implementors can implement resolveWorkspaceSymbol and then provide symbols with partial location-objects, without a range defined. The editor will then call resolveWorkspaceSymbol for selected symbols only, e.g. when opening a workspace symbol.

query: string

A query string, can be the empty string in which case all symbols should be returned.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


An array of document highlights or a thenable that resolves to such. The lack of a result can be signaled by returning undefined, null, or an empty array.

resolveWorkspaceSymbol(symbol: T, token: CancellationToken): ProviderResult<T>

Given a symbol fill in its location. This method is called whenever a symbol is selected in the UI. Providers can implement this method and return incomplete symbols from provideWorkspaceSymbols which often helps to improve performance.

symbol: T

The symbol that is to be resolved. Guaranteed to be an instance of an object returned from an earlier call to provideWorkspaceSymbols.

token: CancellationToken

A cancellation token.


The resolved symbol or a thenable that resolves to that. When no result is returned, the given symbol is used.

API Patterns

These are some of the common patterns we use in the VS Code API.


The VS Code API represents asynchronous operations with promises. From extensions, any type of promise can be returned, like ES6, WinJS, A+, etc.

Being independent of a specific promise library is expressed in the API by the Thenable-type. Thenable represents the common denominator which is the then method.

In most cases the use of promises is optional and when VS Code calls into an extension, it can handle the result type as well as a Thenable of the result type. When the use of a promise is optional, the API indicates this by returning or-types.

provideNumber(): number | Thenable<number>

Cancellation Tokens

Often operations are started on volatile state which changes before operations can finish. For instance, computing IntelliSense starts and the user continues to type making the result of that operation obsolete.

APIs that are exposed to such behavior will get passed a CancellationToken on which you can check for cancellation (isCancellationRequested) or get notified when cancellation occurs (onCancellationRequested). The cancellation token is usually the last parameter of a function call and optional.


The VS Code API uses the dispose pattern for resources that are obtained from VS Code. This applies to event listening, commands, interacting with the UI, and various language contributions.

For instance, the setStatusBarMessage(value: string) function returns a Disposable which upon calling dispose removes the message again.


Events in the VS Code API are exposed as functions which you call with a listener-function to subscribe. Calls to subscribe return a Disposable which removes the event listener upon dispose.

var listener = function(event) {
    console.log("It happened", event);

// start listening
var subscription = fsWatcher.onDidDelete(listener);

// do more stuff

subscription.dispose(); // stop listening

Names of events follow the on[Will|Did]VerbNoun? pattern. The name signals if the event is going to happen (onWill) or already happened (onDid), what happened (verb), and the context (noun) unless obvious from the context.

An example from the VS Code API is window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor which is an event fired when the active text editor (noun) has been (onDid) changed (verb).

Strict null

The VS Code API uses the undefined and null TypeScript types where appropriate to support strict null checking.
